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NextEnd. Previous NextEnd Grape Export from India Of the total grapes produced in the country around 1.2% is processed into wine. The importers of Indian.

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1 NextEnd

2 Previous NextEnd Grape Export from India Of the total grapes produced in the country around 1.2% is processed into wine. The importers of Indian grapes are UK, Netherlands, Germany, USA, UAE, Saudi Arabia, Quatar, Oman, Bahrain, Sri Lanka, Bangladesh, Mauritius, Singapore and Hongkong. Total export is about 20,646 tonne, which amounts to only 2% of total production. The grape export from India started in the year 1991 with the initiation of economic liberalization. Marketing channel for grapes Introduction

3 Share of Varieties Grown In India VarietyPer cent Thomsan seedless and its mutants (white seedless) 55-57 % Bangalore blue (black seeded)17-18 % Anabe e shahi (white seeded)13-14 Perletle (white seedless ) 6% Gulabi sysmuscat (purple seeded)3% Bhokri (white seeded)1-2% Sharad seedless (black seedless)2% Flame seedless ( red seedless)1% Previous NextEnd Marketing channel for grapes

4 Village Marketing Channel PRODUCER CONSUMER Local Sale Marketing Channel RETAILER PRODUCER CONSUMER Previous NextEnd Marketing Channel Marketing channel for grapes



7 Export Marketing Channel PRODUCER GAP CONSULTANT EXPORTER (GRADING & PACKAGING) IMPORTER Previous NextEnd Marketing channel for grapes

8 Producer This could be small farmer of less than 0.5 ha., medium farmers of 0.5 ˝U2.5 ha., and large producer of 2.5 ha., to 10 ha. Consultants Consequential to the stringent quality assurance systems in place for the export markets, consultants in the field of certification of EurepGAP has gained prominence in this export supply chain. Previous NextEnd Marketing channel for grapes

9 Exporters Exporters usually could be traders/processors and growers. The grape exporters have to be registered with APEDA who keeps a list of the exporters. The exports are also attracted by the facility of concession on imports to the extent of 20% of the total exports Previous NextEnd Marketing channel for grapes

10 Significant parties outside the Export marketing channel APEDA In the context of export supply chains, the singularly responsible body for export regulation is APEDA. APEDA maintains strict regulatory procedures for export starting from farmer registration to residue monitoring in grapes. MSAMB (Maharashtra State Agricultural Marketing Board) Previous NextEnd Marketing channel for grapes

11 Co-operatives In order to facilitate grape exports from Maharashtra MahaGrapes was established to organize the grape growers as producer cooperatives and has been greatly successful. Ten new cooperative societies are being established in Maharashtra for growing grapes and selling in MahaGrapes brand. The share of cooperative societies in the total grape exports is 30- 35%. Previous NextEnd Marketing channel for grapes

12 All India Grape Growers Federation This is an umbrella organization of state level grape grower organizations and currently 5 state level organizations of Maharshtra, Karnataka, Andhra Pradesh, Tamil Nadu and Madhya Pradesh are members under this federation. PreviousNextEnd Marketing channel for grapes

13 Marketing Channel for processed grape products PRODUCER CO - OPERATIVES FARM AGENT COLLECTION POINT COMMISSION AGENT Post harvest processing (Wine, Raisin) RETAILER CONSUMER PRODUCER PreviousNextEnd Marketing channel for grapes

14 Challenges in Grape Marketing Farmers have limited access to guidance on issues such as best agronomic practices post harvest management and which varieties to propagate. Color specifications requires proper sunlight control techniques and achieving the export stipulate berry and bunch size leads to yield reduction adding to cost escalation. On an average 80% harvest only becomes viable and the rest would have to go to domestic market Pest control had to effective and efficient conforming to Maximum Residue Limit (MRL). Previous NextEnd Marketing channel for grapes

15 There has to be support from the research entities to minimize the use of external inputs and thereby reducing cultivating costs. Private sector participation could be utilized in extension programmes. Quality is another area of concern, as there exists preferences for various importing countries, Farmers have to be informed on the product quality specifications. Previous NextEnd Marketing channel for grapes

16 Eurepgap Certification EUREPGAP certification has become a mandatory since June 2005, adherence to the same is critical in access tot the EU market that is the main target market for India. There has to be serious efforts in conscientisation and training in documentation and certification process of EurepGAP. Marketing channel for grapes Previous NextEnd

17 Previous NextEnd Lack of Adequate farmer finance  High cost of setting up vineyards- Cultivation of crops such as grapes requires high upfront investments, estimated at INR 0.8 ˝U 1.0 million per acre for establishing of vineyards. The cap on farmer loans for a maximum amount of INR 0.5 million per farmer restricts bank finance. This cap on farmer loans should be made category/ crop specific, taking into account the respective cultivation and investment expenses.  High recurring cost of production for export quality grapes due at additional labor costs in thinning and pruning.  Uncertainties/risk in crop production due to weather is prevalent Marketing channel for grapes

18  High cost for obtaining certification for exports. For e.g., the cost of EurepGap certificate is INR. 75000 / farmer (including the cost of construction of separate storage space for fertilizers and pesticides etc.)  Farmer financing could be more creditworthy in the context of contractual arrangement between farmer and exporter and therefore such linkages should be facilitated through legal and policy framework. Targeting new markets Previous NextEnd Marketing channel for grapes

19 Previous NextEnd Post Harvest Gap  The quality of table grapes is adversely affected by the lack of cool storage infrastructure, lack of a continuous cool chain from vineyard to consumer and inadequate sulphur dioxide technology.  If these issues are not addressed, the long-term viability of regional grape industries will be at risk.  It is also seen that Sulphur Dioxide (SO2) damage was caused by breaks in the cool chain. Training of growers and packers in the correct use of SO2 releasing pads and cool handling of grapes could minimize the loss in fruit quality Marketing channel for grapes

20 Previous A grape is a non-climacteric fruit specifically a berry that grows on the perennial and deciduous woody vines. Let us Sum up APEDA, Co-operatives, All India Grape Growers Federation are the agencies involved in grape marketing. The grape export from India started in the year 1991 with the initiation of economic liberalization. Of the total grapes produced in the country around 1.2% is processed into wine.

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