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Targeting a new audience for Organ Donor Register (ODR)

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1 Targeting a new audience for Organ Donor Register (ODR)

2 Hands up if you are in favour of organ donation.

3 Keep your hands up if you’re on the Organ Donor Register...

4 91% Not opposed to organ donation in principle We say we’re happy to give and take... 76% Would accept organ from deceased donor if needed one Source: NHSBT/ Synovate: Public awareness of and support for organ donation in the UK Survey: July 2009

5 33% Scottish population on the ODR In reality, we don’t get round to it 620 Waiting for an organ transplant in 2009 Source: NHSBT

6 Organ donor recruitment has a long track record 1971 1994 National Database: ODR Kidney Donor Cards

7 But the pressure was on to increase recruitment 2005 Government set target to double registration to 25 million on the ODR by 2013.

8 Presumed Consent Review (2009) Positive opt-in under scrutiny 24 European Countries employ Opt-Out 33% Donor Rate 12% Donor Rate

9 Get more people on the register! +100,000 per year in Scotland Simple challenge...

10 Approaching the recruitment challenge using direct marketing

11 Existing marketing effort in Scotland Persuade by dramatising need ‘Push’ to sign up

12 Introduce DM to the mix Accept that at a basic level audience is persuaded Remove barriers to sign-up Target directly

13 Why? Leading recruitment sources = ‘tick-box’ exercises Spontaneous, in the moment 41% 37% 7% Source: NHSBT

14 Why? Tackle the reluctance of the older generation to register Source: NHSBT ODR

15 Younger people are tomorrow’s donors. OLDER PEOPLE ARE TODAY’S. 77% of donors – including 40% from over 60’s Over 40’s Only 23% of donors Under 40’s Source: NHSBT ODR

16 Highlight that even those in their 70’s, 80’s or older can be successful donors Highlight almost everyone is healthy enough to be a donor Our approach: Tackling myths OD is for young people OD is for healthy, fit people Research confirms the widely held view that people “don’t qualify through being too old or too ill” (NHSBT Synovate Research study 2009)

17 Focus communication on making it quick and easy to act Stimulate action by highlighting the urgent, immediate need Our approach: Removing barriers The hassle factor Remoteness & lack of immediacy “easy to ignore… little or no personal consequence to not acting” “45% of people claim they would register on the ODR there and then (if given the opportunity)” (NHSBT Synovate Research study 2009)

18 MGM by pushing the sign up of family and friends Test whether ‘official’ NHS Scotland branding works better than ODR branding Our approach: Spotting opportunities Member get member The power of the NHS

19 Leads sourcing Test population types ‘more likely’ to register Create a benchmark In combination with a general population leads source to act as a benchmark Source list of people living active lifestyles or who are medical charity donors

20 Phase 1 – three routes ODR barrier tackling letter ‘official’ NHS letter ODR barrier tackling postcard 5.5% 12.7% 14.0%

21 Phase 2 – two routes ‘official’ NHS letter + additional MGM boxes ‘Spare Clare’ letter – integrating with the TV campaign 7.8% 12.0%

22 Shifting the age profile to an older registrant

23 Rolled out best performing mailing and lists for rest of 2010... DM campaign in total: Mailed: 325,537 Recruits: 35,581 including 15,756 MGM 10.9%...programme now rolled out on an ongoing basis

24 Dispels myths – almost anyone can be a donor Quick & easy response Urgency of need Encourages family & friends sign-up Exploits the power of official mail Response built on insight

25 "We were keen to introduce direct mail as a potential channel…expertise in data analysis and interpretation had a really positive impact across the campaign. The insights provided focused our targeting and led to some great results…not only added significant scale but also recruited older age groups who were less likely to respond through other channels and were our key target group". Jonathan Roper, Strategic Marketing Unit The Scottish Government Three Gold Awards Winner: Brightest Star Social Marketing Public Sector Public Sector Award Winner

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