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The Mayor of Castro Street. The Life and Times of Harvey Milk MITCH ALLEN.

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1 The Mayor of Castro Street. The Life and Times of Harvey Milk MITCH ALLEN


3 Written in 1982.(published 1988) Biography of Harvey Milk.


5 RANDY SHILTS Born in 1951. Pioneering gay journalist and author. Grew up in Illinois and moved to San Francisco after college. Also author of And the Band Played On 1987

6 Favorite character HARVEY MILK Confident, positive, successful, and inspirational Served in US NAVY during the Korean war (1951-1955) He was first openly-gay man to be elected into public office. Passed gay rights ordinance for San Francisco. Assassinated by Dan White in 1978.

7 Least favorite character DAN WHITE San Francisco supervisor when Milk was a supervisor. Assassinated Harvey Milk and Mayor George Mascone Convicted of manslaughter (5 year sentence) instead of murder because of verdict that White was depressed and mentally ill. Committed suicide 2 years after serving his 5 year sentence

8 Exposition Explains Harvey Milk’s life as a kid Born into a jewish family in New York City High school-running back, SBO, popular with peers. Afraid to come out to peers. College- studied secondary education in Albany, New York. First relationship with Joe Campbell. “like an old married couple” (shilts) Enrolled in the NAVY. Honorably discharged from junior lieutenant because of suspicion of homosexuality

9 Rising Action Moves to San Francisco with his partner, Joe Campbell. Break up with Joe because Joe didn’t like Harvey’s fire for activism Fired from job because of homosexuality Election for San Francisco supervisor

10 Climax First openly-gay man to become elected in public office (board of supervisors) Helped passed pro-gay rights laws. Fights with Dan White Dan White assassinated Harvey Milk and Mayor George Mascone.

11 Falling Action Funeral Dan White went on trial and convicted of manslaughter (5 year sentence) instead of a lifetime sentence in prison. Because of “twinkie effect.” Murder was effect of my manic depression disorder brought on my malnutrition.

12 Time Period and settings Time period-1930-1978 Setting. New York City, New York Dallas, Texas San Francisco, California

13 Themes Being true to yourself and others. Staying strong to your beliefs.

14 GAY RIGHTS 1951-First gay rights organization. Couldn’t do any activism, but united gays in a community. (Daughters of Bilitis. Mattachine society.) 1969-Stonewall riots-police raided a gay bar and brutally beat and arrested employee’s and customers. 2,000 gay and lesbian activists crowded the bar. 3 days of riots. 1980-democratic party publicly supports gay rights. 1993-Hawaii is first to make same-sex marriage legal. 2003-surpreme court gets rid of all sodomy-laws Today- we have 10 states that allow same-sex couples to marry.

15 Rights gays DON’T get Housing protection-you can be denied housing if you are gay. Marriage-can’t adopt, own property together, no tax benefits, visit partner in hospital, inheritance of spouse when they die, Social security or retirement. Serve in the military (don’t ask, don’t tell-but can be discharged if information leaks of homosexuality.) No legal protection if fired from job based on sexual orientation. Laws are ignored or….

16 Proposition 8 Defined marriage as a union between a man and a woman. “Only marriage between a man and a woman is valid or recognized in California” Section 7.5 of the Declaration of Rights, November 2008. Denied same-sex couples to marry. Voided marriages performed after November 5, 2008

17 Prop 8 supporters “Traditional marriage is the foundation of society and has served our state well for centuries. California’s constitutional marriage amendment exists to strengthen society, encourage monogamous and loving marriages and to provide the optimal environment to ensure the well being of children. Thirty-one other states, including California have voted on this issue and every single one decided against legalizing same-sex marriage and instead upheld traditional marriage. California has voted on the issue twice and the people’s voice has been resounding: marriage is between one man and one woman.”

18 Prop 8 supporters Unconstitutional Proposition 8 lawyers wrote, "that redefining marriage in this manner will fundamentally change the public meaning of marriage in ways that will weaken this institution and harm the interests it has traditionally served.” Shouldn’t be teaching children that marriage between two same-sex couples is acceptable. They will “turn” gay.

19 Opposition of prop 8 "inalienable rights" cannot be eliminated without compelling reasons, an argument that, if accepted by the court, would make major new law in California.--California Atty. Gen. Jerry Brown

20 New York Senator Diane Savino speaks on gay marriage laws

21 Hate crimes Mathew Shepard (December 1, 1976 – October 12, 1998). Beaten and left to die on after being robbed by Aaron McKinney and Russell Henderson on the basis of sexual orientation. Both defendants were sent to prison for murder, but not for hate crimes. There was no law against hate crimes against homosexuals. MATHEW SHEPARD ACT October 22, 2009. allows court to prosecute hate crimes against gender, sexual orientation, gender identity, or disability.

22 Job discrimination due to sexual orientation No protection by law of discrimination in the workplace due to sexual orientation in 30 states. Including Utah. The other 20 fully support equal non- discrimination acts. (Minnesota, California, Washington, New Jersey…)

23 Housing In Utah, there are no laws protecting your rights as a gay person if you are evicted by your landlord due to sexual orientation. Conflicts taken to trial have either been ignored or denied when involving sexual orientation.

24 Healthcare The health needs of gay and transgender people are often unknown, under-funded or ignored by policy makers and health care authorities. The HIV/AIDS pandemic continues to threaten gay and bisexual men. Lesbian and bisexual women live in a society that often dismisses their health concerns. Transgender Americans also face roadblocks to healthcare through discrimination and sub-standard insurance coverage.

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