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Making Good Jobs Our National Priority FIGHT FOR A FAIR ECONOMY ● SEIU.

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Presentation on theme: "Making Good Jobs Our National Priority FIGHT FOR A FAIR ECONOMY ● SEIU."— Presentation transcript:

1 Making Good Jobs Our National Priority FIGHT FOR A FAIR ECONOMY ● SEIU

2 Background The “Fight for a Fair Economy” was adopted by the SEIU Executive Board In January 2011 WHY It’s not enough to have economists, pundits, and public opinion on our side. We need to put people in the streets. HOW Activate the troops (our members) Work with community groups and allies Build grassroots organization in key cities & states

3 August Recess GOALS Vocal opposition to Republican agenda Visible public demand for jobs, not cuts ACTIONS Mobilize unemployed folks Seek meetings with MOCs Speak out at town halls Protest at home offices Stage rallies & demonstrations

4 August Recess RESULTS More than 400 events in 32 states At least 85 Members of Congress  Including key Senators (e.g., Brown, Toomey) and House Rs in swing districts, e.g., Reps. Barletta (PA-11), Bass (NH-2), Buerkle (NY-25), Chabot (OH-1), Cravaack (MN-8), Heck (NV-3), Lungren (CA-3), other More than 500 news stories National coverage on CNN, MSNBC, networks, NPR, New York Times, Washington Post, Politico, The Hill, blogs

5 August Recess MESSAGE DELIVERED Jobs are America’s #1 priority Hands off our Medicare, Medicaid, Social Security Make corporations and the rich pay their fair share of taxes MOCs who refused to meet with constituents – or only with those willing to pay a fee – wound up in the media spotlight

6 What Next? Build on the momentum Generate enthusiasm for tangible infrastructure and other job creating bills Get ready to mobilize around congressional calendar/activity  SuperCommittee  Job creation and revenue proposals  UI extension Plan actions to demonstrate increasing urgency and militancy

7 Fall 2011 GOALS Minimize impact of SuperCommittee cuts Win support for job creation/revenues Set the stage for 2012 KEY DISTRICTS Republican House Members & Senators SuperCommittee Members Iowa, New Hampshire Major cities

8 Fall 2011 ‘WORK THAT NEEDS DOING’ Organize unemployed, working poor, students, others to send a message to Congress with photos of crumbling roads, bridges, schools, etc. Engage state/local community and political leaders ACTIONS Home visits/protests during Oct./Sept. recesses Rallies and actions at infrastructure sites Special focus on bridges Tent City on Capitol Hill (December)

9 Job Creation & Revenue Strategies

10 Policy Ideas REBUILDING INFRASTRUCTURE Fix America’s Schools Today  $100 billion over two years  500,000 jobs/year for two years Surface Transportation  $556 billion over 6 years (gas tax will pay for $456 billion)  117,000 jobs/year for three years Building Efficiency  $200 billion  2.1 million jobs TOTAL JOBS: TOTAL JOBS: 3 million over 6 years TOTAL COST: TOTAL COST: $400 billion/6 years NEW REVENUES Financial Speculation Tax $900 billion over 6 years 1

11 Policy Ideas DELIVERING VITAL SERVICES Put America to Work (Rep. Ellison)  $350 billion over two years  2.1 million jobs in 2012, 1.5 million in 2013 Emergency Jobs to Restore the American Dream (Rep. Schakowsky)  $213 billion over 2 years  2.2 million jobs over two years TOTAL JOBS: TOTAL JOBS: 4 million over 2 years TOTAL COST: TOTAL COST: up to $350 billion/2 years NEW REVENUES Warren Buffet’s Millionaire Surtax Eliminate corporate tax breaks for offshoring jobs $364 billion over 10 years 2

12 Policy Ideas SUPPORTING FAMILIES IN CRISIS One Year UI Safety Net Extension  $60 billion/year  Saves 700,000 jobs Refundable Income Tax Credit  $112 billion per year  Support 1 million jobs Mandatory Mortgage Modification  Supports 1 million jobs (no cost) Mortgage Refinancing  Up to 248,000 jobs (no cost) TOTAL JOBS: TOTAL JOBS: 2.9 million /year TOTAL COST: TOTAL COST: $172 billion/year NEW REVENUES End tax breaks & accounting schemes for oil companies Tax hedge fund managers as ordinary income $160 billion over 10 years 3

13 Policy Ideas PREVENTING LAYOFFS Worksharing Incentives  $4.5 billion  1 million more employed over next year Direct Aid to States (increase federal Medicaid matching rate)  $42 billion  Create or save 444,000 jobs TOTAL JOBS: TOTAL JOBS: 1.44 million saved/created TOTAL COST: TOTAL COST: $47 billion next year NEW REVENUES Close the “GE Capital” tax loophole (for leasing- related profits of corporate offshore subsidiaries) $60 billion over 10 years 4

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