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門徒訓練之模式 Discipleship Models October 22, 2010. 簡述各個教會之門徒訓練 目標 內容 過程 事工活動之間的關係.

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Presentation on theme: "門徒訓練之模式 Discipleship Models October 22, 2010. 簡述各個教會之門徒訓練 目標 內容 過程 事工活動之間的關係."— Presentation transcript:

1 門徒訓練之模式 Discipleship Models October 22, 2010

2 簡述各個教會之門徒訓練 目標 內容 過程 事工活動之間的關係

3 [PPT] Growing Disciples Intentionally ​ downloads/Epp/Barna...

4 Summary of the Models Competencies Model (Pantego Bible Church, Ft. Worth, TX. David Daniels Missional Model (Fellowship Bible Church, Little Rock, AR. Robert Lewis Neighborhood Model (Perimeter Church, Duluth, GA. Randy Pope Worldview Model (Fellowship Bible Church North, Plano, TX. Jeff Lecture-Lab Model (North Coast Church, Vista, CA. Larry Osborne

5 Growing Disciples Intentionally EMS 505 George Barna - Models of Discipleship

6 Summary of the Models Competencies Model (Pantego Bible Church, Ft. Worth, TX. David Daniels Missional Model (Fellowship Bible Church, Little Rock, AR. Robert Neighborhood Model (Perimeter Church, Duluth, GA. Randy Worldview Model (Fellowship Bible Church North, Plano, TX. Jeff Jones. Lecture-Lab Model (North Coast Church, Vista, CA. Larry Osborne Barna’s “Best-Of” Model

7 The Competencies Model Pantego Bible Church 30 specific foci – 10 core beliefs – 10 core practices – 10 core virtues Celebration/congregation/cell Christian Life Profile Topical adult-ed classes

8 The Missional Model Fellowship Bible Church A blend of the Competencies & Worldview models Six core qualities/competencies Introduction class Small group Specialty classes

9 The Neighborhood Model Perimeter Church Combination of Worldview, Competencies, & Missional models Inquirer’s class Neighborhood congregation (15-20 people) Discipleship Team (5-9 people) Church-authored discipleship curriculum Modeling evangelism

10 The Worldview Model Fellowship Bible Church North Imparting biblical wisdom that leads to personal transformation Goals: participation, service, understanding, decision-making Two-year, small group process Discovery Series: 4 topical books Issue-oriented Dissonance-based Peer mentors

11 The Lecture-Lab Model North Coast Church Delivery of content through sermons (lecture) and small groups (lab) Biblical knowledge + faith-based relationships  godly character & Christian service Sermon outlines Small groups as the primary forum for learning

12 Barna’s “Best Of” Model Don’t reinvent the wheel Look for principles not templates Senior Pastor as champion Church membership linked to discipleship All ministry programs tied to discipleship outcomes Minimized programs to focus on discipleship

13 Barna’s “Best Of” Model Coordination of all teaching Discipleship tied to the church mission statement Use of Personal Development Plans (PDPs) Disciples in small groups Disciples in mid-size groups Disciples in worship services

14 Barna’s “Best Of” Model Disciples in community service Disciples with mentors/coaches Annual evaluations & revised PDPs Coordinated sermon content

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