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Chapter 14 Advertising: The Art of Attracting an Audience pp. 232-245.

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Presentation on theme: "Chapter 14 Advertising: The Art of Attracting an Audience pp. 232-245."— Presentation transcript:

1 Chapter 14 Advertising: The Art of Attracting an Audience pp

2 Learning Objectives 1. Identify the different types of print media used to advertise products. 2. List advantages and disadvantages for each type of advertising medium. Why it’s Important: Businesses rely on advertising to get your attention and to promote their products. Advertising pays for many of the costs of TV, radio, newspapers, and magazines.

3 Advertising Media Advertising- paid, nonpersonal form of communication that businesses use to promote their products Mass media are means of communication such as TV, radio, and newspapers Type of medium used depends on the market advertisers want to reach

4 Newspapers - Main advertising medium in the U.S.
Print Media Newspapers - Main advertising medium in the U.S. More than 50% of adults in U.S. read papers Advertisers can target people in certain area Cost to print ad is fairly cheap Disadvantages - thrown away after read = ad’s lifespan is short

5 Magazines National in scope  appear weekly/monthly
Print Media Magazines National in scope  appear weekly/monthly - Special Interest magazines (Teen and Sports Illustrated) reach target markets on a large scale Take time to read mags and often save them Ads - much longer lifespan than newspaper ads

6 Magazines - Printed in color = higher quality ink and paper
Print Media Magazines - Printed in color = higher quality ink and paper - Broadly circulated; little use to local advertisers Disadvantages Ads can’t be easily changed for limited offers

7 Direct-Mail Advertising
Print Media Ads sent by mail to people’s homes letters, fliers, postcards, catalogs, coupons, samples Biggest advertising medium after TV/papers Allows advertisers to reach specific targets Disadvantages - Cost to send ads through mail = A LOT of $$ - Referred to as “junk mail” = may be thrown out

8 Directory Advertising
Print Media - Phone books - local advertisers use Cost = very cheap Used in almost every home & business Kept for at least a year Disadvantages - You ad competes with numerous similar ads - Can’t advertise prices/sales or update easily

9 Outdoor Advertising - most common form = billboard
Print Media - most common form = billboard useful for local businesses, businesses that cater to travelers newer types of outdoor advertising - Disadvantage: drive by too quickly to notice.

10 Outdoor Advertising Print Media

11 Transit Advertising usually consists of posters placed:
Mr. Manning's Ch14 Notes Print Media Transit Advertising usually consists of posters placed: on the sides of buses in subway stations inside trains at airports

12 HOMEWORK Rd Pages Questions 1-3 on Pg. 243

13 Learning Objectives 1. Identify the different types of broadcast media used to advertise products. 2. List advantages and disadvantages for each type of advertising medium. Name factors in the cost of advertising. Why it’s Important: Businesses rely on advertising to get your attention and to promote their products. Advertising pays for many of the costs of TV, radio, newspapers, and magazines.

14 Broadcast Media Television - most effective means of advertising
- Advantage: sounds, images, and motion - May become part of our everyday language - Shown on national, local, or cable stations Disadvantages - very expensive to produce - pay to broadcast an ad during a TV show

15 Television cont’d Radio
- infomercial is a TV program, usually 30 minutes long, made to advertise a product Broadcast Media Radio - like TV, radio ads can reach wide audience - music, dialogue, and sound effects good medium for local advertising Advertisers can reach people on the move

16 Webcasting Cyber Ads webcast - sent and received over the Web
Broadcast Media Webcasting webcast - sent and received over the Web usually a live broadcast, filmed by crew EX: Victoria’s Secret online fashion show Cyber Ads ads on the internet displayed like magazine ads Pop-up ads - few seconds when you log on - Banner ads - top/bottom of the screen - Screen ads – left/right of the screen, can print can send directly to people on mailing lists can use sound effects and animation

17 Media Planning Media planning – process of selecting media and deciding the time and space in which the ads should appear 1. Can the medium present the product and the appropriate business image 2. Can the desired customers be targeted with the medium 3. Will the medium get the desired response rate Ad agency – business that specializes in developing ads Ad campaign – series of ad messages that share theme

18 Nielsen Media Research
Media Measurement Audience – the number of homes or people an ad is exposed to Frequency – the number of times an audience see or hears an ad Cost per thousand – the media cost of exposing 1,000 readers or viewers to an advertising impression Nielsen Media Research

19 Advertising Rates Price determined by: size of an ad
# of people it reaches how often it appears when it appears where it is placed Where have you Seen their ads?

20 Advertising Rates Print Media
Newspaper/magazine rates based on circulation - or number of people who read them sold by the inch on the page Ads on front/back cover cost more Broadcast Media - made in 10, 30, 60 second spots cost radio/TV ads depends audience size, time of day shown (Prime Time) national network ads > local station ads pay more for OSCAR or SUPER BOWL ads

21 HOMEWORK Pg. 244 Questions 2-6

22 Broadcast Media Broadcast Media

23 Commercials Milk Commercial Miller Commercial Wendy’s Wheaties
Nike Commercial Nike Commercial – 2003 Federal Express Ad Reebok – Terry Tate Miller – Twist to open Miller – wrestling Nike – Naked man Heinekin Beer BUD-Lizards1 Reebok BUD-Sheets TB Sauce Doritos1 Gatorade MJ Doritos2 BUD-Lizards1 Blockbuster BUD-Lizards1 RESOURCES Advertising Archive

24 13 End of Chapter Marketing in Today’s World

25 Advertising Slogans Quiz
Mr. Manning's Ch14 Notes Advertising Slogans Quiz 1) "Be all you can be." 2) “Have it your way.” 3) “Snap, crackle, pop.” 4) “They melt in your mouth, not in your hand.” “Where do you want to go today?” “I’m lovin’ it!” “It's everywhere you want to be.” “Drivers wanted.” “Reach out and touch someone.” "M'm! M'm! Good!“ "When it absolutely, positively has to be there overnight.“ "Finger lickin' good.“ "Fly the friendly skies.” “Breakfast of champions.” "When you care enough to send the very best.” "Because I'm worth it.” “The quicker picker upper.” The US ARMY BURGER KING RICE KRISPIES M&M’s Microsoft McDonald’s VISA VOLKSWAGEN AT&T Campbell’s Soup Fed EX KFC United Airlines Wheaties Hallmark L’Oreal Bounty Paper Towels

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