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Welcome 5th nEUroBlend project meeting, 1 and 2 September 2006, Park Hotel, Helsinki.

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome 5th nEUroBlend project meeting, 1 and 2 September 2006, Park Hotel, Helsinki."— Presentation transcript:

1 welcome 5th nEUroBlend project meeting, 1 and 2 September 2006, Park Hotel, Helsinki

2 Who is going to make the minutes?

3 2. Where did we come from, where do we go to

4 3. Minutes 4 th meeting

5 4. Announcements Salla: new job Paul & Nicolai new phone number per 11 September: 0031 24 3615298 E tools installed Berna Rood (patient cases) Schedule meetings in Reykjavik EANN winter meeting Finnish LdV report on Neuroblend

6 Meetings Reykjavik Monday May 28 Tuesday May 29 Wednesday May 30 Thursday May 31 Friday June 1 Saturday June 2 09:00 - 12:30 Neuroblend WFNNCongress 13:30 - 17:00 Neuroblend WFNNCongress 18:00 – 21:30 EANNWelcome reception Pentecost Whitsunday

7 Announcements Other points??

8 5. Changes in Partnership Reallocation of tasks and budgets Starting points solution: –Continuation of the project –Quality of results –Gerd and Salla staying involved (and anybody else who wants to change his/her job: say it now or be silent forever) To get an oversight we need : Time reports, Detailled planning of activities, Valorisation building blocks Reimbursement forms Policy and appointments: tomorrow

9 6. EANN congress Reykjavik Deadline for abstracts is 30 September Presention and speakers

10 EANN congress Reykjavik Session/workshopSubject or titelName(s) Opening ceremonieNeuroblend essentials Neuro patients, domains Building a Curriculum for neuroscience nurses The future of education: E-tools in action A journey trough a virtual learning environment Making learning objects: a piece of cake? A flower field of learning objects Acute Neurorehab Neuro palliative Implications of neuroblend For teachers For students, nurses, wards For managers

11 EANN congress Reykjavik Session/workshopSubject or titelName(s) WorkshopNeuroblend: developing learning materials and train de trainer facilities

12 7. Work packages reports WP 1 curriculum development ECP 3 rd draft is ready MD and parts of ELP, FLP, BLP: from practise to documents Question Ann Cathrin: What about pediatric nurses?

13 WP 2 project board and CC Interim report UMCN ‣ LdV deadline 30 November Partners ‣ UMCN deadline 10 October

14 WP 3 surveys and monitoring New 0 survey Survey new EU member states Contacting silent partners

15 WP 3 Valorisation European Epilepsy project (EUREPA) FINE-congress October 06 abstract accepted Other (articles, presentations, etc…) Logo’s, styles, lay out, etc.

16 WP 4 learning materials & ID Search for existing materials is almost complete Report 26 June meeting BE and NL New meeting BE and NL 11 October Start patient cases and ward cases this meeting

17 WP 5 Development of E tools Heal B database available Lycos goes, van Eldijk comes All E tools connected and hosted at one company and one server www.neuroblend.EU Demonstration Implications after the project

18 8. ECP Goals: Discussion on 3 rd draft Agreement on ECP Discussion on headlines Text remarks: send word document to Paul final editing when all parts of the curriculum are ready

19 9. Module Description What are we going to build and how? Goals: matrix of subjects 11 areas insight in existing learning materials Patient case topics  synopsis

20 Patient Case synopsis 1 paragraph: topic, domain, disorder, description, why is it special/important Keywords Available materials (text,video, …) Additional materials available/needed –Patient record –Guidelines, protocols, klinimetric scales, tutorials, websites, books, articles, handbooks, care-plan templates, assessment methods,…..

21 Ward case synopsis 1 paragraph: topic, domain, disorder, description, why is it special/important Keywords Available materials (text,video, …) Additional materials available/needed –Ward description –Guidelines, protocols, klinimetric scales, tutorials, websites, books, articles, handbooks, care-plan templates, assessment methods,…..

22 Matrix MD (example) The profession of the Neuroscience Nurse Salla Marria Anatomy and physiology of the nervus system Winny Neuro acute care (general) Andre Neurorehabilitation (general) Paul Neuro Palliative care (general) Gerd, Marria, Salla Anatomy Physiology (Specific) Disease/ Medical/ patho-phys. ?/?Acute neuro care (Specific) Neuro Rehabilitation (Specific) Neuro Palliative care (Specific) Stroke Marianne Parkinson’s disease Ann- Cathrin Winny Epilepsy Ann- Cathrin MS Carol Neuro oncology Ann-Cathrin Winny Neurotrauma Winny, Ritva Salla:student cases translation

23 5. Changes in Partnership Reallocation of tasks and budgets Goal: Decision on highlights reallocation plan

24 Reallocation of tasks and budgets proposal Extra meeting end Februari 2007 Combination with EANN winter meeting? Work visits Paul and Nicolai Combination with valorisation events like national meetings and congresses

25 Reallocation proposal WP 1 NLBEFI-HFI O-M ISMTSE O-J SE-JUK ECPL ELP+-- A L MD module description FLP FlexibleLearning Paths EO Organisation of education+0-- A L + PPT Plan for increasing professionalisationof teachers +0-- A L + BLP Blended Learning Plan++-- A L Fine tuned and pilotted curriculum-- A A = ADVICE 0 = TASK STOPS L = LITERATURE+ or - = EXTRA or LESS TASKS

26 Reallocation proposal WP 2 NLBEFI-HFI O-M ISMTSE-LSE O-J UK Board meetings and curriculum conferenced Closing conference Reykjavik, presentations, posters Valorisation, presentations, posters, articles, websites, other valorisation Newsletter Organisation board meetings A = ADVICE 0 = TASK STOPS L = LITERATURE+ or - = EXTRA or LESS TASKS

27 Reallocation proposal WP 3 NLBEFI-HFI O-M ISMTSE-LSE O-J UK Survey starting situation + report+0A0A + Survey curriculum conferences + report+0A0A + Survey monitoring pilot projects and learning objects + report +0A0A + Survey ending situation + report+0A0A + Surveys, project evaluation + report+0A0A + Survey respondent support Survey new EU member countries preparation Survey new EU member countries analysis and reports ++ Peer reviews of learning objects List of decisions board meetings and CC Information Interim & final reports to NL Project monitoring log & Interim and final reports to LdV Lessons learned report A = ADVICE 0 = TASK STOPS L = LITERATURE+ or - = EXTRA or LESS TASKS

28 Reallocation proposal WP 4 Content oriented NLBEFI-HFI O-M ISMTSE-LSE O-J UK Classification and metadata specification learning tools Design, development and pilot digital repository of learning objects Educational design, development and pilot didactical templates ++ 0 Production patient & ward cases in learning object template (video & text) + +0+ Linking materials from 11 area’s to cases0 Operational ready to use courses Operational repository with learning objects, informed consent statements, templatres & peer reviews Operational community of practise for teachers and content matter experts including wiki ++ A = ADVICE 0 = TASK STOPS L = LITERATURE+ or - = EXTRA or LESS TASKS

29 Reallocation proposal WP 5 Technical, pedagogical, communicative NLBEFI-HFI O-M ISMTSE-LSE O-J UK Operational shared workspace for project participants Operational shared workspace for neurosciense nurse trainers including wiki’s Operational questionaire tool Operational video conferencing tools0 Operational digital repository of learning objects Production video patiënt cases assets ++ 0 00 Book Operational virtual learning environment Content and redaction of the operational software tools A = ADVICE 0 = TASK STOPS L = LITERATURE+ or - = EXTRA or LESS TASKS

30 Reallocation: non-staff costs One meeting extra (feb/mrt) Travelling: IS, BE need more. MT=?…some partners need less, NL needs more (work visits and presentations) Meetings need less ICT (9500) not needed (LAMS is there now) Production (9500)

31 9. Module Description Goals: Better understanding of competence based learning in an blended learning approach Experience with building synopsis using the tools A list of who is going to work ou which cases

32 9. Module Description Workshop: groups of two Work out a patiënt case and a ward case Plenary presention of results Making a list of who & what

33 plenary Opening Paul,Marianne Basics,trends,patient needs,domains,,reseach Neuroblend Nicolai Project overview Examples Use Future “Edinburgh” Posters Nb project (Kate, ….) Patient cases (Berna) Comp based learning PC-screen live demo Coffee Workshop in-depth Starting to use the materials in different situations Teaching, implementing Hidden: philosophy, identity Short presentations, discussion,questions, examples Hospital/university Different cultures Salla,Paul Carol The starting point of NeuroBlend: Meeting the Educational needs of the neuroscience nurse in Europe What do you and your colleagues need at the ward….. lunch Working in competences Framework for the future Building the bridge… Paul Guided Workshop Hands on Working with the learning materials as a student and as a teacher What can you do inthe system NeuroBlend staff thee New (e-)learning materials Where do I get my information/ material nowadays Winny,,Andre

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