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Wisconsin Digital Summit Monona Terrace November 15, 2004 Justice and Public Safety Interoperability: Wisconsin’s Justice Information Sharing (WIJIS) Initiative.

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Presentation on theme: "Wisconsin Digital Summit Monona Terrace November 15, 2004 Justice and Public Safety Interoperability: Wisconsin’s Justice Information Sharing (WIJIS) Initiative."— Presentation transcript:

1 Wisconsin Digital Summit Monona Terrace November 15, 2004 Justice and Public Safety Interoperability: Wisconsin’s Justice Information Sharing (WIJIS) Initiative

2 Presenters Today Dean Ziemke OJA Statistical Analysis Center Director George Pasdirtz WIJIS Technology Director

3 What’s the Issue? In 2002, OJA held statewide strategic planning meetings including: law enforcement, sheriffs & jail staff district attorneys & public defenders court staff & judges probation and parole health and human services county emergency planning community services

4 #1 Priority: Information Sharing Attendees cited a need to go “beyond existing systems by creating a secure statewide information sharing system”.

5 But It’s Complicated…  Over 600 independent law enforcement agencies  71 prosecutor offices  69 circuit courts  State agencies including:  Department of Justice,  Department of Corrections,  Department of Natural Resources, and  Department of Transportation;  Office of Justice Assistance and the  State Public Defenders Office.

6 WIJIS Partners: Information Providers and Information Users Federal Local State

7 What is Justice Information Sharing? Data Interoperability: The electronic exchange of information to fill gaps in criminal histories, reduce redundant and erroneous data entry, and improve accuracy and timeliness of justice data. Data Access: The ability to view information collected and maintained by other justice organizations to provide more and better information for improved decision-making and increased officer safety. Event Notification: The automated notification of new events involving people, locations, vehicles or property of interest to improve investigation efficiency and effectiveness.

8 Recipe for Information Sharing… Desire to Share Common Vision & Agreement Among Parties Policy; Standards; Permissions; Open Records; MOUs Blueprint for Computing, Communication and Management System Design and Architecture Enterprise-wide Communication Network: BadgerNet, Internet & ESB Common Language: Global Justice XML Method to Communicate: SOAP Messaging using Web services Secure Access and Transmission: Federated Directory; Local and Enterprise Security Infrastructure and Policy; 2-factor Authentication; Role-based Permissions Privacy and Funding: Statewide VS Project by Project Awareness: Partner, Agency, Policy-Maker, Funder, and Media

9 Today

10 WIJIS Gateway is on the Way!  A secure single point of access to justice information with the capability to: View information stored on disparate systems, Facilitate the electronic exchange of information between participating systems, and Alert users to new information or changes to information previously obtained.

11 The WIJIS Gateway will…  Enable agencies to participate regardless of agency size, records management vendor or access to BadgerNet.  Provide access without slowing partner systems.  Deliver flexible search capabilities and provide results in a user-friendly format that does not require extensive training to interpret.

12 The WIJIS Gateway will…  Maintain information integrity and protect citizen privacy.  Provide a secure network for data exchanges and access only by authorized users.  Identify users and authorize access to information based on the user’s role in the justice system.

13 This is how it could work…

14 The Future

15 The Portal

16 Directory/Security


18 FIM: Federated Identity Management, an administrative concept Organizational: extend identity management infrastructure to partners Individual: associate individual application and system identities (SSO) IdP = Identity Provider SP = Service Provider STS=Security Token Service

19 Directory/Security The Search



22 The Justice Gateway

23 Other Uses of the Justice Gateway Architecture: Data Integration Electronic Referrals (LE to DA) Incident-Based Reporting (IBR) Crime Data (LE to OJA-SAC)

24 LE to DA eReferral The eReferral is an electronic exchange of defendant and offense data from the law enforcement agency to the District Attorney.

25 E-referral

26 How Does the WIJIS Gateway Facilitate eReferrals? Contributors can submit data through the Enterprise Service Bus (ESB) using the WIJIS Global Justice XML Standard Gateway participants will have already mapped their systems to GJXML Both WIJIS and DAs are interested in data contained on the referral and can work on a strategy for submitting information ONE TIME for multiple purposes

27 Benefits of eReferral Elimination of multiple data entry points Reduced time to transfer of information from Law Enforcement Agency to District Attorneys Office

28 IBR Reporting The National Incident Based Reporting System (NIBRS) is an incident-based reporting system for crimes known to the police. For each crime incident coming to the attention of law enforcement, a variety of data are collected about the incident. It will eventually replace summary Uniform Crime Reporting (UCR).

29 Incident-Based Reporting (IBR)

30 How Does the WIJIS Gateway Facilitate IBR Reporting? Contributors can submit IBR data through the Enterprise Service Bus (ESB) using traditional flat file standards or using the WIJIS Global Justice XML Standard Gateway participants will have already mapped their systems to GJXML Both WIJIS and IBR are interested in incident report data and can work on a strategy for retrieving information ONE TIME for multiple purposes

31 Benefits of IBR Reporting Higher quality national crime statistics. Agencies will be able to view and query their own data as well as other agencies through new SAC web services.

32 Further Information The Office of Justice Assistance (OJA) is located at: 131 West Wilson Street, Suite 202 Madison, WI 53702-0001 Phone (608) 266-3323 Fax (608) 266-6676 Visit our website at

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