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 HB5 Review o Graduation Plans o Endorsements o Course Sequence o Assessments  SB149 Student Waiver o Individual Graduation Committee (IGC) o Relevance.

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Presentation on theme: " HB5 Review o Graduation Plans o Endorsements o Course Sequence o Assessments  SB149 Student Waiver o Individual Graduation Committee (IGC) o Relevance."— Presentation transcript:

1  HB5 Review o Graduation Plans o Endorsements o Course Sequence o Assessments  SB149 Student Waiver o Individual Graduation Committee (IGC) o Relevance to Teachers

2 A. Wikipedia B. TEA Support Services C. CTE Website D. Email


4  Foundation High School Program (FHSP)  Foundation High School Program with an Endorsement  Distinguished Level of Achievement

5 FHSP+EndorsementFHSP+DLA English English 1 English 2 English 3 Adv English English 1 English 2 English 3 Adv English Math Algebra 1 Geometry Adv math Algebra 1 Geometry Algebra 2 Adv math Science Biology IPC or Adv science Adv science Biology IPC or Adv science Adv science Social Studies W Geo or W Hist US History Gov/Econ W Geo or W Hist US History Gov/Econ LOTE 2 yrs same language Fine Art 1 credit PE 1 credit Electives 7 credits Credits 26 Notes 5 endorsement options - specific credit requirements TBD by SBOE in 2013-14 Must earn endorsement; Eligible for top 10% automatic TX univ admission

6 A. 3 B. 4. C. 5 D. Too Many

7 An endorsement is a broad area of study Comparable to a college major 1. STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math) 2. Business and Industry 3. Public Services 4. Arts and Humanities 5. Multidisciplinary Studies

8 HB5 Endorsements16 Career ClustersNumerous Pathways140+ CTE Courses


10  Algebra I  Biology  English I (r+w)  English II (r+w)  US History



13 A. 1 B. 2 C. 3 D. None

14  Students may potentially waive two unsuccessful EOC tests.  Individual Graduation Committee (IGC) o Eligibility Reviewed The student’s completion of a sequence of courses under CTE program required to attain an industry-recognized credential or certification. o Portfolio o Project

15  Preparing students for the workforce o Humble ISD students edge out competition!  HB 5 set the stage : Bringing CTE to the forefront!  CTE certifications are part of the evaluative process that committees such as the SB149 EOC Waiver, ARD committees, and college admission committees use to assess student potential.  Program Scorecard- ratings based on certifications.




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