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Families In Care Planning : Building a Team Alzheimer Society of Manitoba Conference March 5, 2007 Peter S. Silin, MSW, RSW Diamond Geriatrics, Inc.

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Presentation on theme: "Families In Care Planning : Building a Team Alzheimer Society of Manitoba Conference March 5, 2007 Peter S. Silin, MSW, RSW Diamond Geriatrics, Inc."— Presentation transcript:

1 Families In Care Planning : Building a Team Alzheimer Society of Manitoba Conference March 5, 2007 Peter S. Silin, MSW, RSW Diamond Geriatrics, Inc.

2 “We have to include families in care planning.” The way to include families in care planning is to build a strong team of which families are a part.

3 Joining the Team: The Intro  What is it to walk through the door  What is it like to walk through the door  Moving to Paris

4 The Admission Process  What when coming into care  What happens when coming into care  Disempowerment  Role changes and loss  Emotional crisis  Relief, comfort, security  The Nature of the relationship  3 way relationship  Dual role for the family

5 The Development of Care: From Care Side  Confirm info  Develop an initial care plan  Degree of Intervention and forms  Blood pressures and temperatures  Tour

6 Stage Setting: The Family  Care Maps: built before admission  Most people have no experience of care  Stereotypes of what will happen  Expectations  Families play by their rules  Previous caregiving history  Who they are and what they’ve been

7 Stage-setting: The Home  Organization  Mission statements /actualizing missions  Rights and responsibilities  Policies, procedures, regulations  Care  What is our framework/approach model?  Relationship Model: a meta model of care  Team model of care

8 Building Teams Pre-Admission  Education  Individual tours and meetings

9 Team Development How Teams are Built  Develop new teams  Join existing teams  Integrate teams

10 What are we doing (really)?  Set up is for families to join care team  Care team is joining the caregiver’s team  Ideal is to meld two teams

11 Why is it difficult?  Duality: client and colleague  Power and knowledge difference: we know how the game is played  Rules  Language  Short cuts Culture Clash  What is our culture  What is theirs

12 Team Development How Teams are Built  Theory of group development  Norms, roles, relationships  Forming, storming, norming, performing  Task and process  Cultures and history

13 Job One: Work on Relationships  Trust  Time and evidence based:  Reputation and care maps  Empathy  Pay attention to our interactions and patterns  Congruency: what we do  Awareness of our needs  What is going on between us

14 Integrating Teams: Relationships  How do we get them to teach us  Social Histories  Psychosocial Assessments  Family assessments  Ongoing assessment from the whole team  Have them share  Care maps  What they think will happen  What they need to know  What role do they want to play  What caregiving has looked like

15 Building Team: information  Teach system functioning  What is their role  Information flow  Limits and problems  Teach care functioning  Care plan development  Care conferences  Staff roles, responsibilities, limits  Explain and show charts  Show them care plans

16 Building Team  Ask them to write a care plan  Make sure to include themselves  Charting to include their notes  Encourage ongoing input  Advocacy  Reporting observations  Update on family process  Share knowledge and experience of home

17 Ongoing Team Maintenance  Care conferences  Communication flow  Trigger points for communication  What do they need  Medications  Recreation  Falls/Change in condition  From family to staff

18 Team Functioning Problems  Breaking trust  Limiting information  Lack of information integration  Unclear team mandates, limits, roles  Not enough attention to process

19 Healthy Functioning Teams  What do they look like?  How do they feel?  How do we know when they are off?  What do we do about it?  Respect, conflict resolution, problem solving: task and process

20 Hope and Despair  What is our job?  The limitations of knowledge  The Anatomy of Hope  On miracles  We are their dreamers

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