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Olivia Doyle International Student Adviser – Employability Tuesday 11 August 2015 Making career connections Networking & personal branding.

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Presentation on theme: "Olivia Doyle International Student Adviser – Employability Tuesday 11 August 2015 Making career connections Networking & personal branding."— Presentation transcript:

1 Olivia Doyle International Student Adviser – Employability Tuesday 11 August 2015 Making career connections Networking & personal branding

2 Swinburne SCIENCE | TECHNOLOGY | INNOVATION | BUSINESS | DESIGN Presenter:Olivia Doyle International Student Advisor Employability International Student Life Tel 9214 8248 Email 2

3 Swinburne SCIENCE | TECHNOLOGY | INNOVATION | BUSINESS | DESIGN 3 Agenda  Overview of International Student Life employability support  Networking – the essential career skill  Creating a career network  Networking took kit  Networking pitch  Building a personal brand strategy

4 Swinburne International Student Life: Employability support 4  Specialist support for international students aiming to work in partnership with you to develop your employability  Provide professional insights and guidance  Connect you with programs, events and activities to advance your professional career internationally and in Australia  Employability road map – a professional development guide for each stage of your Swinburne student life cycle  More details:

5 Swinburne International Student Life Employability 5  Monthly Employability News  Regular program of employability seminars  Skill seminars  Student appointments  Connections  Networking events  Cross cultural events

6 Swinburne Industry Connections Speed Networking Event 6 Six leading industry representatives providing insights into:  Australian business environment & culture  Employability skills  Overview of opportunities in corporate, small / medium business & not for profit sectors  International employment – Asian spotlight  Job search strategies Thursday 20 August 4.30 – 6.30 pm Student Lounge, The George Drinks & Savouries Professional business dress Register (if you register you MUST attend)

7 Text line Swinburne 7 Announcing International Student SKILL DEVELOPMENT SEMINARS commencing Semester 2 2015

8 Swinburne 8 Seminars Essential graduate employability skills to build your career Weds 12 August 2.30 – 3.30 pm EN101  Soft skills employers expect  Tactics to build your skills while you study Enhancing your performance in work teams Tuesday 25 August 2.30 – 3.30 pm BA702 Strategies for working effectively in teams Business skills & etiquette Wednesday 9 September 3.30 – 5.30 pm BA201  Navigating the modern workplace Using emotional intelligence in the workplace Wednesday 23 September 12.30 – 2.30 pm EN313 Strong emotional intelligence is a key to business and career success  Interact effectively with others  Develop strong relationships  Manage conflict  Personal motivation Communication skills for the workplace Thursday 29 October 2.30 – 4.30 pm EN413 Meetings, phone calls, emails and other communications in a professional setting  Polish your verbal communication style  Contemporary business writing principles International student employability skill development seminars - FREE Registrations: /international/ /international/employability /

9 Swinburne 9 International Student Job Club If you are looking for a part time / casual job or professional employment, join our Job Club to get support, share ideas and network Come along to our informal fortnightly meetings to:  Find out who is hiring & share job leads  Get advice on job search strategies  Update your job search tool kit  Learn about Swinburne support services  Hear from guest speakers  Support each other

10 Swinburne 10 Semester 2 Job Club Dates 11.30 – 12.30 am Monday 10 August in BA602 1.30 – 2.30 pm Wednesday 26 August in BA608 1.30 – 2.30 pm Thursday 10 September in BA602 12.30 – 1.30 pm Thursday 24 September in BA605 11.30 - 12.30 pm Tuesday 6 October in BA605 11.30 – 12.30 pm Monday 19 October in BA602 12.30 – 1.30 pm Thursday 5 November in BA606 11.30 – 12.30 pm Tuesday 24 November in BA602 No need to register – just come along Dates are also on website

11 Swinburne 11 ‘International students are too focused on their studies and think about careers and employment too late in the careers lifecycle.’ Rob Lawrence, Improving the employment outcomes of international students’ 2013

12 Swinburne Presentation slides can be accessed at: 12 UPDATE LINK Your professional career starts NOW

13 Swinburne SCIENCE | TECHNOLOGY | INNOVATION | BUSINESS | DESIGN Networking – the essential career skill 13

14 Swinburne Why network?  “Networking accounts for about 87% of business in the marketplace, yet many people continue to neglect networking and fail to see it as a vital business and career building skill” Henderson, How to Master Networking  Great way to research industry / positions, get introductions and career advice  Networking can uncover ‘foot-in-the-door’ opportunities: work experience, casual/part-time, temp employment  Demonstrates initiative, drive and a positive attitude  Power to market yourself proactively to the job you want

15 Swinburne SCIENCE | TECHNOLOGY | INNOVATION | BUSINESS | DESIGN Why network? 15  University graduates are increasingly finding it difficult to find professional employment  Flat job market  Credential inflation  International competition  Chance to get ahead of the crowd – cut down your competition  About 70 - 80% of positions are filled without an ad ever reaching the job market

16 Swinburne SCIENCE | TECHNOLOGY | INNOVATION | BUSINESS | DESIGN 16 International students often lack a strong network of contacts to provide industry insights, career tips and employment contacts You need to create your own network

17 Swinburne 17 The way a typical employer prefers to fill a job The way a typical job seeker prefers looking for a job within From within the company Using their networks Using an agency Using their networks From within the company Placing a job advertisement Responding to a job advertisement Perspectives on the recruitment process

18 Swinburne SCIENCE | TECHNOLOGY | INNOVATION | BUSINESS | DESIGN 18 “Everyone should build their network before they need it” Mark Zuckerberg Facebook Co-Founder

19 Swinburne Creating a career network 19  Allocate some time to basic career planning so you have some clarity about what you are trying to achieve when networking  Networking can assist you clarify your career direction  Incorporate networking in your career development strategies whilst you are at Swinburne – a vital stage in your Swinburne ‘employability road map’

20 Swinburne 20  A networking plan is vital as business networking can be a very time- consuming activity networking planner example NETWORKING PLAN What is my aim Who are my ideal connections What groups will they come from What organisations will they come from How can I help these people How can I connect with them What is my professional pitch

21 Swinburne SCIENCE | TECHNOLOGY | INNOVATION | BUSINESS | DESIGN Creating a career network University 21 University  Attend employer & industry events on campus  Join / start on campus clubs related to your studies Young Engineers Cyber Security Entrepreneurs Aviation Software Advertising & Marketing Business Society PR Psychology …… and more  Lecturers, students, alumni, professional staff  Centre for Career Development  International Student Life – Employability Adviser

22 Swinburne SCIENCE | TECHNOLOGY | INNOVATION | BUSINESS | DESIGN 22  Use university assignments to make industry connections via case studies, professional projects, capstone projects, internships  Attend university guest speaker lectures & alumni events – usually have a networking opportunity  Volunteer on campus at career related events Centre for Career Development Student Conferences Emerging Leaders Award Represent university at expos

23 Swinburne SCIENCE | TECHNOLOGY | INNOVATION | BUSINESS | DESIGN Creating a career network Professional Associations 23 Professional associations  Join your professional association & attend events Engineers Australia Australian Human Resources Institute Australian Computer Society Finsia Design Institute of Australia CPA / ACA ….. and many more  Attend conferences & seminars / site tours / drinks  Volunteer as a helper in admin / at events / organising committees etc

24 Swinburne SCIENCE | TECHNOLOGY | INNOVATION | BUSINESS | DESIGN Creating a career network Personal contacts 24 Make use of your general contacts Spread the word that you are looking to meet people in your field Everybody has contacts Most people want to help others – esp. students Consider:  Part time / casual job contacts – head office / customers / contractors  Relatives / family / friends / neighbours  Doctor / dentist / café staff / hairdresser  Social events - parties

25 Swinburne SCIENCE | TECHNOLOGY | INNOVATION | BUSINESS | DESIGN Creating a career network On line 25 On line opportunities Good way to make connections with people with similar interests and goals Can be easier if English is your second language but must ensure your communication is well written

26 Swinburne SCIENCE | TECHNOLOGY | INNOVATION | BUSINESS | DESIGN LinkedIn 26  Allows you to communicate directly with contacts you couldn’t have reached without a chain of introductions  Groups function – great way to expand your network – can contact 2 nd & 3 rd degree connections  Good to become known in the group by making comments / starting new topics / posting items before reaching out to individuals Tips  Ensure you have a complete profile  Include a professional photo  Ensure your professional headline correctly represents you as a professional  Attend Centre for Career Development training and profile checks

27 Swinburne SCIENCE | TECHNOLOGY | INNOVATION | BUSINESS | DESIGN Other online networking tools 27 Select the medium appropriate to your profession: Facebook TwitterVimeo BlogsPinterest You TubeFlickr / Instagram E portfoliosPersonal websites Others?? Build your personal ‘net rep’ but always take care with your on-line security & privacy

28 Swinburne SCIENCE | TECHNOLOGY | INNOVATION | BUSINESS | DESIGN Creating a career network Informational interviews 28 Informational interviews – informal interviews or meetings with people in job / organisations / industries to build your knowledge of the field Benefits Get firsthand, relevant information about the realities of working within a particular field, industry or position. This kind of information is not always available online or in print Find out about career paths you did not know existed Get tips about how to prepare for and enter a given career Improve your communication skills and confidence speaking with professionals. Learn what it’s like to work at a specific organization Gain knowledge that can help you in writing your resume, interviewing for jobs in the field, and your other job search activities Initiate a professional relationship and expand your network of contacts in a specific career field; meet people who may forward job leads to you in the future (Refer to handout)

29 Swinburne SCIENCE | TECHNOLOGY | INNOVATION | BUSINESS | DESIGN Networking in action - TIPS 29  Be authentic – be yourself  Networking is reciprocal - the other person may learn as much from you are you do from them  Do some preparation first – be clear abut what you want to discuss  Build rapport by encouraging the other person to talk about themselves (eg background, career path, industry observations, current issues)  Be prepared to talk about yourself – your study, what you’ve enjoyed, your career goals, and what you think are your strengths (professional pitch)  Follow up – think about something to share eg an interesting and relevant article or contact

30 Swinburne SCIENCE | TECHNOLOGY | INNOVATION | BUSINESS | DESIGN. 30  Never ask for a job, most people don’t have the power to give you a job  Ask for information (because that’s free!) and 10 - 20 minutes of their time so that you can ask them some pre-prepared questions about their experience of the industry you wish to join  Most people remember what it was like to start in their field and are happy to support new graduates with some guidance  Have a role / task (organiser, hand out drinks etc)  Care with:  Body language - eye contact, smile, personal space  Time  Being too pushy  Don’t expect too much – they are one source of information

31 Swinburne SCIENCE | TECHNOLOGY | INNOVATION | BUSINESS | DESIGN I’m from another culture. What is culturally acceptable in a networking situation in Australia? 31 Behaviours or expectations in one culture or country may be very different in another Learn by observation and seek out a mentor who can guide you through some networking situations and give you feedback Some areas of social contact that can be different include:  Handshaking  Level of eye contact  Facial expressions, smiling  Tone of voice  Physical space between people  Breaking into a conversation or moving away from a conversation  Eating and drinking while talking to someone  Levels of formality and informality and use of humour

32 Swinburne SCIENCE | TECHNOLOGY | INNOVATION | BUSINESS | DESIGN 32 Amount of time spent building rapport Speaking directly and to the point Attitude to time and punctuality Giving and receiving business cards Protocols about mentioning other people and their information Attitudes to authority, hierarchy, bureaucracy and self promotion Attitudes to asking questions or clarifying information The importance placed on family, region, religion

33 Swinburne SCIENCE | TECHNOLOGY | INNOVATION | BUSINESS | DESIGN Networking summary 33

34 When blank from master: Select text boxes and send to back. Fill the picture by clicking the button in the middle of box, then send it to back so that the text boxes reappear. When picture is present: Delete the picture, then do as above. Networking Tool Kit

35 Swinburne Your professional ‘networking’ pitch When networking you need a ‘pitch’ to introduce yourself You need to tailor your pitch to suit the occasion and your goals Eg. job search, business development etc. Consider: - Who are you meeting? - What do you want to learn? - What actions do you want to result? - What can you contribute? In 30 – 60 seconds!

36 Swinburne SCIENCE | TECHNOLOGY | INNOVATION | BUSINESS | DESIGN Your professional pitch 36 Your professional pitch needs to quickly communicate what you are qualified to do, and what role / industry you are ideally targeting Suggested structure:  Your qualifications / how you want to “professionally market” yourself ie. Currently in the final semester of a Bachelor of Business majoring in Accounting, specializing in ……  What role (title) / industry(ies) are you targeting ie. Now targeting a xxxxxxxx role within the xxxxxxx sector …  Ideal role function ie. Ideally collating, analyzing data and communication solutions

37 Business (or professional) card If you don’t have a business card, make your own! Ensure you include: Name Contact details – telephone & email Qualifications Areas of expertise – these should relate to your desired career Sally Swinburne, B Bus Tel 0400 080 000 Email: Marketing ExpertiseComputer Skills Market ResearchAdobe Illustrator Product AnalysisPhotoshop Strategic Planning Publisher Product AnalysisMS Front Page Sally Swinburne, B Bus Tel 0400 080 000 Email: Marketing ExpertiseComputer Skills Market ResearchAdobe Illustrator Product AnalysisPhotoshop Strategic Planning Publisher Product AnalysisMS Front Page


39 Swinburne SCIENCE | TECHNOLOGY | INNOVATION | BUSINESS | DESIGN Other items for your networking toolkit 39 Professional resume & cover letter LinkedIn profile Professional clothing / appearance Portfolio of relevant work / projects Blog / website Certifications Academic transcript

40 Swinburne SCIENCE | TECHNOLOGY | INNOVATION | BUSINESS | DESIGN Personal Branding Basics 40

41 Personal branding



44 Branding

45 So, who are you? What is your personal brand?

46 Swinburne SCIENCE | TECHNOLOGY | INNOVATION | BUSINESS | DESIGN Personal branding 46 -The practice of people marketing themselves and their careers as brands -Involves creating an asset by defining yourself in a unique manner and ideally creating a memorable impression -Your brand is shaped by how you present yourself publicly, both offline and online -Your personal brand is something you have control over, so work on being the image you want others to see

47 When blank from master: Fill the picture by clicking the button in the middle of box. When picture is present: Delete the picture. To fill with picture click on the button in the middle and select. Developing an effective personal networking strategy What impression do you leave someone with? How do you want to be remembered? What is your personal brand?

48 Swinburne SCIENCE | TECHNOLOGY | INNOVATION | BUSINESS | DESIGN Developing your personal brand – key steps 48 1 To get clarity - review your personal career plan What is your professional career objective / personal vision? >- Go back to career planning basics to clarity what you are targeting >- Consider your strengths, values, interests, expertise, job market

49 Swinburne SCIENCE | TECHNOLOGY | INNOVATION | BUSINESS | DESIGN Developing your personal brand – key steps 49 2Network and research to understand best branding options for your target profession and industry How are others branding themselves? Consider: - Managers / executives - Successful industry identities - Colleagues - Personal mentors / role models - Peer group Consider some of your own initiatives – be entrepreneurial

50 Swinburne SCIENCE | TECHNOLOGY | INNOVATION | BUSINESS | DESIGN Developing your personal brand – key steps 50 3Plan your brand message! >What is your brand now? What is your future brand vision? >What is your edge? What differentiates you? >Complete a personal SWOT analysis to improve your personal branding: –- interpersonal skills and personal presence –- knowledge and skills in your area of professional expertise –- on-line presence –- current contact network –- other factors relevant to you / industry

51 Swinburne SCIENCE | TECHNOLOGY | INNOVATION | BUSINESS | DESIGN Graduate branding ideas 51 Students can start developing their brand by: Developing a good reputation as a student: - actively participating in class - effective project group member - strong academic performance Joining and actively being involved in professional association Building a strong portfolio of work samples Networking with students and lecturers - 10% will be in leadership positions in 5 years Extra-curricular activities

52 Swinburne SCIENCE | TECHNOLOGY | INNOVATION | BUSINESS | DESIGN Personal branding final tips! 52 It can take between 3 – 5 years to change the perception of your professional positioning in the eyes of others Remain authentic – link your strategy with your personality - don’t pretend to have a different personality or try to reshape yourself into what you think everyone wants Keep reflecting, reviewing and maintaining – your personal brand requirements will change over time

53 Swinburne SCIENCE | TECHNOLOGY | INNOVATION | BUSINESS | DESIGN Comments & questions What will you take away from this session? What can you do to make career connections while you are at Swinburne? 53

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