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National Alliance on Mental Illness Wednesday, July 27, 2011 Chris Bouneff 503-230-8009

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1 National Alliance on Mental Illness Wednesday, July 27, 2011 Chris Bouneff 503-230-8009

2 History Mission Programs Future Attractions National Alliance on Mental Illness July 27, 2011

3 “NAMI Mommies” Very few communities hold a bake sale to support a family with a teen experiencing a first psychotic break. History

4 Broad-based grassroots organization with 1,500 members across Oregon. Volunteer-driven. Peers reaching out to peers. Mission-based charitable organization. State chapter with local chapters, some large enough to afford staff. Others very small. Local chapters deliver programs and services. Today

5 History Mission Programs Future Attractions National Alliance on Mental Illness July 27, 2011

6 NAMI Oregon is a statewide grassroots organization dedicated to improving the quality of life for individuals living with mental illness, as well as their families and loved ones. Under the umbrella of the National Alliance on Mental Illness, we serve all Oregonians through our education, support and advocacy at the state and county levels. Education Support Advocacy

7 History Mission Programs Future Attractions National Alliance on Mental Illness July 27, 2011

8 Advocacy Inform state policies and legislation. Advocate with county mental health authorities and/or county commissions and departments. Work with city systems such as law enforcement. Advocate with health systems, such as hospitals, and other care providers.

9 Support Family Support Groups. Connection – Peer Support Group for any diagnosis. Partner support groups with Depression Bipolar Support Alliance. Dual Diagnosis Anonymous.

10 Support “First Step” support in acute care settings. Prescription Assistance Community Services program in some affiliates. Writing groups, art groups, social gatherings, lending libraries. NIMH Outreach Partner. Statewide toll-free resource line: 800-343-6264

11 Education When mental illness first strikes, few families know where to turn for help or where to find the right help. There is a 10-year delay from onset of first symptoms to treatment. What’s happening to me or my loved one? How do I know I’m getting the right advice or help? What do all those letters and titles mean?

12 Education NAMI offers classes and presentations for all those affected by mental illness, including individuals living with illness and their family members, friends and loved ones. NAMI programs fill in the information gaps in mental health treatment and support system.

13 Education Family-to-Family A 12-week class for family members and other friends and loved ones of an adult living with serious mental illness. This class discusses the clinical treatment of these illnesses and teaches the knowledge and skills that family members need to care for themselves as well as their loved ones. Basics A 6-week class for parents and other caregivers of children and teenagers who have either been diagnosed with a mental illness/emotional disturbance or who are experiencing symptoms but have not yet been diagnosed.

14 Education Peer-to-Peer A 10-week course for individuals living with mental illness with a focus on recovery from mental illness and maintaining recovery. Telling your story, relapse prevention planning, and an advance directive for psychiatric care are included in this class. In Our Own Voice An interactive, multimedia presentation by individuals living with mental illness that offers hope and provides insight into the recovery process.

15 Next on Tap Parents &Teachers as Allies A two-hour in-service training for teachers, school counselors and other education professionals that helps them identify the early warning signs of early-onset mental illnesses in children and teenagers in schools. It focuses on the specific, age-related symptoms of mental illnesses in youth, how best to intervene, and shares the lived experiences of consumers and families. Youth and Young Adult Support Groups NAMI support groups adapted for teenagers and young adults living with mental illness. Exploring adapting Family Support Group for teenage and young adult siblings.

16 All NAMI programs are peer-led. All NAMI programs are free to participants. All curriculum is nationally certified and evaluated. We do many public events and presentations that we count as advocacy and education.

17 History Mission Programs Future Attractions National Alliance on Mental Illness July 27, 2011

18 Ongoing Advocacy Oregon State Hospital reforms. The state hospital consumes about half of Oregon’s mental health spending, nearly all state general funds. We must rebalance our system in favor of effective community-based care. Health Transformation. Oregon is remaking its Medicaid system to bring about integration. What will the new managed plans looks like? Will mental health be shoved into a medical model? Will effective supports such as supported employment and early intervention (EASA) be covered benefits? Health Insurance Exchange. Can benefits for commercial plans be expanded to include services such as supported employment?

19 Affiliates with staff: Clackamas Co. Lane Co. Multnomah Co. Washington Co. Education Support Advocacy Volunteer-run affiliates: Central Oregon Coos Bay Mid-Valley (Linn-Benton) Southern Oregon In development or to come: Clatsop Co. Columbia Co. Eastern Oregon Marion/Polk Cos.

20 Education Support Advocacy Contact Us 503-230-8009 800-343-6264

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