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CC1008NI - Personal Development For Computing Tutorial 1.

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1 CC1008NI - Personal Development For Computing Tutorial 1

2 Coursework – Group Sl. No.ComponentWeightageDue Date 1.Interim Presentation 10%Week 7 2.Final Presentation 10%Week 11 3.Final Report Writing 30%3 rd May 2013

3 Coursework – Individual Sl. No. ComponentWeightageDue Date 1.In-Class participation10% - 2.Blogs of reflective writing and critical analysis 20%26 th Apr 2013 3.Personal Development Plan20%3 rd May 2013

4 Task In pairs, discuss two of the following abilities that you should develop as computing students and should aim to acquire during your course and prepare a short explanation of what they mean, how you understand them. Then you should explain the meaning to the rest of the group. During the following week you should write up your reflective thoughts about this in your Google Blog and email your Blog URL to your tutor. In addition, post a message in the discussion forum with your Blog URL for future reference.

5 A graduate in computing typically will have the ability to: demonstrate knowledge and understanding of essential facts, concepts, principles and theories relating to computing and computer applications. use such understanding in modelling and designing computer-based systems for the purposes of comprehension, communication, prediction and the understanding of trade-offs. demonstrate computational thinking and its relevance to everyday life, including redundancy and the diversity to achieve the development of safe and critical systems. use criteria and specifications appropriate to specific problems, and plan solutions. ensure a computer system meets the standards defined for current use and future development. recognise simplicity and elegance as useful concepts, but also bad and dangerous practices.

6 deploy appropriate theory, practices and tools to analyse, specify, design, implement and evaluate computer-based systems, including trade-offs and quality attributes of a chosen solution. present succinctly to a range of audiences (orally, electronically or in writing) rational and reasoned arguments that address a given information handling problem or opportunity, including assessments of the impact of new technologies. recognise the professional, moral and ethical issues involved in exploiting computer technology and be guided by appropriate professional, ethical and legal practices. exhibit practical and transferable skills, including relevant approaches to group activity. work as a development team member, recognising the different roles within a team and different ways of organising teams.

7 operate computing equipment, taking account of its logical and physical properties and any risk and safety aspects. deploy information retrieval skills (including using browsers, search engines and catalogues) use available tools to construct and document computer applications. exercise numeracy skills and use effectively general IT facilities. take a disciplined approach to all aspect of computer design, sustaining own knowledge to accommodate rapid technology changes. Manage own learning and personal development, including using time management and organisational skills, with a focus on lifelong learning and professional development.

8 Personality Test

9 Lab Extroversion/Introversion Defines where you direct your energy. Extroversion indicates outwards towards the world, and Introversion indicates a tendency inwards towards your thoughts and ideas. Sensing/iNtuition Defines how you process information. Do you prefer to process information through your five senses (Sensing) or do you prefer to trust your hunches and read between the lines? (iNtuition) Thinking/Feeling Defines how you make decisions. Do you prefer logical analysis (Thinking), or contemplating about how each option affects people? (Feeling) Judging/Perceiving Defines how you order your life. Do you prefer making plans and keeping to schedules(Judging), or do you usually keep things open? (Perceiving)

10 Take personality Quiz Refer:

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