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H A N G Thank you. Integrating Computer-based Multimedia Instructional Design into Teaching International English Phonetic Symbols Mingzhu Qiu Ontario.

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Presentation on theme: "H A N G Thank you. Integrating Computer-based Multimedia Instructional Design into Teaching International English Phonetic Symbols Mingzhu Qiu Ontario."— Presentation transcript:


2 H A N G Thank you.

3 Integrating Computer-based Multimedia Instructional Design into Teaching International English Phonetic Symbols Mingzhu Qiu Ontario Institute for Studies in Education University of Toronto, Toronto, Ontario, Canada Jim Hewitt Ontario Institute for Studies in Education, University of Toronto, Toronto, Ontario, Canada

4 Outline –Motivation and Needs for IEPS Program –Brief Introduction to the IEPS Program –Evaluation and Conclusion of IEPS Program

5 What is IEPS ? Simply put, IEPS is the abbreviation of International English Phonetic Symbols, a phonetic marking system and an aid in learning English pronunciation.

6 Motivation (a) Needs Communication problems Finding a job (b) Previous Researches Researches using text, graph, tape recorder, video respectively Research using metal paper and x-ray Research using thin fiber optic (c) Gap No Program with text, sound, graph, video, and animation on one screen (d) Target Users of This Program New adult immigrants ESL teachers












18 Main Theories Guiding the Program production of speech multimedia and animation dual coding theory tri-coding of information

19 Evaluation Research Methodology mixed methods research Evaluation Instruments surveys, interviews, learning outcome test. Evaluation Participants were asked to evaluate the program in the following aspects: (a) evaluation of the whole program; (b) evaluation of the design of the five kinds of files in the program; (c) evaluation of the technical features of the program; (d) evaluation of their own learning outcomes after mastering the program. Positive Attitude toward the Program

20 Comparison of Pretest and Learning Outcomes Test

21 Questions about Participants’ Attitudes toward The Whole Program (1, 2, 12----15) Frequency of Responses Strongly Agree Disagree 1 2 3 4 5 1. The program does not help me to learn the IEPS.0 0 0 3 17 2. The program is designed not easy to learn.0 0 2 7 11 12. I like the program because it allows me to choose the learning contents and learning speed. 9 9 0 0 2 13. I feel my pronunciation of the IEPS cannot be improved with the help of this program. 0 0 1 7 12 14. I have more confidence to continue learning English pronunciation since I have learned how to pronounce IEPS with the help of this program. 11 8 0 0 1 15. My overall evaluation to this program is not positive.1 0 1 5 13


23 Limitations to the Study Limitations to the Current Version of the Program Technical limitations Sound file size, animation files, video files, design of the whole program Content limitations more exercises, more native daily used contents Limitations to the Evaluation Evaluation study of students Sound recording, self pronunciation checking Evaluation study of the researcher Participants, questionnaires, software, outcome test

24 Conclusions animation feature -- a useful and a unique feature instructional contents – adequate contents for adult learners all five kinds of files (text, sound, graphics, video, and animation) -- combination to benefit learning the program – an effective tool for adult learners to learn the basics of the IEPS system by themselves the program – a helpful tool for ESL teachers to teach IEPS

25 Thank you for attending this presentation. Your comments on this presentation and the tutorial program are welcomed. You can reach the thesis and CD at OISE/UT library and the PowerPoint presentation at

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