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Why Do People Work? Career Unit. 1.Monetary Gain - Need money to survive (Maslow’s hierarchy of Needs- basic need to survive) -With money, can buy material.

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Presentation on theme: "Why Do People Work? Career Unit. 1.Monetary Gain - Need money to survive (Maslow’s hierarchy of Needs- basic need to survive) -With money, can buy material."— Presentation transcript:

1 Why Do People Work? Career Unit

2 1.Monetary Gain - Need money to survive (Maslow’s hierarchy of Needs- basic need to survive) -With money, can buy material possessions

3 Material Possessions: List several material possessions you would like to have when you are an adult. Write the approximate cost of each item next to it. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

4 2. Personal Recognition Natural desire for people to: - want others to enjoy their company - understand them - appreciate what they do for them - realize their abilities and talents - make them feel worthwhile Maslow’s needs (Fulfillment)

5 Your Personal Recognition: List several ways you have been recognized over the years: Sports, academics, clubs, activities, jobs etc.

6 3. Work Recognition  People like receiving credit or praise from boss and coworkers  People want and desire recognition  Recognized by others in the profession (awards)

7 Work Recognition: List reasons why a person might be recognized at work: 1.Customer Service 2.Highest sales- 3.Most creative design-interior design 4.Won a case- lawyer 5.Teacher of the year

8 4. Achievement Natural instinct in person to want to achieve and accomplish Work helps you attain your goals in life If you don’t aim for something, you will wander aimlessly and possibly not achieve anything

9 5. Feelings of Importance and Self Satisfaction: People desire to be a part of something (company) Feel a sense of belonging They help promote success in a company Career-work helps individuals “make something of themselves”

10 6. Security Helps to build financial foundation for the future Prepare for retirement Nest Egg

11 7. Climb the Ladder to Success (STATUS) Education, training, experience and advancement help individuals work their way up the “Corporate Ladder”

12 Levels of Education: 1.High School Diploma or GED 2.Community College (Associate’s Degree- 2 years) 3.Bachelor’s of Science or Bachelor’s of Art Degree ( 4 years of college-earn college degree) 4.Master’s Degree- 2 years beyond Bachelor’s Degree

13 Levels of Education Continued: 5.MBA- Master’s in Business Administration (2 years beyond Bachelor’s Degree) 5.P.H.D/Doctorate- 2 additional years beyond a Master’s Degree Highest level of achievement

14 Chapter 10 Career Paths

15 Personal Assessment The average person your age can expect to work until beyond age 67. With all those working years ahead of you, you’ll want to choose work that is challenging and enjoyable.

16 How Do You Do That? By examining who you are and what’s important to you. Looking at your aptitudes, skills, interests, personality traits, and values. One way you are doing this is by completing the career matchmaker portion of career cruising.

17 Your Aptitudes and Skills *Aptitudes: natural talents that you were born with. To identify your aptitudes and skills, ask yourself these questions:  What school subjects are easier for me?  What do I do well?  What could I learn to do well?  Which of my skills were easiest to learn?  What aptitudes and skills do my teachers, family, and friends think I have?

18 Your Personality To learn more about your personality traits, ask yourself:  Do I prefer working alone, or with others?  Do I look for stability, or do I enjoy taking risks?  Am I careful and methodical, or do details bore me?  Do I dislike stress, or do I thrive on it?  Am I good at concentrating, or do I need distractions?  Do I prefer working indoors or outdoors?  Do I prefer to lead or to follow?

19 Your Values Your values are your beliefs, feelings, and ideas about what is important. If you feel called to help others, you might become a nurse, a therapist, or a teacher. If you care deeply about the environment, you might look into occupations that focus on protecting natural resources.

20 Assessment Tools Questionnaires Tests Surveys Interest Inventories Career Matchmakers

21 Career Clusters *Career Cluster: a group of occupations that have certain characteristics in common. 1.Health and Medicine 2.Agriculture and Natural Resources 3.Government, Law, and Public Safety 4.Arts and Communication 5.Human Services 6.Education and Training 7.Business and Finance 8.Hospitality and Tourism 9.Manufacturing and Engineering 10.Housing and Construction

22 Information to Gather Nature of the Work Working Conditions Qualifications Employment Patterns Earnings Future Prospects

23 Getting Firsthand Experience Part-Time Work Volunteer Work Youth Employment Programs *Job Shadowing: spending time in the workplace with someone who has a job that interests you. Work-Study Programs Internships

24 Developing a Career Plan *Career Plan: a plan for the career path that you will follow. For example, if you decide you would like to be a high school family and consumer sciences teacher, your career plan might include:  Taking Family and Consumer Sciences courses in high school.  Getting involved in FCCLA.  Applying to colleges with FCS degree options.

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