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 Portuguese first to arrive in India  End of 16 th century -> Dutch and British arrive in India  17 th century the British begin est commercial power.

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Presentation on theme: " Portuguese first to arrive in India  End of 16 th century -> Dutch and British arrive in India  17 th century the British begin est commercial power."— Presentation transcript:

1  Portuguese first to arrive in India  End of 16 th century -> Dutch and British arrive in India  17 th century the British begin est commercial power in India  French enter India and try to compete with the British in India  Sir Robert Clive = empire builder = head of the British East India Company = organizer of British victory in India  Seven Years’ War 1756-1763 = British drive the French out of India CLIVE OF INDIA

2  Portuguese first to reach China since Marco Polo  China in 18 th cent. was declining -> Euro was on the rise -> Euros wanted more trade  First trade was between Russ. And China  English dominate trade with Asia in 18 th cent. -> China tried to restrict trade access  Chinese resisted incr. Brit. trade

3  Portug first est contact with Japan  Francis Xavier -> Jesuit missionary in Japan  Euro sent goods and god to Japan -> Japanese rulers resist -> Jesuits expelled -> trading shut down -> only Dutch trading post at Nagasaki kept open

4  Portugal -> Brazil  Spain -> S. America and Mexico  17 th cent -> Dutch, French, English begin to move into the Americas

5  The West Indies = French and British 1. plantation economies 2. Sugarcane -> $ 3. African slavery

6  Dutch -> est first colony in N. Am -> New Netherlands = Hudson River Valley -> now N. York  English -> Jamestown in Virginia and Massachusetts Bay Colony in New England -> later seize New Netherlands = the 13 colonies  Brit colonies -> mercantilism = colonies should benefit mother country 1. Provide raw materials 2. Buy manufactured goods from England

7  Jacques Cartier  Samuel de Champlain  French Canada 1663 -> furs, fish, timber  Underpopulated -> not enough Frenchies went to the Americas  The Seven Years’ War 1763 = French lose colonies in N. Am to the Brits

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