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Exploring The Determinants of Subjective Well-Being : A Study of Children in India Tithi Bhatnagar (Research Scholar) & Prof. Meenakshi Gupta Department.

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Presentation on theme: "Exploring The Determinants of Subjective Well-Being : A Study of Children in India Tithi Bhatnagar (Research Scholar) & Prof. Meenakshi Gupta Department."— Presentation transcript:

1 Exploring The Determinants of Subjective Well-Being : A Study of Children in India Tithi Bhatnagar (Research Scholar) & Prof. Meenakshi Gupta Department of Humanities & Social Sciences Indian Institute of Technology, Bombay, India

2 IIT BOMBAYISCI 2007 2 Organization  Introduction  Objective  Method  Results  Discussions  Conclusion

3 IIT BOMBAYISCI 2007 3 Introduction  What is Subjective Well Being (SWB)?  Components of SWB  Stages of SWB Stage I – Research on SWB Stage II- Research Theory Stage III- Combining Processes, Approaches of the SWB theory  Research Topics in the Psychology of Well-Being

4 IIT BOMBAYISCI 2007 4 Introduction contd.  School children have a level of SWB even if they do not consciously think about it. The psychological system offers virtually a constant evaluation of what is happening to the individual (Diener, 1997)  Measuring & documenting SWB can help advance children’s mental, emotional and spiritual qualities which are essential for individual happiness and responsible citizenship (Richmond, 1950)  The Foundation for Child Development Index of Child Well Being (CWI), 1975-2002, with Projections for 2003 (Duke University 2004)

5 IIT BOMBAYISCI 2007 5 Introduction contd.  Purpose and Need for the Study  Understanding Subjective Well-Being in the Indian Context Research Objective  To explore the factors that determine the SWB amongst children in India

6 IIT BOMBAYISCI 2007 6 Method  Sample 46 Children of ages 9 and 10 years (M=24, F=22, U=22, US=8, R=16)

7 IIT BOMBAYISCI 2007 7 Method contd.  Variables of the Study  Research Tool Used  What in general gives you happiness?  What type of things or experiences (emotional/material) lead to your greatest well-being?  What makes you feel unpleasant?  Procedure  Analysis – Content Analysis

8 IIT BOMBAYISCI 2007 8 Results ▫ On the basis of Location ▫ On the basis of Gender ▫ Overall Findings ▫ Domain Classification and Distribution ▫ Positive Domains ▫ Negative Domains

9 IIT BOMBAYISCI 2007 9 Location wise Results

10 IIT BOMBAYISCI 2007 10 Location wise Results contd.

11 IIT BOMBAYISCI 2007 11 Location wise Results contd.

12 IIT BOMBAYISCI 2007 12 Location wise Results contd.

13 IIT BOMBAYISCI 2007 13 Location wise Results contd.

14 IIT BOMBAYISCI 2007 14 Location wise Results contd.

15 IIT BOMBAYISCI 2007 15 Gender wise Results

16 IIT BOMBAYISCI 2007 16 Gender wise Results contd.

17 IIT BOMBAYISCI 2007 17 Gender wise Results contd.

18 IIT BOMBAYISCI 2007 18 Overall Results for Positive Determinants

19 IIT BOMBAYISCI 2007 19 Domain Classification - Positive Domains

20 IIT BOMBAYISCI 2007 20 Domain Classification - Negative Domains

21 IIT BOMBAYISCI 2007 21 Discussion  SWB is a combination of both cognitive and affective components  Context is very important in determining SWB  Theory of Utility and Depravity  Children’s concept of well being varies from that of adult’s concept of well being

22 IIT BOMBAYISCI 2007 22 Implications for Policy and Practice  Implications for teachers, policy planners, health care providers and economists  Facilitation of improved allocation of limited resources, new methods of teaching and parenting  Implications for managing classroom behaviors  Prediction of happiness levels of future generations and formulation of intervention strategies to improve SWB at age appropriate levels

23 IIT BOMBAYISCI 2007 23 Conclusion Examining the entire range of well being gives us an insight about factors that can increase quality of life for the children  Limitations of the present research  Implications for future research

24 IIT BOMBAYISCI 2007 24 Questions and Suggestions!

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