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CCC Meeting Cryogenic Current Comparator in the FAIR Project Overview of FAIR / current status Beam diagnostics work package Tasks and installation locations.

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Presentation on theme: "CCC Meeting Cryogenic Current Comparator in the FAIR Project Overview of FAIR / current status Beam diagnostics work package Tasks and installation locations."— Presentation transcript:

1 CCC Meeting Cryogenic Current Comparator in the FAIR Project Overview of FAIR / current status Beam diagnostics work package Tasks and installation locations for CCCs Boundary conditions / requirements Example: SIS100 extraction beam line Jena, 7. April 2008 Marcus Schwickert, GSI Beam Diagnostics

2 CCC Meeting, CCC for FAIR, M. Schwickert, April 7, 2008 2 FAIR Overview Existing UNILAC & SIS as injector after upgrade p-LINAC: high current 70 mA, 70 MeV SIS100: Superconducting, 100 Tm, 1-10 GeV/u high current operation p to U design: p:4*10 13, U 28+ : 5*10 11 SIS300: 300 Tm, stretcher or acceleration up to 30 GeV/u CR: stochastic cooling of RIB and pbar RESR: accumulation of pbar, deceleration of RIB NESR: versatile experimental ring for stable ions, RIB, pbar cooling, gas-target, e-A collider HESR: storage and acceleration of pbar to 14 GeV/u HEBT: for fast & slow extraction and low & high currents.

3 CCC Meeting, CCC for FAIR, M. Schwickert, April 7, 2008 3 Current Status FAIR Kick-Off Event 7. November 2007 International partners signed communiqué: At the moment: FAIR Technical Meetings on EoIs In total 21 Expressions of Interest were submitted, i.e. international partners express their interest to take over responsibility for a FAIR work package Two possibilities for contributions: 1. In-kind, i.e. delivery of accelerator parts 2. cash Austria, Germany, Spain, Finland, France, Poland, Romania, Russia, Sweden, Great Britain and State of Hesse

4 CCC Meeting, CCC for FAIR, M. Schwickert, April 7, 2008 4 Work Breakdown Structure ∙ 94 WPs defined according to WBS, FBTR and Cost Book schematics

5 CCC Meeting, CCC for FAIR, M. Schwickert, April 7, 2008 5 Beam Diagnostic System Definition as given in the Work Breakdown Structure (WBS-Code 2.5.6) Constituents of a Beam Diagnostic System: Vacuum chamber Detector / Sensor Mechanics / Actuators / Feed-throughs Analog and front-end Electronics Cabling („short“ and „long“) All Sub-systems (High voltage, Pressured air and Stepping motor control etc.) Data Acquisition (VME, cPCI, PXI,..) What is not included? Vacuum infrastructure: pumps, pressure measurement Technical infrastructure: electricity, Pressured Air distribution, etc. Controls infrastructure: Ethernet, timing distribution

6 CCC Meeting, CCC for FAIR, M. Schwickert, April 7, 2008 6 Work Package Structure Detector Drive Mechanics Digitization Long Cables Embedded Controller Analog- Electronics Analog- Elektronics Network Subsystems: HV / Gases / Compressed Air Step. motor ctrl. NO common scheme valid FOR ALL ~30 different beam diagnostic systems Accelerator Tunnel Electronics room Schematic for Beam Diagnostic Device Accelerator Control System ADC Scaler/Counter Digitizer I/O-board Controller Data concentrator/DSP DAQ software Common Realization: GSI Contribution Data Acquisition EoI 13

7 CCC Meeting, CCC for FAIR, M. Schwickert, April 7, 2008 7 Overview CR Beam Diagnostics Device Quantity Startphase Phase B Measured ParameterRemark DC Transformer1- DC currentstored current, beam lifetime AC Transformer1- pulse currentInjection efficiency Cryogenic Current Comparator1- pulse current high intensities, ongoing R&D Beam Position Monitor (warm)18- centre-of-massclosed orbit, turn-by-turn variation, R&D Tune Measurement1- centre-of-mass after excitation Tune by BTF, Tune by noise excitation, PLL tune tracking Schottky Pick-Up1- Momentum distribution, Transverse Schottky  p/p determination, tune, chromaticity Quadrupolar BPM0+1 quadr. Moment  x 2 -  y 2 2 nd beam moments, Inj. matching, R&D Wall Current Monitor1- broadband bunch structurelongit. emittance, bunch gymnastics, R&D Residual Gas Profile Monitor0+1 transverse profileprofile & position, high intensities, R&D Beam Loss Monitor8+28 Beam lossmis-steering of magnets, halo detection at scrapers Scintillation Screen2- transverse profileprofile & position, low intensities SEM-Grid (PG)2- transverse profileprofile & position ongoing R&D Faraday-Cup / Beam stopper2- First turn diagnostics Scraper (hor./vert.)8/4- beam profileTransverse profile, beam alignment

8 CCC Meeting, CCC for FAIR, M. Schwickert, April 7, 2008 8 Overlaping Systems of Beam Diagnostics BD SystemHEBTSIS 100 SIS 300 CRRESRNESRSFRSPBarHESRpLinac DC Transformer  Pulse Transformer  Cryogenic Current Comparator  Beam Position Monitor (warm)  Tune Measurement  Schottky Pick-Up  Residual Gas Profile Monitor  Beam Loss Monitor  Scintillation Screen  SEM-Grid  Faraday-Cup / Beam stopper  Data Acquisition  Goal: Use similar diagnostic devices for all machines to maximum extent ! Comprehensive Data Acquisition : common realization is essential

9 CCC Meeting, CCC for FAIR, M. Schwickert, April 7, 2008 9 Expressions of Interest (EoI) Only 2 expressions of interest related to beam diagnostics: Who will build the rest ?? Fear of "Heidelberg-Syndrome" No EoI for CCC yet ~700 MEuro german contribution to FAIR ?? MEuro for civil construction ~15 MEuro for "data acquisition" NO margin left for additional workpackage, e.g. CCC !!

10 CCC Meeting, CCC for FAIR, M. Schwickert, April 7, 2008 10 CCC Installation Locations Extraction SIS100/300 Beam dump S-FRS target Extraction SIS18 6 CCC are foreseen for transmission determination

11 CCC Meeting, CCC for FAIR, M. Schwickert, April 7, 2008 11 Installation Locations in HEBT Equipment of HEBT-beamlines with beam diagnostic devices (only beamlines including CCC are shown) End of 2007: Detailed study of ion optical requirements for installation of beam diagnostic devices in HEBT by F. Hagenbuck (FAIR-SYN) Problem: Layout changed recently from superconducting to nc magnets! Beam parameters of beams passing beamline #6:

12 CCC Meeting, CCC for FAIR, M. Schwickert, April 7, 2008 12 Example: Beamline # 6 #9 #6

13 CCC Meeting, CCC for FAIR, M. Schwickert, April 7, 2008 13 Requirements SIS100 Extraction Mechanics: - very little space, closed packed installations (magnets, cryogenic infrastructure, beamlines...) - restricted access (radiation safety)... but: cryo-infrastructure is available Electronics: - problematic EMV (strong el.-magn. fields)

14 CCC Meeting, CCC for FAIR, M. Schwickert, April 7, 2008 14 Achievements SIS18-CCC 7x10 9 Ar 11+ at 300 MeV/u within 1.2 s, readout 20 μs:  Prototype tested at GSI in the 90ies  Improvement: Nb instead Pb for the flux transducer less temperature drift  reached 0.25 nA/√Hz  8 nA @ 1 kHz  R&D: GSI, DESY, MPI-K, Uni-Jena. GSI prototype in 1997:  HEBT: slow extraction  online transmission control  Rings: low stored current e.g. RIB. Cryogenic Current Comparators:

15 CCC Meeting, CCC for FAIR, M. Schwickert, April 7, 2008 15 Goals for further development The new CCC should have: - low noise characteristic - resolution possibly in sub nA-range (1 nA  2E08 pps U 28+ ) - good magnetic shielding - installation volume as small as possible - standardized mechanical layout, matched also for SIS100 injection line - optimized He-cryostat for long term operation between refills - standardized electronics with defined interfaces for current signal and I/O

16 CCC Meeting, CCC for FAIR, M. Schwickert, April 7, 2008 16Summary FAIR project started, expressions of interest are being discussed Definition of beam diagnostic workpackage Standardization as basic concept for overlapping systems Beam diagnostic layout of HEBT beam lines Special requirements for SIS100 injection High resolution, good noise shielding, small insertion length as goals for future CCC prototype Thank you for your attention.

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