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Board of Education Cheryl F. Kloczko Acting Superintendent of Schools.

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1 Board of Education Cheryl F. Kloczko Acting Superintendent of Schools

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6 YearAdministrationCertifiedNon-Certified 2009-20100-11.7422.42 2010-2011-2-2.25-9.6 2011-2012-3-2.486 2012-2013 Proposed 0-7.5-6 Total-5-23.97-32.02 6

7  Restructuring of Secretaries  Reducing General Enrichment Funds  Removing Educational Programming (APL, Upward Bound and Core Plus)  Sharing Services with the City  Providing in District Programs for Students with More Challenging Special Needs  Input and Cooperation from Bargaining Units for zero wage increases for 2 years in a row 7

8  Facilities: Sewer; Oil; and Electricity  Technology: Fiber; Equipment; Licensing  Special Education: Tuition; Tutors; Transportation; Summer School; Contracted Services  Athletics  $119,112.00  $272,868.00  $518,174.00  $45,659 8

9  District Wide: Health Insurance; Transportation; Salaries; Substitutes; Stipends; Positions Grant Funded through Education Jobs; overtime; and Legal Costs.  Capital  $1,737,684.00  $79, 507.00 9

10  Increase in ECS Funding 468,000.00  Align School Calendars 40,000.00  Families Provide Supplies 20,000.00  Reduce Instructional Resources, Dues and Fees 24,000.00  Reduce Field Trip Transportation Costs at THS 15,000.00  Reduction of TMS Late Bus 10,000.00  Remove Chiller Cost 100,000.00  Reduce 2.5 FTE from THS 100,000.00  Reduce 4.0 FTE from Elementary 200,000.00  Total Cost Reduction 1,002,000.00 10

11  Pay for Participation: Athletics 405,222.38  Pay for Participation: Music 236,686.00  Eliminate General Enrichment 30,000.00  Reduction of Technology Budget 50,000.00 11

12  Eliminate Latin Program  Reduction of 1 Guidance Counselor at THS  Reduction of 2 FTE at TMS  Reduction of 2 more FTE at THS  Reduction of Library/Media Specialists  Reduction of 1 Support Faculty in each Elementary School  Reduction of 1 Elementary Assistant Principal  Reduction of 1 FTE Guidance Counselor at TMS  5 Furlough Days for Staff  80,000.00  50,000.00  100,000.00  175,000.00  250,000.00  102,000.00  50,000.00  594,624.00 12

13  Elementary Art $ 240,000.00  World Languages at TMS $ 250,000.00 13

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