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Future and Emerging Technologies (FET) Future and Emerging Technologies (FET) The roots of innovation Proactive initiative on: Global Computing (GC) Proactive.

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Presentation on theme: "Future and Emerging Technologies (FET) Future and Emerging Technologies (FET) The roots of innovation Proactive initiative on: Global Computing (GC) Proactive."— Presentation transcript:

1 Future and Emerging Technologies (FET) Future and Emerging Technologies (FET) The roots of innovation Proactive initiative on: Global Computing (GC) Proactive initiative on: Global Computing (GC) DBGlobe IST-2001-32645 1 st Year Review, Cyprus, January 31, 2003

2 2 1.General Introduction 2.Dissemination and Self-Assessment 3. Individual Presentations 4.Future Directions for Next Year 5.Demo Outline DBGlobe, 1 st Annual Review Paphos, Jan 2003

3 DBGlobe: Introduction DBGlobe, 1 st Annual Review Paphos, Jan 2003

4 4 The Vision of Global Computing: In the near future, there will be increasingly powerful computers in smart cards, telephones, and other information appliances. Smart buildings will put computers in light switches, vending machines, and home appliances. Software objects, in the form of mobile software agents, will roam the Internet. This will create a massive infrastructure composed of highly diverse interconnected mobile entities. GC INITIATIVE: The ultimate goal of the research action is to provide a solid scientific foundation for the design of such systems, and to lay the groundwork for achieving effective principles for building and analysing such systems.

5 5 What is DBGlobe A Data-Centric Approach: autonomous mobile entities handle (possess, produce, need, use) data data (metadata) describe the entities Our focus: How to store, index, discover, query data in global computing Paphos, Jan 30, 2003 DBGlobe, 1 st Annual Review On the premise, global computing is a database problem: how to design, build and analyze systems that manage large amount of data The traditional database approach of storing data of interest in monolithic database management systems becomes obsolete

6 6 DBGlobe within Global Computing DBGlobe, 1 st Annual Review Paphos, Jan 2003  In GC, autonomous computational entities, not centrally controlled activity thus massive distribution, heterogeneity, autonomy In traditional db research, centralized or small scale distribution/relatively homogeneous  In GC, mobile computational entities In traditional db research, passive data and sources in that they remain unchanged unless explicitly updated  In GC, the configuration varies over time In traditional db research, static (their location remains fixed).  In GC, systems operate with incomplete information about the environment In traditional db research, exact knowledge as opposed to discovery, filtering Need for new theoretical foundations in all aspects of data management: modeling, storage, and querying

7 7 Data centric Approach mobile entities as primary data stores, mobile entities as mini-servers (computational entities) that protect and encapsulate access to their data ad-hoc distributed database systems of unprecedented scale Meta-information and services: Storage Components that hold metadata about mobile objects Server Components that provide services for and about the mobile objects. a backbone of metadata information and services to reason about and query the behaviour and state of the autonomous mobile entities. DBGlobe, 1 st Annual Review Paphos, Jan 2003

8 8 The DBGlobe project aims at developing novel data management techniques to deal with the challenge of global computing Overview Partners: Univ. of Ioannina, GR (coordinator) INRIA, FR CTI, GR AUEB, GR Univ. of Cyprus, CY Univ. of California at Riverside, USA DBGlobe, 1 st Annual Review Paphos, Jan 2003

9 9 A quick look … Work divided in 6 Work Packages (WP) WP1: System Architecture (main system components, metadata) WP3: Data Delivery and Co-ordinations (means to delivery data, how to co-ordinate execution) WP4: Querying (how to discover data, how to query) WP2: Simulation (simulate the environment) WP5: Proof-of-Concept (build a prototype context-aware applications) WP6: Management DBGlobe, 1 st Annual Review Paphos, Jan 2003

10 10 Timeline … DBGlobe, 1 st Annual Review Paphos, Jan 2003 Year 1 Year 2 36912 WP1: System Architecture 15182124 WP2: Simulation WP3: Data Delivery & Coordination WP4: Discovery and Querying WP5: Proof-of-Concept Prototype WP6: Management

11 11 A quick look … Overview per Work Package.. More on the results in the Self-Assessment part of this talk.. Further Details later DBGlobe, 1 st Annual Review Paphos, Jan 2003

12 12 Work Outline (WP1) Task 1.1 Specification of the requirements of the system, the particular properties of the mobile entities and of the interaction among them Task 1.2 Metadata definition: defining what metadata to use to model: (a) the mobile entities data and behaviour, (b) user preferences, (c) environmental conditions. Derivation of a language for specifying and manipulating metadata. Task 1.3 Determining of policies for replicating, caching and aggregating data and metadata across the network sites of the system. DBGlobe, 1 st Annual Review Paphos, Jan 2003 System Architectures: No centralized database server, instead, each mobile object constitutes a database of each own.

13 13 Work Outline (WP3) Co-ordination/Data Delivery: Task 3.1 Data delivery among the system components: (a) the mobile entities, (b) the servers and (c) the users. Derive adaptive data delivery mechanisms that will combine various mode of delivery such as  push (transmission of data without an explicit request) and pull,  periodic and aperiodic, as well as  multicast and unicast delivery. Task 3.2 Model the co-ordination of the mobile entities using workflow management and techniques that have been used in the multi-agent community. DBGlobe, 1 st Annual Review Paphos, Jan 2003

14 14 DBGlobe IST-2001-32645 Work Outline (WP4) Querying: Data exchange and computation in the background in response to cues or queries from users. On a multitude of databases (networked mobile processing entities and their data) New query language modelling abstractions that will:  include a knowledge acquisition component, no exact knowledge of the data schema, information may be incomplete, High update rate of updates (of both data values and context information)  incorporate filtering,  Be context-aware, to deal with the scale and complexity of the environment. Query execution models for such dynamic environments of numerous processing entities. Paphos, Jan 2003

15 15 Work Outline (WP2) Build a simulator for such dynamic environments and use it to test our protocols Our simulator will  model mobile entities and their interactions.  be incrementally extended to model the creation of ad-hoc databases, delivery of data, co-ordination and querying DBGlobe, 1 st Annual Review Paphos, Jan 2003

16 16 Work Outline (WP5) implement a proof-of-concept prototype location-aware queries DBGlobe, 1 st Annual Review Paphos, Jan 2003

17 17 Management Deliverables Meetings Budget DBGlobe, 1 st Annual Review Paphos, Jan 2003

18 18 Technical Deliverables: Year 1 July 2002D2: Metadata Management (WP1) CTI Sept 2002D3: Overall System Architecture (WP1) CTI Oct 2002D8: Data Delivery Mechanisms (WP3) UoI Dec 2002D6: Initial Simulator Prototype and Web page (WP2) AUEB DBGlobe, 1 st Annual Review Paphos, Jan 2003

19 19 Technical Deliverables: Year 2 Apr 2003D9: Modeling Coordination Through Workflows (WP3)UoI Jun 2003D7: Final Simulator Prototype and Web page (WP2)AUEB Jun 2003D11: The Query Language of DBGlobe (WP4)INRIA Jun 2003D12: Query Optimization and Execution in DBGlobe (WP4) INRIA Aug 2003D10: Data Delivery and Querying (WP3)UoI Aug 2003D14: Location Aware Ad-Hoc Databases and Query Processing (WP5) UCY Nov 2003D13: Information Discovery and Querying (WP5)INRIA Nov 2003D15: Prototype System for Location Aware Querying (WP5) UCY DBGlobe, 1 st Annual Review Paphos, Jan 2003

20 20 General Deliverables (WP6): Year 1 Feb 2002D1: Consortium Agreement Internal distribution Mar 2002D4.1: Project Presentation Brief presentation of the project (posted in EC websites, reports) Jun 2002D18.1 Parameters and criteria for Self Assessment Set criteria based on which the project will be evaluated (very important for the project review) Jun 2002D5: Dissemination and Use Plan Plan for the dissemination of knowledge, exploitation plan Dec 2002D18.2 Self Assessment Report Dec 2002D16.1 Dissemination Results Dec 2002D4.2: Progress Report DBGlobe, 1 st Annual Review Paphos, Jan 2003

21 21 General Deliverables (WP6): Year 2 Jun 2003D16.2: Dissemination Results Dec 2003D18.3 Self Assessment Report Dec 2003D16.3 Dissemination Results and Technological Implementation Plan Dec 2003D4.3: Progress Report D17: Final Report For the final project review DBGlobe, 1 st Annual Review Paphos, Jan 2003

22 22 Three Project Meetings Kick-off, Athens 2 nd Meeting, Ioannina 3 rd Meeting, Athens A number of Working Groups Meetings AUEB – UoI, Ioannina AUEB – CTI, Athens Meetings

23 23 Dissemination Publications Web Page Events DBGlobe, 1 st Annual Review Paphos, Jan 2003

24 24 A. Karakasidis and E. Pitoura, “DBGlobe: A Data-Centric Approach to Global Computing”. International Workshop on Smart Appliances and Wearable Computing (IWSAWC 2002) In conjunction with ICDCS 2002, Vienna, Austria, July 2002DBGlobe: A Data-Centric Approach to Global Computing S. Valavanis, M. Vazirgianis, and K. Norvag, “ MobiShare: Sharing Context-Dependent Data and Services from Mobile Sources”. Submitted for publicationMobiShare: Sharing Context-Dependent Data and Services from Mobile Sources C. Ververidis, S. Valavanis, M. Vazirgiannis, G.C. Polyzos, “An Architecture for Sharing, Discovering and Accessing Mobile Data and Services: Location and Mobility Issues”, Presented at: Lobster Workshop, LBS for accelerating the European-wide deployment of Services for the Mobile User and worker, Mykonos, Greece, 4-5 October, 2002, Publications (WP1 and WP2)

25 25 P. Triantafillou and I. Aekaterinides, “Web Proxy Cache Replacement: Do's, Don'ts and Expectations”. Submitted for Publication P. Triantafillou and I. Aekaterinides, Web Proxy Cache Placement, Replacement and the Proxy Teller, Submitted for Publication D. Pfoser, E. Pitoura, and N. Tryfona. Metadata Modeling in a Global Computing Environment. Proc. of the 10th ACM International Symposium on Advances in Geographic Information Systems, McLean, VA November 8-9, 2002.Metadata Modeling in a Global Computing Environment A paper on the overall DBGlobe architecture, all partners, in preparation Publications (WP3)

26 26 E. Pitoura, P. K. Chrysanthis and K. Ramamritham. “Characterizing the Temporal and Semantic Coherency of Broadcast-based Data Dissemination”. Proc. of the International Conference on Database Theory, January 2003, Siena, Italy.Characterizing the Temporal and Semantic Coherency of Broadcast-based Data Dissemination O. Shigiltchoff, P. Chrysanthis and E. Pitoura. “Multi-version Data Broadcast Organizations”. In Proceedings of the 6th East European Conference on Advances in Databases and Information Systems (ADBIS), September 2002, Bratislava, SloavakiaMulti-version Data Broadcast Organizations E. Pitoura and P. Chrysanthis. “Multiversion Data Broadcast”, IEEE Transactions on Computers 51(10):1224-1230, October, 2002Multiversion Data Broadcast P. Triantafillou and A. Economides, Subscription summaries for scalability and efficiency in publish/subscribe systems, 1st Intl. IEEE Workshop on Distributed Event-based Systems, (DEBS02) July 2002. P. Triantafillou and A. Economides, Efficient Distributed Event Processing using Subscription Summaries in Large Scale Publish/Subscribe System, Submitted for Publication. Publications (WP3)

27 27 S. Abiteboul, O. Benjelloun, I. Manolescu, T. Milo and R. Weber Active XML: Peer-to-Peer Data and Web Services Integration (demo), Proceedings of the 28th VLDB Conference, Hong Kong, 2002. Active XML: Peer-to-Peer Data and Web Services Integration (demo) T. Milo, S. Abiteboul, B. Amman, O. Benjelloun, F. Dang and Ngoc, “Exchanging Intentional XML Data”, Submitted for publication S. Abiteboul, A. Bonifati, G. Cobena, I. Manolescu and T. Milo, “Dynamic XML Documents with Distribution and Replication”, Submitted for publication G. Koloniari and E. Pitoura, “Bloom-based Filters for Hierarchical Data”, Submitted for Publication G. Kastidou, E. Pitoura and G. Samaras, “A Scalable Mobile Agent Location Mechanism”, Accepted for Publication 1st International Workshop on Mobile Distributed Computing (MDC'03), May 19, 2003, held in conjunction with the 23rd International Conference on Distributed Computing Systems (ICDCS'03), To appear 2003. Publications (WP4)

28 28 G. Samaras, C. Panayiotou, "A Flexible Personalization Architecture for Wireless Internet Based on Mobile Agents", Proc. 6th East-European Conference on Advances in Databases and Information Systems (ADBIS 2002), September 2002, Bratislava, Slovakia. G. Samaras, C. Spyrou, E. Pitoura, View Generator (VG): A Mobile Agent Based System for the Creation and Maintenance of Web Views, 7th IEEE Symposium on Computers and Communications, Taormina, Italy July 2002. G. Samaras, K. Karenos, P. K. Chrysanthis and E. Pitoura. “ViSMA: Implementation of an Extendible Mobile-Agent Based System for the Materialization and Maintenance of Personalized and Shareable Web Views” (Demo). Submitted for publicationViSMA: Implementation of an Extendible Mobile-Agent Based System for the Materialization and Maintenance of Personalized and Shareable Web Views” (Demo) C. Panayiotou, G. Samaras, “Personalized Portals for the Wireless User Based on Mobile Agents: Demonstration“, Accepted for Publication, 19th International Conference on Data Engineering, Sponsored by the IEEE Computer Society, March 5 - March 8, 2003 - Bangalore, India. To appear 2003. Publications (WP5)

29 29 Dissemination Activities (UoI) Presentation of the project at the IFIP WG 2.6 meeting, Lausanne, Switzerland, May 15-17, 2002 Paper presentation, ICDCS Workshop, Vienna, July 2002 Paper presentation at ICDT, Siena, Italy, Jan 2003 Panel presentation, HDMS02, Athens Greece, July 2002 Keynote talk at WISE 2002 Summer School Presentation, EDBT 2002 Industry Seminars Project presentation, Air@home NoE Proposal Demo, VLDB 2002, Hong Kong, August 2002 Dissemination Activities (INRIA)

30 30 Dissemination Activities (CTI) Informal meeting, University of Salzburg, Austria IST-FET CODMINE project meeting, Athens Paper presentation, ACM GIS 2002 conference, McLean, USA Paper presentation, Lobster Workshop, Mykonos, Greece, October 2002 Panel presentation, SAINT02, Naras, Japan, Jan/Feb 2002 Project presentation, MB-net Workshop, Athens, Greece, June 2002 Paper presentation, ISCC 2002, Taormina, Italy, July 2002 Project presentation, ICDE, March 2002 Dissemination Activities (AUEB) Dissemination Activities (UCY) Dissemination Activities (UCR)

31 31 Assessment DBGlobe, 1 st Annual Review Paphos, Jan 2003

32 32 Assessment Present our Main Results Per Work Package

33 33 Task 1.1 Specification of the requirements of the system, the particular properties of the mobile entities and of the interaction among them Task 1.2 Metadata definition Task 1.3 Determining of policies for replicating, caching and aggregating data and metadata DBGlobe, 1 st Annual Review Paphos, Jan 2003 The DBGlobe Project: WP1 Deliverables D … Goal: Define the Architecture of DBGlobe

34 34 Data-Centric and Service-Oriented Approach Data-centric PMOs as primary data stores PMOs as mini-servers (computational entities) that protect and encapsulate access to their data Current approach: Service-oriented: services wrap-up data Why services: interoperability respect autonomy of mobile entities can be composed The DBGlobe Project: WP1

35 35 Fixed Network PMO proxy PMO DataStore DataHandler proxy The DBGlobe Project: WP1 Initial Architecture PMOs (primary mobile objects) Rough distinction between server components: as storage components (DataStore) and active components (DataHandlers) - Refinement Ad Hoc Databases (clusters): collections of related data and services

36 36 The DBGlobe Project: WP1 Semantic Layer Infrastructure Layer Query Ontologies/Metadata/ Semantic Context Infrastructure context (device metadata, location) Indexes/replication/caching

37 37 The DBGlobe Project: WP1 Metadata Definition Add here Related publications

38 38 The DBGlobe Project: WP1 Distribution Bloom-based summaries of indexes CAS: provide main functionality Main publications

39 39 The DBGlobe Project: WP1 Basic results on caching/replication Related publications

40 40 Acts as a gateway between PMOs and DBGlobe servers, translates data in a unified format. Application specific proxies that provide translation software components for the application Device proxies that provide translation software components for the hardware static device- specific metadata (configuration data) Interface Part (Front-end) PMO pmo-interface modula device proxy application specific proxy Refined Architecture Server Part (Back-end) Directory Storage Managers Service Executor Query Processor DataStore Server Components DataStores Storage Managers that manage warehouses of resources, metadata and indexes. Directories Flow of Control Units Query Processors that decompose each query, co- ordinate its execution and deliver its results. Service Executors, one or more per service DBGlobe access points Data Stores

41 41 These components are dispersed through out the DBGlobe area of service. They may be running on devices or on DBGlobe servers In particular: many QPs distributed based on system workload the directory is hierarchical/chained, etc (summaries, e.g., Bloom filters) storage is distributed and also replication/caching there is a network of DBGlobe access points. A device is initially attached to an access point in its vicinity. Distribution (notes)

42 42 Status: Produce and disseminate the first simulator DBGlobe, 1 st Annual Review Paphos, Jan 2003 The DBGlobe Project: WP2 Results Working system with basic functionality Publications Goal: Simulator of DBGlobe

43 43 DBGlobe, 1 st Annual Review Paphos, Jan 2003 The DBGlobe Project: WP3 Results Publications Goal: Task 3.1 Data Delivery (in progress, first results) Task 3.2 Data Coordination (in progress)

44 44 DBGlobe, 1 st Annual Review Paphos, Jan 2003 The DBGlobe Project: WP4 Results Publications Goal: Data Discovery and Querying

45 45 DBGlobe, 1 st Annual Review Paphos, Jan 2003 The DBGlobe Project: WP5 Results Publications Goal: Proof-of-Concept Prototype (in progress)

46 46 DBGlobe IST-2001-32645

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