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Due: February 21 st & 22 nd 2011. Groups of 4 people (2 of 5) Constant follow up Showing progress and report of each member’s participation Independent.

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Presentation on theme: "Due: February 21 st & 22 nd 2011. Groups of 4 people (2 of 5) Constant follow up Showing progress and report of each member’s participation Independent."— Presentation transcript:

1 Due: February 21 st & 22 nd 2011. Groups of 4 people (2 of 5) Constant follow up Showing progress and report of each member’s participation Independent research (Inquirers) Teacher’s support and guidance 100% Spanish Performance Assessment Food Project

2 1. Acting Out a Situation (Drama-Oral) 2. Advertisement - Commercial (Technology - Visual) 3. Advertisement – Song/Jingle (Musical – Artistic - Writing) 4. Designing Restaurant Menu (Fine arts – Kinesthetic - Writing) 5. Presenting Data – (Math – Statistics) Options

3 Create a situation around food topic, eg: A chef sharing his recipes, people planning thanksgiving meal, friends talking about how one of them got indigested by eating so much food, people sharing a pretty interesting diet to be in good shape, or any situation that you want to create. Design the conversation – all the members of the group participating actively (speaking) Length of conversation: 15 minutes Memorization of conversation (Pronunciation and fluency) Props, setting up a stage and creativity. Acting Out a Situation (Drama-Oral)

4 Design a commercial for Tv - Advertisement of a new grocery store opening, a new restaurant, a new special meal in a restaurant, catering business, etc. 4-5 minutes videoclip all members participating (doing something on the video) Creativity Final Video presentation Advertisement - Commercial (Technology - Visual)

5 Writing the song (jingle) for advertising a restaurant, menu, food enterprise, brand or anything regarding food. Finding the rhythm, the melody and everything involved (even playing instruments) 3 minute length Live performance Advertisement – Song/Jingle (Musical – Artistic - Writing)

6 Designing a 6 meals menu (at least) Writing and presenting in a menu each meal in detail Art design with the rest of the info (name of the restaurant, address, service,etc) Presentation final menu Designing Restaurant Menu (Fine arts – Kinesthetic - Writing)

7 Designing surveys or/and questionnaires about food preferences, breaking it down in three categories (Children, Teens & Adult) Applying the surveys and questionnaires – Showing evidence of work Organizing data on bar or pie graphs Presenting final data using Notebook software or power point Microsoft office slides show Presenting Data – (Math – Statistics)

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