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Teach the development of the Southern Agrarian Society from 1800 to 1850 Annie Decker and Andrew Foster Period 6.

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2 Teach the development of the Southern Agrarian Society from 1800 to 1850 Annie Decker and Andrew Foster Period 6

3 Table of Contents Eli Whitney’s Cotton Gin Cotton Belt Cotton Trade  easier to un-seed the cotton  Cotton Belt was the area of high cotton production  Helped the Southern Area prosper

4 Cotton Gin Invented by Eli Whitney in 1793 Machine that removed seeds from short- staple cotton Revolutionized the Cotton Industry Brought back slave trade in the south

5 Cotton Gin

6 Cotton Gin Movie When it was invented How it worked Its effect on society The Cotton Gin

7 Cotton Belt Area of high cotton production Planters had huge cotton farms in south Scientists succeed at developing strong types of cottons Cotton was pressed into bales at factories

8 Cotton Belt

9 Website Short Summary of the Cotton Boom Explains growth of each year How Indians and slaves were involved Cotton Trade Site

10 Cotton Trade Main buyer was Britain and NE US South depended on cotton Southern port cities grew

11 Cotton Trade

12 Factors managed cotton trade in cities Steamboats carried cotton Slave trade increased Indian removal more urgent to transport goods over land was difficult for the south Cotton boom made south most valuable player in world trade

13 March 7, 2009 Deverell, William, and Deborah White. United States History: Independence to 1914 (New York: Holt Rinehart and Wilson, 2006). March 11, 2009 March 11,2009 March 11,2009 March 11, 2009 Citations

14 Citations (cont.) March 13, 2009 *SOUNDS*


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