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California Natural Resources Agency Department of Water Resources Small Business Program Lorie Hall, SB/DVBE Advocate Division of Management Services January.

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Presentation on theme: "California Natural Resources Agency Department of Water Resources Small Business Program Lorie Hall, SB/DVBE Advocate Division of Management Services January."— Presentation transcript:

1 California Natural Resources Agency Department of Water Resources Small Business Program Lorie Hall, SB/DVBE Advocate Division of Management Services January 28, 2010

2 DWR Business Operations State Water Project Operations Span of 600 miles from Northern to Southern CA 32 storage facilities, 17 pumping plants, and approx. 693 of canals and pipelines Supplies water for municipal, industrial and recreational activities Field Divisions: Oroville, Delta, Southern, San Joaquin, San Luis Management/Planning of the State’s Water Resources Development and ground and surface water storage Regulation of safety of dams Flood protection/flood emergencies response Environmental Protection and Enhancement Protection and enhancement of California fish and wildlife Protection and restoration of the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta Protection of public health, life and property during flood events

3 DWR Small Business Program MISSION -  Assist California small businesses increase contracting opportunities with the Department;  Assist Small Businesses raise their visibility in the prime community;  Foster partnerships between the prime firms and certified Small Businesses;  Assist Department staff to identify Small Business firms for their transactions GOALS -  Enhance opportunities for small business contract awards through outreach, innovation and education  Create successful Prime/SB partnership on DWR contracts  Achieve Small Business Program Mandates

4 Small Business Achievements - A Two-Year Snap-Shot FY 07/08 Overall Expenditures: $280,949,856 Small Business Expenditures: $46,259,953 Small Business Participation: 16.47% Number of Contracts 3946 FY 08/09 Overall Expenditures: $212,455,588 Small Business Expenditures: $46,775,705 SB Participation: 22.02% Number of Contracts 3985

5 Advocate Small Business Activities  Conduct focused outreach at DWR pre-bid conferences  Facilitate Prime-Small Business partnership opportunities through: Annual meetings with contracted prime firms to discuss upcoming Small Business opportunities and plans Match prime firms business needs with potential small businesses  Monitor awards for small business activity  Track and report prime expenditures with small business subcontractors  Maintain DWR SB/DVBE Contractor Information Table

6 Stronger Small Business Language in our Solicitations Request for Qualifications (RFQ) Solicitation Language “The Department of Water Resources actively supports the California Small Business Program. In recognizing the significant economic contribution made by California Small Businesses Executive Order S-02-06 issued February 2, 2006 mandates each California agency and department to meet annual California Small Business participation goals of 25 percent. These goals are achieved through contract awards made directly to the Small Business community or through subcontracted partnerships between Prime firms and small businesses, and each year DWR is required to track, tabulate and report overall expenditures made in the Small Business sector.” “DWR has determined that services outlined within this solicitation include opportunities for Prime Firm - Small Business partnerships. In its continued effort to support California’s economy, and to assist DWR achieve 25% annual SB participation goals in its overall contracting, DWR strongly encourages Prime Firms to partner with California certified small businesses in response to this solicitation. Firms that include California certified small businesses as an initial team member, or those which are added subsequent to contract execution through the amendment process or task order process are required to identify the Small Business Firm status of each firm as appropriate and will be required to report expenditures made to these business concerns.”

7 Engineering Services Used by DWR  Civil Engineering Services  Mechanical Engineering  Electrical Engineering  Software/Hardware Engineering  Other needs: Geological, Hydrological, Geomorphic

8 Department Solicitations On the Street -  RFQ – 10046207 Division of Statewide Integrated Water Management (DSIWM) for Project Management, Technical Services and Environmental Services for the Delta Plan Under Development -  Division of Statewide Integrated Water Management for assistance to local and regional agencies in planning and implementing conjunctive and integrated regional water management programs  Environmental and engineering technical services for support/development of environmental documents/feasibility for Cal Fed - Bay Delta Program Surface Storage Investigations  FloodSAFE Initiative/Integrated Water Management Program – Integrated Flood Management

9 Increasing Your Firm’s Visibility…  Contact the DWR SB/DVBE Advocate  Go to the DWR SB/DVBE Website and add your firm information to the DWR SB/DVBE Contractor Information Table  Attend DWR sponsored bid conferences for networking opportunities  Consider the possibility of a joint venture when responding to DWR solicitations

10 How Do You Find Us? DGS EProcurement Bids: DWR Homepage: SB/DVBE Homepage:

11 Partnering with DWR Contact DWR’s SB/DVBE Advocate DWR Small Business and DVBE Services Lorie Hall, SB/DVBE Advocate 1416 9 th Street, Room 315 Sacramento, CA 95814 916.651.9705 DWR Procurement and Contracting Office Dave Kearney, PCO 1416 9 th Street, Room 315 Sacramento, CA 916.653.6088

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