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Year 6 SATs Information Evening Tuesday 26 th February 2013.

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Presentation on theme: "Year 6 SATs Information Evening Tuesday 26 th February 2013."— Presentation transcript:

1 Year 6 SATs Information Evening Tuesday 26 th February 2013

2 What are the SATs? Statutory Attainment Tests Culmination of 4 years work Provide a measure of progress from Year 2 tests Taken by all Year 6 children Follow strict guidelines and procedures (especially timing)

3 When are the SATs? Week beginning 13 th May 2013

4 2013 Timetable Monday 13 th May Tuesday 14 th May Wednesday 15 th May Thursday 16 th May Reading test (1 hour) English grammar, punctuation and spelling. Maths A (45 minutes) & Mental Maths (10 minutes Maths B (45 minutes)

5 When will I get my child’s results? Maths, SPaG and Reading tests are marked externally. Writing levels are achieved through teacher assessment based on several pieces of work completed throughout the year. The papers are then checked and moderated. Marked papers and results are usually returned to school at the beginning of July. The level achieved is then included in the end of year report to parents.

6 Levels The national expectation is that the majority of children achieve Level 4. Some children may achieve Level 3. Some may reach the higher Level 5. A small number of pupils may be entered for the Level 6 test. Pupils are expected to make a minimum of 2 levels progress from the end of Year 2.

7 How would you do? Let’s try the 2009 Mental Maths Test! Listen carefully!

8 2013 Organisation in School Tests are taken in the classroom. Displays have to be removed or covered (eg multiplication table charts; key vocabulary). Some children are provided with support for reading in the Maths papers. All children sit the test at the same time, unless there are exceptional circumstances.

9 Numeracy Focusing on: »Calculations and problem solving »Shape, space and measure »Interpreting data

10 Literacy Focusing on: »Writing – identifying and using different genres (types of writing) »Reading – being able to analyse texts and infer »Grammar – correct use of standard English »Punctuation – using a range of punctuation accurately.

11 Grammar Word classes: verb; noun; adjective; adverb etc. Subject & verb agreement: There is two cars parked in front of me. The child were running quickly. Double negatives: She didn’t hear nothing. Complex sentences: After they had watched the match, the boys had a fish and chip supper. Punctuation of sentences.

12 The Countdown!!! We’ve already started some work in preparation for the SATs! We gradually increase the amount of revision, whilst still focussing on new learning.

13 Working together Use the revision guides and school homework to support your child at home. Use websites eg BBC Revisewise for a different style of revision. Purple Mash – promoting a home/school partnership in learning. Attendance is key! Create a balance. Revision books on sale tonight.

14 SATs Week Essential that children arrive on time. All tests are completed in the mornings. Tests are done under strict conditions, but we do try to make it as “stress free” as we can. If your child is ill, please contact school as soon as possible.

15 Any questions?

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