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By: Megan, J.T., Nakwan What We Will Accomplish  The planet Neptune in 10 minutes or less.

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Presentation on theme: "By: Megan, J.T., Nakwan What We Will Accomplish  The planet Neptune in 10 minutes or less."— Presentation transcript:


2 By: Megan, J.T., Nakwan

3 What We Will Accomplish  The planet Neptune in 10 minutes or less.

4 Background Information…  Atmospheric components : 74% hydrogen, 25% helium, 1% methane (at depth)  Diameter (km): 49,528  Average distance from Sun: 4,498,252,900 km  Mean temperature (K): 48

5 Background Information Contd.  Fourth largest planet in the Solar System  Winds on Neptune can get up to 1,200 MPH  One Neptune day is equal to 16 hours in Earth time  One Neptune year is equal to 164.83 Earth Years

6 Whoaaa, Optical Illusion!

7 Where’s Santa Claus on Neptune?  Well, Neptune has two North Poles and two South Poles because of its magnetic field.  So, if we lived on Neptune, we would get double the presents on Christmas!

8 Climate and Living Conditions…  One of the two ice giants, the other one is Uranus.  Avg. temperature, 72° Kelvin OR, -201° Celcius

9 Does Neptune Have Water?  No, it doesn’t. But, it is 74% hydrogen so if oxygen ever came along….  That’s not the only similarity that Neptune has to Earth…  Neptune also has an internal heat source!  It radiates more than twice as much energy as it receives from the Sun!

10 Moons  Neptune has 8 moons.  But, the most well known and the biggest one is Triton.  Triton has geysers that shoot ice 5 miles high into it’s thin atmosphere.  Could possibly be water under the ice  The interior of Triton is probably geologically active!!

11 Neptune Got Da Bling!  5 Rings: Galle Ring: closest to Neptune, 2,000 kilometers wide. Composed mainly of dust particles Le Verrier Ring: 113 Kilometers wide, is 53,2000 Kilometers away from Neptune. Composed mainly of dust. Lassell Ring: widest of the 5 rings width 2x that of the Galle ring. 20-40% made of dust

12 Neptune Got Da Bling!  Arago Ring: width of only 100 kilometers  Adams Ring: outermost ring, 35 kilometers wide

13 Quizage! 1. How many moons does Neptune have and what is the biggest one? A. 2, and Rickter B. 10, and Rolay C. 8, and Triton D. 1, and the Moon

14 Quizage! 2. Does Neptune have water? A. Yes way! B. Nope, it just has hydrogen.

15 Quizage! 3. How many rings does Neptune have? A. 7 B. 900 C. 5 D. 1

16 Quizage! 4. What color is Neptune? A. Green B. White C. Blue D. Red

17 Quizage! 5. How many poles does Neptune have? A. 2 North + 2 South B. None C. 5 North D. 1 North + 1 South

18 Yay, you made it!

19 Works Cited    8_en.swf 8_en.swf  moons_and_rings.html moons_and_rings.html  ne/index.htm ne/index.htm 

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