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Media Use Among Optometrists and Opticians April 2011.

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Presentation on theme: "Media Use Among Optometrists and Opticians April 2011."— Presentation transcript:

1 Media Use Among Optometrists and Opticians April 2011

2 Methodology Email questionnaire and follow-up/reminder emails deployed to 5,000 optometrists and 4,000 opticians — selected on a random nth name basis — during March 2011 Incentive: $250 gift card 394 completed questionnaires used in tabulation

3 OD Demographics 40% in solo practice; 40% in group; 10% employed by corporation; 10% academic, military, mgt co, etc. Average of 70 patients seen per week Majority (60%) see patients 5 days each week 67% are male; 33% female Age range breakout: 21-29 4% 30-3938% 40-4922% 50-5927% 60+ 9%

4 Optician Demographics 60% in solely owned location; 23% in group; 13% employed by corporation; 4% academic, military, mgt co, etc. Average of 65 patients seen per week Majority (57%) see patients 5 days each week 60% are female; 40% male Age range breakout: 21-29 7% 30-3911% 40-4945% 50-5929% 60+ 8%

5 Current Challenges in Each Field 86% of ODs and 96% of opticians agree/strongly agree that their position has become more complex/demanding over the past 3-5 years.

6 Preferred Media Tools by Task: Optometrists Do not perform Desktop/laptop Handheld PrintOther this taskcomputer wireless device 3%85%11% 0%Access Internet 10%57% 1%26% 6%Access/maintain medical records 32%47%11% 8% 2%Check formulary status 6%37% 0%22%35%Complete education credits/units 3%76%21% 0%Email 16%51% 3%28% 2%Find disease state codes 24%43%11%12%10%Find/perform clinical calculations 39%52% 7% 2%Listen to/view medical podcasts 1%45% 5%40% 9%Prescribing 1%37% 5%56% 1%Read articles/abstracts 2%63%18%17% 0%Reference drug data 1%74% 5%18% 2%Research new products/services

7 Preferred Media Tools by Task: Opticians Do not perform Desktop/laptop Handheld PrintOther this taskcomputer wireless device 7%87% 5% 1%Access Internet 7%59% 4%20% 11%Access/maintain medical records 57%32% 5% 4% 1%Check formulary status 12%52% 0%16% 20%Complete education credits/units 0%92% 7% 1%Email 56%32% 5% 7% 0%Find disease state codes 61%24% 5% 1% 8%Find/perform clinical calculations 64%25% 9% 1%Listen to/view medical podcasts 69%13% 0%11% 7%Prescribing 8%49% 0%40% 3%Read articles/abstracts 57%28% 7% 7% 1%Reference drug data 3%73% 1%23% 0%Research new products/services

8 Time Spent Reading Professional Publications Each Week

9 Time Spent Per Day Using Electronic Tools for Professional Purposes

10 Amount of Time Spent with Media When Researching/Planning a Purchase vs. Non-purchasing Time Periods Optometrists Opticians

11 Sources Referenced When Researching Products/Services

12 Importance in Having the Latest Information About New Products and Services in the Field 82% of ODs and 75% of opticians consider the articles and advertisements in trade journals integral to their research during the purchase process. Optometrists Opticians

13 Media Source That Gives First Impression of New Products/Services

14 Change in Loyalty to Industry Suppliers Based on Increased Number of Media Outlets Optometrists Opticians

15 Social Media Websites Used on a Regular Basis (at least once per week)

16 Preferred Format When Publication Available in Print and Online

17 Types of Profession-related Video Presentations Viewed

18 Services Accessed Via Handheld Devices

19 Number of Professional Print Publications and E-mail Newsletters Read in One Month Optometrists Opticians Print Publications 43 E-mail Newsletters 109

20 ECPs Who Have Attended (or Plan to Attend) an Eye Care Related Webinar vs. Those Who Have Not Optometrists Opticians

21 ECPs Who Purchase Products or Services Online for Their Practices Optometrists Opticians

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