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Where is Mary?. I. Mary Sat At His Feet, Lk.10:38-42 I. Mary Sat At His Feet, Lk.10:38-42.

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Presentation on theme: "Where is Mary?. I. Mary Sat At His Feet, Lk.10:38-42 I. Mary Sat At His Feet, Lk.10:38-42."— Presentation transcript:

1 Where is Mary?


3 I. Mary Sat At His Feet, Lk.10:38-42 I. Mary Sat At His Feet, Lk.10:38-42

4 Sitting at Jesus’ feet implies... Listening. Ct. 25-37. (Mt.16: 21-23) Lowliness. At His feet, not His head Longing. Mt.5:6 Living. Mt.17:5. Lasting. 1 Jn.2:24 Balance is the key: serve like Martha, listen like Mary

5 I. Mary Sat At His Feet II. Mary Sorrowed At His Feet, Jn.11:32

6 At Jesus’ feet... 32 Jesus did not come at once He stayed away on purpose (4) In sorrows, He may be glorified in ways we do not understand

7 Mary and Martha Did not doubt Jesus’ love Discussed it (same words, 21, 32) Martha: teaches ‘resurrection’ [20-27] Mary: responds w. tears [32-35…] Contrast: “Where was God when…?” Jesus raised Lazarus (38-44) Jesus stopped Mary’s tears Led to His own crucifixion (45-53)

8 I. Mary Sat At His Feet III. Mary Served At His Feet, Jn.12:3 II. Mary Sorrowed At His Feet

9 Preparation for Passover  Mary: important role at feast  Only Jesus fully understood her  Six days before Passover (Jn.1:29)  Mary the servant anointed His... Feet Jn.12:3 Head Mk.14:3 Attending to feet was work of servants (Jn.13:5)

10 Mary...  Grateful: He raised her brother. 1 Co.11  Volunteer: 2 Co.9:6-8  Thoughtful: understood Him (Lk.10)  Sacrificial: Jn.12:3-5 – Mk.14:3  Pure: not for show, competition  Personal: active, not passive  Sweet: Gn.8; Ep.5; Ph.4

11 Friction at the feast 1. Scorned 1. Scorned (Judas): Jn.12:4-6 (Mk.14:4) 2. Supported 2. Supported (Jesus): Jn.12:7-8 Jesus defended Mary Jesus explained anointing Jesus explained about the poor Jesus promised Mary’s deed would always be remembered

12 Lessons 1. Martha & Mary loved Jesus; He did not try to change one into the other 2. Good listeners make better servants 3. Jesus deserves our very best. 1 Sm.29. 2 Sm.6:14; 24:24 Loyalty Mt.6:24First Mt.6:33Cross Mt.16:24f All Mt.19:27Hate Lk.14:26Zeal Tit.3:8

13 Lessons 1. Martha & Mary loved Jesus; He did not try to change one into the other 2. Good listeners make better servants 3. Jesus deserves our very best. 1 Sm.29. 2 Sm.6:14; 24:24 4. We cannot personally anoint Jesus, but... Mt.25; 26:10-13 5. You will be criticized for doing good

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