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UC-ITAG ANNUAL UPDATE 2013-2014 Oct. 22, 2014 ITLC Meeting, UC Irvine.

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Presentation on theme: "UC-ITAG ANNUAL UPDATE 2013-2014 Oct. 22, 2014 ITLC Meeting, UC Irvine."— Presentation transcript:

1 UC-ITAG ANNUAL UPDATE 2013-2014 Oct. 22, 2014 ITLC Meeting, UC Irvine

2 Outline  Membership, Participation, and Charter  2013-2014 Accomplishments  Campus Snapshots  2014-2015 Upcoming Goals  UCTrust Report

3 UC-ITAG Leadership UC-ITAG Chair, 7/2014-present Mojgan Amini ) ) UC San Diego UC-ITAG Co-Chair, 07/14-present Gabriel Gonzalez ) UC Berkeley ) Enterprise Architect Jerome McEvoy ) UC Office of President ) Past Chair, 3/2013 – 7/2014 Lisa Gardner ) ) UC Santa Cruz UCTrust Chair, 12/2013-present Greg Haverkamp ) LBNL ) UCTrust Co-Chair, 12/2013- present Dana Watanabe ) ) UC Irvine

4 Membership & Meetings  > 30% of ITAG membership is new this year  19 named members and alternates  2 vacant seats: LBNL and UC Davis Medical Center  Meeting attendance ranges from 54% to 92%  ITAG Members & Contributors posted on wiki ITAG Members & Contributors  UCTrust Campus Contacts posted on wiki UCTrust Campus Contacts

5 Monthly Meeting Attendance DateUCBUCDUCIUCLAUCMUCRUCSDUCSFUCSBUCSCUCOPEA teamUCTrust % total attendnce Oct-2014XXXXXXX 54% Sep-2014XXXXXXX 54% Aug-2014XXXXXXXXXX 77% Jul-2014XXXXXXXX 62% Jun-2014XXXXXXXXXX 77% May-2014XXXXXXXXX 69% Apr-2014XXXXXXXXXXXX 92% Feb-2014XXXXXXXX 62% Jan-2014XXXXXXXXXX 77% Dec-2013XXXXXXXX 62% Oct-2013XXXXXXXXXX 77% Aug-2013XXXXXXXXXX 77% Campus %83%67%92%67%42%58%100%33%25%83%75%100%83%

6 UC-ITAG Charter  Facilitates knowledge sharing and collaboration across the UC campuses.  Works in concert with the UC Enterprise Architecture (EA) Team, to inform and enable reuse of the UC EA body of knowledge, and support campus implementations of UC-wide initiatives.  Charter posted on wiki Charter

7 Focus on Pillar II  Foundation for Collaboration on Technology Enabled UC Solutions posted on wiki Foundation for Collaboration on Technology Enabled UC Solutions  Pillar II: Establish the enterprise architecture and technology infrastructure necessary to promote and support interoperability and sharing of IT solutions among and between campuses.

8 EA Framework Purpose UC CIOs ITAG and UCOP EA Team Shared Services Align Campus and System-wide Strategy and Plans Old State  Start from scratch  Redundancy in Data Infrastructure Applications Costs  Variances with no standards  One-off implementations New State  Reuse of approaches and assets  Increased interoperability  Deliberate variances  Easier UC collaboration

9 2013 - 2014 Accomplishments


11 EA Artifact Framework  EA Artifact Framework Document (link)link  Artifact Hierarchy (link)link  Repository of Artifacts EABoK (link)link

12 Artifact Workflow Defined  EAAF Review and Adoption Workflow (link)link

13 Enterprise Architecture Glossary

14 Artifacts Completed and Remaining *Illustration only: Expected total is subject to change.

15 Artifacts Defined  Examples of Standards:  Web Services  Federated authentication  Identification  SSH  SSL  Security  Examples of Principles:  Interoperability  Deliver Common Apps  Data is an Asset  Data is Shared  Data Stewardship  Data is Secure

16 Location-centric Inventories  Enterprise Service Bus Deployment Patterns (link)link  Campus Communication Framework (link)link  Campus Virtualization Infrastructure (link)link  Campus Data Warehouse – (link) led to collaborative DW initiativelink

17 Communication, Outreach, Training  6 SOA Webinars delivered (link)link  4 IAM Webinars delivered (link)link  ITAG Face-to-Face  UC Irvine 8/2013 (link)link  UCSF 8/2014 (link)link  EAAF Presentation delivered at:  EDUCAUSE ITANA Face-to-Face, Anaheim 10/2013 (link)link  Common Solutions Group, San Diego 1/2014 (link)link

18 Success Factors  CIOs support and promote EA standards at their location  CIOs commit ITAG resources  UCOP EA team has strong participation in ITAG  ITAG members partner with CIOs for planning, outreach, communication  ITAG members serve as two-way conduit between campus and system-wide architecture planning

19 Campus Snapshots

20 Artifact Adoption by Campus * Med Centers have not yet participated

21 EA Practice Campus Snapshot  All campuses have established some sort of EA Practice.  Many are localized, address certain aspects of EA or just starting up.

22 Architecture Work-Streams Converge

23 2014 - 2015 Upcoming Goals

24 Application of EA Framework  Completion of EABok artifacts  Support for campus adoption of artifacts  One-stop EABok Portal  Architecture Review for shared candidate system  Participate in EA fit-gap analysis

25 Communication, Outreach, Training  EA Framework webinar series  Evangelize SOA approach and campuses  Available for 1x1s with campus CIOs/ITAG rep  Alignment with other UC shared services initiatives

26 ITAG Deliverables  Provide IT resources as needed  IT requirements checklist  RFP and RFI question repository

27 Deliverables for Shared Service  Input on whitepaper for Framework for Agile Development of Shared UC Systems  Interactive diagram “Anatomy of a Shared System” (link)link

28 2013 - 2014 and Beyond UCTrust Report

29 UCTrust Initiatives  UCTrust Services  Standardization of attributes  Attribute request release process  InCommon Silver replacing UCTrust Basic  UCTrust audit completed at UCSB  Audit requires clearer UCTrust requirements & framework  Mapping UCPath attributes for UCTrust federation  Many UCPath IDM participants during 2012-2014 were UCTrust representatives

30 UCTrust Accomplishments  In cooperation with InCommon, developed a technical process to support central attribute release approval  Meeting scheduled with Registrars group to discuss student attribute release practice, December 2014  Developed a mapping of UCPath attributes to SAML attributes used in federation

31 UCTrust Change in Focus  InCommon Silver largely deprioritized  Many campuses felt they had insufficient resources to achieve it  ITLC encourages the UC Trust workgroup to consider other actions that would not place undue burden on the campuses  Collaboration with UCITPS and others is encouraged.  The standards being defined as part of the EA process support this (ITLC) charge.  Discuss UCPath-related identity management issues

32 UCTrust Goals 2014-2015  Governance for Service Provider Integration with UCTrust (link)link  UCTrust Services and Attribute Release Process  Develop and deploy a central release approval process for a single, pre-defined set of user attributes to be used with the process developed with InCommon  Review of UCTrust Service Description and Policies (link)link

33 UC IT Architecture Group (ITAG) UCTrust Working Group (UCTrust)

34 Shared Services Supplemental Slides



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