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Lesson 6 Leading Causes of Death My Attitude of Gratitude # 3 Please reflect on your life and complete a second attitude of gratitude on your worksheet.

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2 Lesson 6 Leading Causes of Death

3 My Attitude of Gratitude # 3 Please reflect on your life and complete a second attitude of gratitude on your worksheet. Examples of starting sentences can include: “I am thankful for…” “I am grateful for…” Or Your own version…

4 GOALS/Motivation….  There are three keys to MOTIVATION.  What does desire mean?  What does belief mean?  What does mental picture mean?  There are six benefits of setting goals.  What are the steps to setting goals?

5 Test #1 –  Five Dimensions of Wellness (also how they are interrelated)  Determinants of Health & impact on death rate  Wellness Continuum – high risk vs. low risk behaviors  Motivation and Goal – 3 keys to motivation, how to write a goal  Top 3 causes of death 15-24

6 VOCABULARY MATCHING  1. E - Unintentional Injuries - Accidents  2. G - Homicide - The intentional killing of one person by another  3. J - Malignant - A cancerous growth capable of invading other tissue and spreading.  4. H - Heart Disease - (CVD)Cardiovascular Disease.  5. A - HIV - Human Immunodeficiency Virus

7 Matching continued..  6. I-Cerebrovascular- Pertaining to the blood vessels in the brain.  7. B- Suicide- The taking of one’s own life.  8. F-Diabetes Mellitus-High blood sugar and resulting from the body;s inability to produce or utilize insulin.  9.D-Pneumonia- A viral or bacterial infection that causes an inflammation of the lung tissue.  10. C-Influenza-Respiratory infection caused by different viruses which bring on fever, aches, tiredness and weakness.

8 Finding the facts… Making some inferences… conclusions…opinions  Using the data chart, find the facts to answer questions 1,2,3,7(first part of the question),8 and 9 on the worksheet.  Based on the information found on the data chart, make some inferences to questions 4,5,6 and7(second part of the question) on the worksheet.

9 Leading Causes Answers  What is the leading cause of death for ages 1- 34? Unintentional Injuries  Name the 2 nd and 3 rd leading causes of death for the 15-24 age group. 2 nd – Homicide 3 rd - Suicide  Which age groups have HIV in the top ten? 25-34 (6th); 35-44 (6th); 45-54 (9th)  Pick one of the age groups identified in questions 3 and predict when these people may have contracted the virus. Why do you think that?  Make a statement for why HIV is not in the top 10 for a particular age group.  Looking at the age groups 1-14, what cause of death surprised you ? Why do you say that?

10 Leading Causes Answers Cont’  Track Suicide by age group and rank. 10–143 rd 35-444 th 15-24 3 rd 45-544 th All ages 10 th 25-342 nd 55-648 th  For the age group _____predict the problems that a person may be struggling with that could lead to this cause of death.  What is the leading cause of death in the U.S. for all ages? Heart Disease-597,689  What is the second leading cause of death in the U.S. for all ages? Malignant Neoplasms – Cancer-574,743

11 BRAINSTORM  Behaviors associated with your assigned cause of death.  Feelings associated with those behaviors linked to your assigned cause of death.  Prevention ideas that could reduce the death rate from your assigned cause of death.

12 “Museum Walk”  With pen and paper in hand walk to each “paper” station.  Write the examples, of behaviors, feelings and prevention for each of the top three causes of death for 15-24 year olds, on your paper.

13 Accidents - Behaviors  High risk activities  Drinking and driving  Alcohol  Drugs  Inexperience  Lack of Sleep  Reckless driving

14 Accidents - Feelings  Stress  Pressured  “Don’t Care”  “Daring”  Anger  “It won’t happen to me”

15 Accidents - Prevention  Get more sleep  Choose friends carefully  Positive activities  Avoid drugs and alcohol  Make own choices  Designated Driver

16 Homicide - Behaviors  Fighting  Gangs  Picking on others  Drugs/Alcohol  Money  Gambling  Lying  Relationships

17 Homicide - Feelings  Anger  Jealousy  Hatred  Frustration  Revengeful  Love  Rush

18 Homicide - Prevention  Treat others the way you want to be treated  Talk out feelings  No gang involvement  Avoid drugs/alcohol  Forgive and forget  Positive release of anger

19 Suicide - Behaviors  Suicide - Behaviors  Not liking self  Drugs/alcohol  Bullying  Relationships  High risk activities  Death of another  Debt

20 Suicide - Feelings  Lonely  Depressed  Worthless  Confused  Hopeless  “Numb” feelings

21 Suicide - Prevention  Get help  Make people feel important  Stop bullying  Medicine  Spend time with loved ones  Take person seriously

22 HOMEWORK  Read the article…” “Statistics Show What Happens When Teens Break Driving Rules.”  After reading the article, answer the questions on the worksheet.

23 Leading Causes of Death Coding:  Look at the causes of death in the 1900’s…which causes of death do we still have (all ages & 15- 24), circle those causes.  Star all the causes that were not in the 1900’s.  Check mark the causes in the 1900’s that we do not currently have.  Highlight all the causes that are behavior related.

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