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New Testament Acts Empower Amy F. Davis Abdallah Ph.D.

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1 New Testament Acts Empower Amy F. Davis Abdallah Ph.D.

2 Pentecost This was already a Jewish festival, called Pentecost because it was 50 days after the beginning of Passover This was already a Jewish festival, called Pentecost because it was 50 days after the beginning of Passover Pentecost was “Feast of the Giving of the Law” Pentecost was “Feast of the Giving of the Law” This celebrated when God gave the Law to Moses on Mount Sinai This celebrated when God gave the Law to Moses on Mount Sinai Passover happened on the 14 th day of the first month Passover happened on the 14 th day of the first month The Israelites arrived to Mount Sinai in the third month (approximately 50 days later) The Israelites arrived to Mount Sinai in the third month (approximately 50 days later)

3 Pentecost: Parallels to Historical Events JEWISH CUSTOMACTS ACCOUNT Read the Book of Ruth, a Moabitess who was received by the Israelites and David’s ancestor

4 Pentecost: Parallels to Historical Events JEWISH CUSTOMACTS ACCOUNT Read the Book of Ruth, a Moabitess who was received by the Israelites and David’s ancestor Acts would soon show that the gospel is for all people

5 Pentecost: Parallels to Historical Events JEWISH CUSTOMACTS ACCOUNT Read the Book of Ruth, a Moabitess who was received by the Israelites and David’s ancestor Acts would soon show that the gospel is for all people Read Ezekiel 1-2 and Habakkuk 3, the appearance of the glory of the Lord with lightning, fire, etc.

6 Pentecost: Parallels to Historical Events JEWISH CUSTOMACTS ACCOUNT Read the Book of Ruth, a Moabitess who was received by the Israelites and David’s ancestor Acts would soon show that the gospel is for all people Read Ezekiel 1-2 and Habakkuk 3, the appearance of the glory of the Lord with lightning, fire, etc. The coming of the Holy Spirit with wind and fire was the glory of the Lord present

7 Pentecost: Parallels to Historical Events JEWISH CUSTOMACTS ACCOUNT Read the 10 Commandments

8 Pentecost: Parallels to Historical Events JEWISH CUSTOMACTS ACCOUNT Read the 10 Commandments It is only through the power of the Holy Spirit that we can possibly fulfill the commandments

9 Pentecost: Parallels to Historical Events OT ACCOUNTACTS ACCOUNT Moses went up on the mountain where there was lightning and smoke and fire

10 Pentecost: Parallels to Historical Events OT ACCOUNTACTS ACCOUNT Moses went up on the mountain where there was lightning and smoke and fire The Holy Spirit comes on people like tongues of fire above their heads, and is also a rushing wind.

11 Pentecost: Parallels to Historical Events OT ACCOUNTACTS ACCOUNT When Moses came down with the commands, they were worshiping the golden calf. He called those who loved God to him, and they went and killed 3,000 Israelites

12 Pentecost: Parallels to Historical Events OT ACCOUNTACTS ACCOUNT When Moses came down with the commands, they were worshiping the golden calf. He called those who loved God to him, and they went and killed 3,000 Israelites After Peter is filled with the Spirit, he preaches a sermon that many respond to. 3,000 are added to their number that day.

13 Pentecost: Parallels to Historical Events OT (General)ACTS ACCOUNT Last time there were many languages, it brought about a scattering (tower of Babel, Gen 11)

14 Pentecost: Parallels to Historical Events OT (General)ACTS ACCOUNT Last time there were many languages, it brought about a scattering (tower of Babel, Gen 11) This time of many languages brought about unity—everyone understood the wonders of God in their own language

15 Connection to the Theme The major NT theme is God desires to bring all things into unity in Christ. How do the following passages suggest this? (You read these as pre- reading for the class) The major NT theme is God desires to bring all things into unity in Christ. How do the following passages suggest this? (You read these as pre- reading for the class) Acts 4:23-37 Acts 4:23-37 Acts 10-11 Acts 10-11

16 Timeline of Saul (later called Paul) YearEvent 5Saul is born in Tarsus, later educated in Jerusalem

17 Timeline of Saul (later called Paul) YearEvent 35Stephen is martyred; Saul is converted

18 Timeline of Saul (later called Paul) YearEvent 35-38 Travels around Arabia 38 Spends two weeks in Jerusalem 38-43 Returns to Tarsus; 43 Joins Barnabas in Syrian Antioch

19 Timeline of Saul (later called Paul) YearEvent 46-48 First Journey, through the island of Cyprus and Galatia; the shortest journey


21 Timeline of Paul YearEvent 49/50 Jerusalem Council (Acts 15) 50-52 Second Journey through Galatia, Macedonia, Greece, and Ephesus


23 Timeline of Paul YearEvent 51 Writing of 1 Thessalonians from Corinth (he was there 1½ years) 51/52 Writing of 2 Thessalonians and maybe Galatians from Corinth

24 Timeline of Paul YearEvent 53-57 Third Journey 53-55 At Ephesus; wrote 1 Corinthians from here (55) 55 Wrote 2 Corinthians from Macedonia 57 Wrote Romans from Corinth


26 Timeline of Paul YearEvent 57 Arrested in Jerusalem 57-59 Imprisoned in Caesarea 59 Shipwreck on the voyage to Rome 60 Wrote Ephesians, Colossians and Philemon from Rome 61 Wrote Philippians from Rome


28 Connection to the Theme The major NT theme is God desires to bring all things into unity in Christ. How do the following passages suggest this? (You read these as pre- reading for the class) The major NT theme is God desires to bring all things into unity in Christ. How do the following passages suggest this? (You read these as pre- reading for the class) Ephesians 1:3-14 Ephesians 1:3-14 Ephesians 2:11-22 Ephesians 2:11-22 Ephesians 4:1-16 Ephesians 4:1-16

29 Timeline of Paul YearEvent 62 Release from Roman imprisonment 62-67 Fourth Journey, including ministry on Crete 63-65 Wrote 1 Tim & Titus from Macedonia 67 Second imprisonment in Rome

30 Timeline of Paul YearEvent 67/68 Wrote 2 Tim from prison 68 Trial and Execution

31 Paul & Women Paul worked with many women (Romans 16— Phoebe, Priscilla, Junia, etc.) Paul worked with many women (Romans 16— Phoebe, Priscilla, Junia, etc.) Paul did not make a distinction about gender when he listed spiritual gifts (Romans 12, 1 Cor 12-14, Ephesians 4) Paul did not make a distinction about gender when he listed spiritual gifts (Romans 12, 1 Cor 12-14, Ephesians 4) Paul writes about women praying and prophesying in front of people (1 Cor 11) Paul writes about women praying and prophesying in front of people (1 Cor 11) Paul writes against ethnic, social class, and gender distinctions in Christ (Galatians 3) Paul writes against ethnic, social class, and gender distinctions in Christ (Galatians 3)

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