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Presentation on theme: "CHILDREN’S THERAPY INITIATIVE"— Presentation transcript:


2 Where is South Eastman? Wpg.
Winnipeg Wpg. USA Border Ontario Border SHOW MAP: South Eastman is a very large region. It covers an area from Winnipeg over to the Ontario border and from approximately the #1 Hwy. down to the U.S. border. Our project is interested in working with communities all across South Eastern Manitoba.

3 Rehab Services (SEH/SSE)
Who is involved? South Eastman CTI Public Health (SEH/SSE) Seine River S.D Bethesda Hospital Hanover S.D. DSFM Frontier S.D. Red River Valley S.D. Rehab Services (SEH/SSE) Audiologist POTC SMD Family Services Border Land S.D. Child Care RCC

4 Who is involved? Steering committee Co-Chairs:
Lynn Prevost (South Eastman Health/Santé Sud-Est - Public Health/Primary Health Care) Marlene Waldron (RCC-POTC) E

5 South Eastman Health/Santé Sud-Est. Inc.
Who is involved? Our Steering committee… South Eastman Health/Santé Sud-Est Public Health/Primary Health Care-Lynn Prevost (co-chair) & Bev Unger Rehabilitation Services-Marlene Smith Audiologist-Irene Scarrow Bethesda Hospital facility manager Madeleine Baril E South Eastman Health/Santé Sud-Est. Inc.

6 Who is involved? Our Steering committee…
POTC – Marlene Waldron (co-chair) SMD – Patti McIntyre Family Services – Susan Ostapowich Child Care – Yvette Bruneau

7 Who is involved? Our Steering committee… School Divisions
Border Land – Julie Weber DSFM – Marge Damon Frontier – Terri Bembridge Hanover – Pat Burgess Red River Valley – Kristin Medved Seine River – Helga Berger

8 School Division & South Eastman Health/Santé Sud-Est regional boundaries

9 Who is involved? Ad Hoc Members: CNIB Child Development Clinic
Child & Family Services (supervisors) Children’s Hospital Health Science Centre Home School Association Parents/Guardians

10 What is going well? Environmental Scan & Report completed Identified:
Need for increased service/staffing Gaps for children with “mild” needs Lack of OT/PT screening prior to school age Need for system where referrals are accepted centrally & channelled to the most appropriate provider(s)

11 What is going well? Environmental Scan & Report completed
Identified: (con’t) Need for formal process for sharing information between organizations Need to increase awareness of regional services (professionals & general public) Need to establish evidence based outcomes for measuring progress

12 What is going well? Terms of Reference were created
Service Delivery Plan was created based on the Environmental Scan First targeting improving preschool services Developed a bilingual referral form & trilingual consent form Currently being piloted Hired Transitional Coordinator Edie Martinez Referral Flow Chart has been drafted

13 What is going well? Improved communication & trust between partners
Commitment from partners to make a difference ie: SEH/SSE allocated “hot spot” funding to increase regional Audiologist to 1.0 EFT & hire a audiometrist Although this funding came as a result from key recommendations from the Accreditation Survey (not CTI funding), it makes a difference for delivery of Children’s Therapy in the region & addresses the long Audiology wait lists.

14 What is going well? South Eastman CTI has partnered with SMD to jointly create a Full time SLP position SMD had been unsuccessful in hiring a 0.5 position, but has now hired a full time SLP Full time position increases likelihood  of staff retention/job stability Potential for enhanced efficiencies reducing travel time & costs

15 What is going well? Commitment to improving preschool OT/PT services where there have been gaps Enhancing Stars of the Future program Up until now, Stars of the Future has included: 3 ½ year old screening for: Speech & Language (SLP) Hearing Loss (PHNs) General Development (PHNs)

16 What is going well? Commitment to improving preschool OT/PT services where there have been gaps Enhancing Stars of the Future program OT/PT screening will be a new component (target -April 2007) 3 ½ year olds will now be screened for: Speech & Language (SLP) Motor & behaviour deficits (OT/PT) Hearing Loss (PHNs) General Health (PHNs)

17 Our Accomplishments… Received funding to assist the planned project activities Environmental Scan & Report Terms of Reference Service Delivery Plan

18 Our Accomplishments… Bilingual Referral Form & Trilingual Consent Form Developed Hired Transitional Coordinator Referral Flow Chart drafted

19 Our Accomplishments… Expansion of SLP service delivery (SMD/CTI partnership) Stars of the Future program expanded to include OT/PT screening

20 Our Challenges… Philosophical differences around the table
Addressing the issues of jurisdictions & mandates Setting prioritization criteria Having common definitions (ie wait lists, mild needs)

21 Our Challenges… Short time lines and time constraints when reporting to provincial CTI Members equally committing to the responsibilities of the project Developing a model of service delivery that will allay the apprehensions of the partners Cultural Diversity within the Region

22 Next Steps… 1st enhanced Stars of the Future program with OT/PT-April 2007 Develop centralized intake system (database & communication strategy) Initial pilot (Stars of the Future)- April 2007 Mass implementation target- Sept. 2007 Expand preschool early intervention & screening to address the gaps identified in the Environmental Scan



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