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Research and AWC Faculty Seminar, February 19, 2009, Mary Schaal, M.Ed.

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Presentation on theme: "Research and AWC Faculty Seminar, February 19, 2009, Mary Schaal, M.Ed."— Presentation transcript:

1 Research and Grants @ AWC Faculty Seminar, February 19, 2009, Mary Schaal, M.Ed.

2 Today’s Topics Institutional Review Board –What is it? –Why is this necessary? –How can I use it? Grants –Processes –Resources Questions

3 Institutional Review Board The purpose of the Institutional Review Board (IRB) is to protect the rights of human subjects in research. This includes –making sure that vulnerable populations are protected (i.e., prison inmates, minor children, etc.) and that –informed consent is maintained for participation in research. Through federal-wide assurance, the President agreed that ALL research and grant activities in the College must conform to 45 CFR 46, through IRB approval or exemption.45 CFR 46 –The IRB functions administratively through the Office of Institutional Effectiveness, Research, and Grants.

4 IRB Responsibilities Federal mandates –Protect the rights and welfare of human subjects –Review research protocols –Require protocol modifications –Approve or disapprove protocols –Ensure or waive informed consent –Conduct continuing review of research Safeguard the rights and welfare of students and staff being recruited on campus by researchers not affiliated with AWC –Review research applications and approvals from other IRBs –Require protocol modifications –Grant or deny permission to recruit on campus

5 Membership Know standards of professional conduct and practice Not all members of one profession At least one scientist At least one non-scientist At least one member not affiliated with Arizona Western College

6 Membership Director IERGMary SchaalPerpetual Faculty - Research or Ethics Expertise George Montopoli, Professor of Mathematics 2008-2011 Non-Science FacultyCharles Balch, Professor of CIS2008-2010 Science FacultyCecilia Vigil, Professor of Biology2008-2009 NAU Yuma Faculty (Science, Social Science or Research) Tim Whittier, Asst. Professor of Biology 2008-2011 Expertise in Ethics and Social Science L. Ruth Whisler, Exec. Director of AWC Foundation 2008-2009 External Community Member Fr. Michael Todd, St. Paul’s Episcopal Church 2008-2010 Non-voting, Support StaffBetty Lopez, Admin. Analyst, IERG Perpetual

7 Institutional Review Board Why is it necessary? –Protection of students, staff, and institution –Track research affiliated with AWC Faculty, staff, students and outside researchers –Required by federal funding sources –Publication in peer-reviewed journals –Dissertation studies

8 Subject to Review Research that will be conducted by AWC –Faculty –Staff or –Student that involves –Human subjects or –Records gathered on human subjects And that will take place –At Arizona Western College –At another institution –In a community setting

9 Definitions Human subject A living individual about whom the investigator obtains –data through intervention or interaction with the individual and/or –identifiable private information Intervention –Physical procedures (specimen collection, physical measurements) –Manipulation of the subject or the subject’s environment Interaction –Communication (interviewing) –Interpersonal contact (surveying) Identifiable –Subject’s identity can be readily ascertained by the investigator or –Subject’s identity can be associated with the information Private information –Information about behavior that a subject can reasonably expect is not being observed or recorded or that he/she reasonably expects will not be made public

10 Institutional Review Board How to navigate the process for success –Complete Training through CITI (every 3 yrs)CITI –Fill out online application for exempt, expedited, or full research protocol. You will receive an answer within 10 work days. –Forms and additional information will be available before the end of this year at

11 Grants Processes –Annual planningAnnual planning General focus Grants plan –Approval to compete Supervisor support Grant alert –Grant writing and submissionGrant writing –Awards Notification of award Implementation

12 Questions

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