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The Spirit of the Society of Mary is the Spirit of Mary Some theological reflections behind Vision 2020 Sponsorship & Partnership.

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Presentation on theme: "The Spirit of the Society of Mary is the Spirit of Mary Some theological reflections behind Vision 2020 Sponsorship & Partnership."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Spirit of the Society of Mary is the Spirit of Mary Some theological reflections behind Vision 2020 Sponsorship & Partnership

2 Mary of the Annunciation  an icon of partnership: Spirit and Mary  “Fiat” – willingness  Enfleshing the Word of God  She conceived in her heart before she conceive in her body: faith  What we learn: Attenentiveness to God: “full of grace” Questions: “how can this be?” Willingness: “yes” Living the consequences: “the angel left her”

3 I am the Servant of the Lord

4 How can this be?

5 And the Word was made flesh

6 Qualities of Marianist Partnership Each brings a gift Mutuality Trust in each other Openness and willingness Living out the relationship

7 Mary of the Visitation  Mary goes in haste  Shares Good News by her presence  Joy  Mary as the first Evangelist  3 months: what did they talk about?  Magnificat: My soul proclaims the greatness of the Lord

8  What we learn: Realizing the gift Personal relationships Simple Service It is all God’s doing

9 The Mother of my Lord comes to me

10 The moment your greeting…

11 My soul proclaims God’s greatness

12 Qualities of Marianist Partnership: Sharing a gift Presence Service Gratitude

13 Mary at the Wedding Feast of Cana  Mary is central to the story  Observant & sensitive  Realized something was missing  Knew Jesus & what was on offer  Do whatever He tells you!  Superabundance: a foretaste  A catalyst for faith

14  What we learn: Mary was central to Jesus’ mission Life in abundance is on offer Grace is not always obvious It’s about faith and believing in Jesus The best is yet to come!

15 The mother of Jesus was there

16 Six stone water jars…

17 Do whatever He tells you

18 Qualities of Marianist Partnership: Reading the signs of the times; being observant The importance of Mary in our Mission Doing whatever…

19 Mary & the Beloved Disciples at Calvary  The “Hour”  Mary and the Beloved Disciple  Taking Mary into our lives  A new “Family of Mary”  Superabundant gift of the Spirit  What we learn: It’s about family It’s about the fullness of life in Christ It’s about taking Mary into our lives It’s about being a “beloved”

20 Mary & the Beloved Disciple

21 Behold your mother behold your son

22 And he took her into his life

23 Qualities of Marianist partnership A family of faith Growing as a beloved disciple Taking Mary into our lives Living an abundant life in Christ

24 Mary at Pentecost  A birth scene  Mary, the Spirit, and the Body of Christ  Filled with the Spirit’s gifts  Fire, zeal, power  Mission

25  What we learn: Mary at the center of the apostolic community An apostolic family Mission to proclaim the Good News Impelled by the Spirit, grounded in the community Mary, Mother of the Church

26 …and Mary, the Mother of Jesus

27 All were filled with the Holy Spirit

28 And they began to speak

29 Qualities of Marianist Partnership Apostolic family Empowered by the Spirit; gifted We have a mission Mary is at the center of the apostolic community


31 Pondering Questions 1. Which image of Mary do you find most interesting, helpful, challenging or compelling in terms of our partnership? 2. How might Mary, the Mother of Christ and Mother of the Church, be featured more prominently in Marianist- sponsored schools? In our philosophy of Marianist education?

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