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Hazards Analysis. The Next 55 Minutes... l Overview of Hazards Analysis l Scenarios for EPCRA and RMP l Resources.

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Presentation on theme: "Hazards Analysis. The Next 55 Minutes... l Overview of Hazards Analysis l Scenarios for EPCRA and RMP l Resources."— Presentation transcript:

1 Hazards Analysis

2 The Next 55 Minutes... l Overview of Hazards Analysis l Scenarios for EPCRA and RMP l Resources

3 Planners’ and Responders’ Questions l Which hazards should be addressed first? l Are emergency plans adequate? l Are response capabilities adequate?

4 Purpose of Hazards Analysis l Understand what hazards exist l Understand what risk these hazards pose to the community l Help planners develop emergency response plans l Help planners revise emergency response plans

5 Legislative Background l The Emergency Planning and Community Right-to-Know Act (EPCRA): -- Establishes state and local planning structure -- Requires LEPCs to conduct hazards analyses for EHSs -- Includes various reporting requirements for hazardous substances l Section 112(r) of the Clean Air Act (CAA): -- Requires facilities with regulated substances to develop risk management plans (RMPs)

6 Overview of Planning Process StartStart Local Emergency Planning Committee Formed Local Emergency Planning Committee Formed Begin to Plan Assess Response Capabilities Capabilities Review and Coordinate with Existing Plans Review and Coordinate with Existing Plans Develop Plan

7 Hazards Analysis Process Hazards Identification Chemical Identity Location Quantity Nature of the Hazard Vulnerability Analysis Vulnerable Zone Human Populations Critical Facilities Environment Risk Analysis Likelihood of a Release Occurring Severity of the Consequences

8 Hazards Identification l Chemical identities l Location l Type of containers l Quantities l Nature of the hazard --Toxic cloud --Fire --Explosion

9 Toxic Cloud

10 Fire/Explosion Hazards Overpressure Radiant Heat Explosion BLEVE Pool Fire Jet Fire Vapor Cloud Fire

11 Vulnerability Analysis l Extent of vulnerable zone l Population within vulnerable zone l Property within vulnerable zone l Affected environment within vulnerable zone

12 Vulnerable Zone WindDirection Facility Source Vapor Cloud Release Site Outer Edge of VulnerableZone

13 Risk Analysis Assessment of: l Likelihood (or probability) of an accidental release l Severity of consequences l Ranking of combined likelihood and severity -- Qualitative or quantitative

14 Conducting Hazards Analysis l Initial Screening -- Use credible worst-case assumptions -- Identify high priority facilities l Reevaluation -- Use more likely assumptions -- Revise priorities

15 Initial Evaluation l Worst-case assumptions -- Total quantity released -- Low wind speed, stable atmosphere l Establishing priorities -- Identify high priority facilities

16 Reevaluation Hazards identification l Reevaluate quantity likely to be released l Reevaluate likely rate of release l Consider typical weather and wind conditions

17 Reevaluation (cont.) Vulnerability Analysis l Estimate vulnerable zone based on more likely assumptions l Identify population within new vulnerable zone l Identify critical facilities within new vulnerable zone

18 Reevaluation (cont.) Risk Analysis l Tabulate hazards and vulnerability data l Obtain additional information l Judge probability of release, severity of consequences l Develop risk matrix l Rank risks

19 Risk Analysis Matrix High Medium Low LowMediumHigh Severity of Consequences of an Accidental Release to People Probability or Likelihood of Release Occurring These Combinations of Conclusions from Risk Analysis Identify Situations of Major Concern l Demonstration and Hands-on

20 Scenarios for EPCRA and RMP l EPCRA »from guidance »for LEPCs »toxic endpoint (0.1 IDLH) »F and low wind speed »rural

21 Scenarios for EPCRA and RMP (cont’d) l RMP »regulatory »for industry »toxic and flammable endpoints »F and low wind speeds »rural or urban »passive mitigation

22 Resources l EPCRA »Green Book »Cameo l RMP »OCA Guidance »RMP*Comp

23 Using CAMEO to Do a Hazards Analysis

24 Screenings & Scenarios l Performs hazards analysis calculations l Assesses hazards from accidental releases of hazardous chemicals l Estimates threat zone by using either: » Screenings - based on worst case assumptions » Scenarios - based on actual conditions in the user’s area

25 Screenings

26 Scenarios

27 Vulnerable Zone

28 Using RMP*Comp to Do a Hazards Analysis

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