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EUROCALL 2006 - Granada, Spain Computer-enhanced grammar teaching: using computer technology to teach first years David Barr University of Ulster.

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Presentation on theme: "EUROCALL 2006 - Granada, Spain Computer-enhanced grammar teaching: using computer technology to teach first years David Barr University of Ulster."— Presentation transcript:

1 EUROCALL 2006 - Granada, Spain Computer-enhanced grammar teaching: using computer technology to teach first years David Barr University of Ulster

2 EUROCALL 2006 - Granada, Spain Background The transition between school and university can be difficult: students often require a period of readjustment and training to encourage them to become more active, constructivist learners (Fry and Ketteridge, 1999:37). An explosion in packages that teach grammar –BUT Engel & Myles (1996:10) point towards the decline in the standards of grammar among students entering higher education. Studies looking at the use of computer-based grammar packages often compare the use of a computer-based approach to a traditional teacher-directed approach to determine whether one is better than the other. (Nutta: 1998) Student attitudes towards learning grammar

3 EUROCALL 2006 - Granada, Spain Background (2)

4 EUROCALL 2006 - Granada, Spain Project stages The completion of computerised diagnostic tests to identify strengths and weaknesses in the area of grammar early in semester. To change the environment in which grammar classes take place by moving teaching from seminar/lecture rooms to multimedia learning laboratories. Encouraging students to use CALL exercises online outside class in an effort to strengthen key grammar concepts. Repeating the computerised diagnostic tests at the end of semester.

5 EUROCALL 2006 - Granada, Spain Results of Diagnostics Tests

6 EUROCALL 2006 - Granada, Spain Class Format Classes took place in multimedia learning labs. Divided into two parts: –Theoretical explanations –Opportunity for practice, using CALL software, including CETL Materials developed Hot PotatoesHot Potatoes Support notes uploaded to VLE (WebCT)

7 EUROCALL 2006 - Granada, Spain Student Performance

8 EUROCALL 2006 - Granada, Spain Performance on each question

9 EUROCALL 2006 - Granada, Spain Quantitative findings Generally, students performed better in the second test, although there was some degree of variability depending on the question BUT: –General improvement would be expected as these areas of grammar studied in class between tests 1 and 2 –Short test period (one semester) –Performance did not improve in every question

10 EUROCALL 2006 - Granada, Spain Reaction of students Initially, some concerns about how students would react to the technology: –Students not enthused by grammar classes –Would technology help? Danger of psychological resistance?

11 EUROCALL 2006 - Granada, Spain Reaction of students (2) BUT Feedback positive at end of semester –70% of respondents felt technology made positive contribution to learning grammar –Students wanted more exercises, especially those available online Motivational Value. Students appreciate why they studied the areas they did as the diagnostics test revealed their weaknesses.

12 EUROCALL 2006 - Granada, Spain Reaction of students (3) “I think that Hot Potatoes was an excellent way to learn main grammar points” “I think Hot Potatoes is a really good way of practicing grammar points” “I liked it, was clear and helpful and easy to use and interesting” “…like the way you have to keep working before you are given a clue or answer”

13 EUROCALL 2006 - Granada, Spain Evaluation: Why positive? Importance of looking at student reaction to use of technology in LL : The value of the technology is not necessarily measured on its technological excellence or astounding quality (Thornbury et al, 1996:19) Technology not too drastic a culture shock –Students use technology when they feel it makes a difference. Rapid feedback/practice –Technology not taking them to too far outside their comfort zone –Technology as a means of supporting NOT replacing the teacher –Use of a multi-faceted approach. Retains interest. Affective benefits of technology (Stepp Greenay, 2002 and Beauvois, 1998)

14 EUROCALL 2006 - Granada, Spain Maximising the potential – future developments Use of data from this year group to inform planning of next year’s grammar classes Creation of a database to enable tutor to track student performance quickly

15 EUROCALL 2006 - Granada, Spain Conclusion Quantitatively, it is very difficult to say with any conviction whether the technology made any significant difference to student performance BUT The technology motivated the students –Students need their comfort zone – Students still need teacher to have a central role in grammar, especially in Year 1

16 EUROCALL 2006 - Granada, Spain References Beauvois, M (1998). ‘Conversations in Slow Motion: Computer- mediated Communication in the Foreign Language Classroom’ In Canadian Modern Language Review 54 (2) Retrieved from the World Wide Web on 20 January 2006: Beauvois.html Canadian Modern Language Review Beauvois.html Engel, D and Myles, F (1996). ‘Grammar Teaching: The Major Concerns.’ In D Engel and F Myles (eds.) Teaching Grammar: Perspective in Higher Education London: Association for French Language Studies and Centre for Information on Language Teaching and Research, 9 – 19 Fry, H, Ketteridge, S and Marshal, S (1999). ‘Understanding Student Learning’. In H Fry, S Ketteridge and S Marshall (Eds.), A Handbook for Teaching and Learning in Higher Education, London, Kogan Page, 21 – 40

17 EUROCALL 2006 - Granada, Spain References (2) Nutta, J (1998). ‘Is computer-based grammar instruction as effective as teacher-directed grammar instruction for teaching L2 structures?’ In CALICO, 16(1): 49–62 Stepp-Greany, J (2002). ‘Student perceptions on language learning in a technological environment: Implications for the new millennium.’ Language Learning and Technology, 6 (1): 165 – 180 Thornbury H., Elder M., Crowe D., Bennett P. & Belton V. (1996). ‘Suggestions for successful integration.’ In Active Learning, 4, 18-23.

18 EUROCALL 2006 - Granada, Spain For more information… Please visit the Centre for Excellence in Multimedia Language Learning website at:

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