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Building Capacity to Direct Auditing Resources to Greatest Effect Gert van der Linde, World Bank Uganda, Kampala May 19, 2004.

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Presentation on theme: "Building Capacity to Direct Auditing Resources to Greatest Effect Gert van der Linde, World Bank Uganda, Kampala May 19, 2004."— Presentation transcript:

1 Building Capacity to Direct Auditing Resources to Greatest Effect Gert van der Linde, World Bank Uganda, Kampala May 19, 2004

2 Building Capacity to Direct Auditing Resources to Greatest Effect Audit Committee Client Management Audit Management Audit Staff

3 Audit Committee Independent, non-executives…. What: –Corporate governance arrangements –Risk and Audit Committees ToR’s –Internal Audit ToR –Risk management framework and responsibility –Risk management and internal audit policies –Overview of risk management and audit methodologies –Use of financial and audit information –Managing meetings How: –Annual revision of ToR’s and policies –Audit committee checklist –Audit committee training sessions –Individual training sessions as may be needed

4 Client Management What: –Corporate governance arrangements –Risk and audit committee ToR’s –Risk management framework and responsibility –Risk management and internal audit policies –Overview of risk management and audit methodologies –Use of financial and audit information How: –Awareness sessions on governance, risk management and audit policies, frameworks and methodologies –Annual confirmations by managers on internal control

5 Audit Management What: –Corporate governance arrangements –Risk and audit committee ToR’s –Risk management framework and responsibility –Risk management and internal audit policies –Risk management and audit methodologies –Risk and audit management skill set Client relationship management Planning, scheduling and resource management Audit report writing Performance management Quality assurance How: –Awareness sessions on governance, risk management and audit policies, frameworks and methodologies –Appoint qualified professionals –Annual CPE –Annual development plan that gets monitored

6 Audit Staff What: –Overview of Corporate governance arrangements Risk and audit committee ToR’s Risk management framework and responsibility Risk management and internal audit policies –Risk management and audit methodologies –Audit skill set Risk and control assessment Working paper management Audit report writing How: –Awareness sessions on governance, risk management and audit policies, frameworks and methodologies –Appoint trained staff –Annual training programs on methodologies and audit systems –Annual development plan that gets monitored

7 Providers Institute of Internal Auditors Universities Technikons Short course provides External auditors Partners It does not just happen – manage it.

8 Institute of Internal Auditors The IIA is an association of individual members All members commit to follow the IIA Code of Ethics and International Standards for the Professional Practice of Internal Auditing Members join The IIA through local or national affiliates (chapters and institutes), or directly as members-at-large (where no affiliate exists)

9 Membership More than doubled in 12 years –January 1,1992 Membership = 44,454 –January 31, 2004 Membership = 90,389 44,206 or 48 % in North America 46,183 or 52 % in other countries

10 Affiliate Structure 243 affiliates in more than 80 countries Some examples: –IIA UK and Ireland6000 –IIA South Africa2500 –IIA New York, USA2000 –IIA Brazil1000 –IIA Montreal, Canada 450 –IIA Kenya 225 –IIA Fiji 55 –IIA Cairo, Egypt 16

11 Certified Internal Auditor Established in 1972, the CIA is the Global Mark of Excellence in Internal Auditing

12 Certification The best certification for understanding business threats and internal controls, the CIA measures a candidate’s: –Ability to identify inherent and potential risks. –Knowledge of and capacity to apply internal controls. –Understanding of 21st century management principles.

13 Certification Provides: Verification of experience, education, and technical proficiency Confirmation of professional preparation and commitment A prestigious credential for the employment market Recognition by management and peers Personal satisfaction

14 CIA Program Requirements Code of Ethics Character reference Bachelor’s degree (or equivalent) Work experience Examination Continuing Professional Education

15 CIA Exam Information Exam offered in May and November on a Wednesday & Thursday. (Note: Third Thursday determines dates.) More than 40 000 individuals worldwide have earned the CIA designation

16 Topic Areas Currently Tested Auditing Data Gathering, Documentation, & Reporting Finance Financial Accounting Fraud Information Technology Regulatory Environment Managerial Accounting Management Control Operations Management Professionalism Problem Solving & Evaluating Audit Evidence Sampling & Mathematics

17 Continuing Professional Education Practicing CIAs must complete a total of 80 hours of acceptable CPE every 2 years Self certification Forms submitted to IIA on a biennial basis 80 CPEs awarded upon passing exam (40 awarded year passed; 40 awarded subsequent year) Other CPE requirements for nonpracticing and retired CIAs

18 Other IIA Certifications CCSA – Certification in Control Self- Assessment CGAP – Certified Government Audit Professional CFSA- Certified Financial Services Auditor Each exam is available in English only, has 125 multiple-choice questions. These certifications may be used as Part IV credit for the CIA exam.

19 Professional Development International Conferences Seminars Educational Products Periodicals Academic Relations GAIN, IT, Specialties IIA WEB SITE – WWW.THEIIA.ORG Affiliate programs

20 Building Capacity to Direct Auditing Resources to Greatest Effect Questions?

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