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Minerals and trace elements
Dr K N Prasad MD., DNB. Community Medicine
Seven Food Substances Dietary Fibre Minerals Water Food Substances
Vitamins Proteins Carbohydrates Fats
Minerals 50 chemical elements are identified
Important for Growth, Development , regulation of vital functions Major : calcium, Phosphorous, Sodium, Potassium, Magnesium Minor: Required less than a few milligram per day. Ex. Iron, Iodine, Fluorine, Zinc, Copper, Cobalt, Chromium, Manganese, Molybdenum, Selenium, Nickel, Tin, Silicon, Vanadium
Trace elements A naturally occurring, homogeneous, inorganic substance required in humans in amounts less than 100 mg/day Bioavailability of minerals are low in vegetarian diet. Excess amounts are injurious to health
Iron Requirement : Adult human body contains 3-4 Gm
60-70% is present in Blood and rest in storage form. Each Gm of Hb contains 3.34mg of Iron. Requirement : 1 mg per day for Male 2.5 mg for Females 3.5 mg for Females in Physiological stress conditions
Functions of iron Iron is a part of all cells and has many different functions Hb Carries of oxygen to the tissues Brain development along with Folic acid Myoglobin Facilitates oxygen use and storage in muscles An integral part of enzyme reactions in various tissues ( Cyotchromes, Catalases, etc) Regulation of Body temperature Catecholamine metabolism Susceptibility to infection
Sources of iron Haem Iron: Non Haem Iron:
Liver, meat, poultry, Fish Non Haem Iron: Cereals, GLV, Legumes,, Nuts, Oil seeds, Dried Fruits, Jaggery Factors interfere in absorption are enzymes in the food – Phytates, Oxalates, Phosphates, Dietary fibres Ascorbic acid is the most potent enhancer iron
Public Health problem Categorized as one of the top ten most serious health problems in the modern world (WHO) As many as 4-5 billion people (66-80% of population) may be iron deficient 2 billion people (>30% of population) are anemic Iron deficiency in young children is the rule rather than the exception (from 45 to 70 percent prevalence Anemia is a fact of life for almost 500 million of women of childbearing age(~40% of 15 to 40 y old females in developing world) More than 1,000 severely anemic young women die every week in the perinatal period because of inadequate iron status
Iron loss Storage In adults – 1 mg per day
Menstruating women – 2 mg per day Hemorrhages are common causes IUCD may loss result in blood loss Storage Stored in Liver, Spleen, Bone marrow, Kidneys
Iron Deficiency Occurs in 3 stages:
First Stage: Decreased storage without any other detectable abnormalities Second Stage: stores are exhausted, serum Ferritin level decreases. Third Stage: Decrease in Hemoglobin percentage Functional disturbances: decrease in resistance to infection, increase morbidity & mortality, decreased work performances, impaired cell mediated immunity
Iron Signs of iron deficiency anemia include: Fatigue Headache
Exertional dyspnoea Cardiovascular stress Poor tolerance to heavy blood loss
Evaluation of iron status
Hemoglobin Concentration: relative index of iron deficiency. ( early Anemia if Hb is g% & marked anemia Hb is < 10g%). Serum Iron concentration: useful index ( Normal 0.8 to 1.8mg /L) Serum Ferritin level: Gold standard & sensitive tool for evaluation and reflects the size of the iron status ( < 10Micrgms/L) Serum Transferrin Saturation: 16% - 30%
Correction of Iron Deficiency
Oral iron supplements mg elemental iron daily Higher doses are of no benefit Ferrous sulphate 65mg/tab Pregnant women- 100mg/tablet (+ folic acid)
Iodine Requirement per day is 150 micrograms Essential Micronutrient
Body normally has mg of iodine and more than 75% is in the thyroid gland, rest is in the mammary gland, gastric mucosa, and blood it’s only function is related to thyroid Hormone Required for synthesis of thyroid hormone Thyroxin (T4) – 4 atoms of iodine per molecule Triiodothyronine (T3) – 3 atoms of iodine per molecule Requirement per day is 150 micrograms
Iodine Food Sources – 90% intake Foods of marine origin (seaweed), processed foods, iodized salt Fresh Water – small & Variable Small amounts in Milk, meat, Vegetables, Cereals etc. Goitrogens occurring naturally in foods can cause goiter by blocking absorption or utilization of iodine (cabbage, turnips, peanuts, soybeans)
Iodine - Absorption and Excretion
Iodine is absorbed in the form of iodide occurs both as free and protein-bound iodine in circulation iodine is stored in the thyroid where it is used for the synthesis of T3 and T4 hormone is degraded in target cells and in the liver and the iodine is conserved if needed excretion is primarily via urine small amounts from bile are excreted in the feces
Iodine - deficiency Goitre—enlargement of the thyroid gland
deficiency may be absolute—in areas of deficiency, or relative—adolescence, pregnancy, lactation goiters are more prevalent in women and with increased age Iodine deficiency is the world’s most prevalent cause of brain damage Serious iodine deficiency during pregnancy may result in stillbirths, abortions and cretinism the less visible, more pervasive form of iron & iodine deficiency that lowers intellectual performance at home and school may have far greater global and economic impact
Public Health problem of Iodine
By the year 2000, Global prevalence of iodine deficiency from 30% to <15% Adding iodine to 2/3 of the world’s household salt 70 million newborns protected in some Degree Every year, 50 million children are born without the protection that iodine offers to the growing brain and body About 18 million of those will suffer some significant degree of mental impairment Iodine deficiency remains the single greatest cause of mental retardation The one third of the world’s people without protection by iodized salt are the most marginalized populations –economically, culturally and geographically Sustainability is another battle: salt iodization is slipping back in several countries
Epidemiological assessment
Prevalence of Goitre Prevalence of Cretinism Urinary iodine excretion Prevalence of Neurological hypothyroidism Thyroid Function tests Neonatal Hypothyroidism is a sensitive indicator of environmental iodine deficiency Serum T4 is more sensitive indicator among adults
Fluorine Source: It is found in combined forms
96% of fluorides in the body found in bone and teeth. An essential for normal mineralisation of bones and formation of dental enamel Source: Drinking water : Fluorine in the drinking water is 0.5 mg per ltr. Excess of fl > 3mg causes flourosis. Foods: Sea fish, cheese, Tea It is a two edged sword ( deficiency or excess)
Zinc Functions are Food sources :
Adult body contains 1.4 to 2.3 gms of Zinc Plasma level- 96Microgm per 100 ml ( adults), 89 Microgram per 100 ml (children) Functions are Active role in metabolism of glucose and proteins Synthesis of insulin by pancreas Immunity functions Food sources : meat, milk, fish Plant sources have low bioavailability
Zinc On of the ten biggest factors contributing to burden of disease in developing countries Zinc interventions could reduce child deaths globally by 63% South East Asia and Sub-Saharan Africa highest risk of zinc deficiency: Inadequate intake – 1/3 of the population Stunting – 40% of pre-school children Zinc used as a (part of) curative intervention for severe malnutrition and diarrhoea
Zinc deficiency Requirement is 15mg for men Growth failure
Sexual infantilism in adolescents, loss of taste, delayed wound healing, decrease in immunosynthesis. Spontaneous abortions, stillbirths, congenital malformations, anencephaly LBW, Intra Uterine deaths, premature labour. Requirement is 15mg for men 12 mg for women, 10mg for children
Thought for the day An advice is like snow, the softer it falls,
the deeper it penetrates and the longer it dwells.
Thank you
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