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1 CALTRANS / UNION PACIFIC RAILROAD Staying on Track Partnering Update JUNE 6-7, 2007 Presented by CALTRANS - Bimla Rhinehart UPRR - Jerry Wilmoth Tab.

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Presentation on theme: "1 CALTRANS / UNION PACIFIC RAILROAD Staying on Track Partnering Update JUNE 6-7, 2007 Presented by CALTRANS - Bimla Rhinehart UPRR - Jerry Wilmoth Tab."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 CALTRANS / UNION PACIFIC RAILROAD Staying on Track Partnering Update JUNE 6-7, 2007 Presented by CALTRANS - Bimla Rhinehart UPRR - Jerry Wilmoth Tab 100, Reference 4.11

2 2 CT / UPRR PARTNERING CT / UPRR- Meeting in Omaha 12/05 Issues Discussed –Improving communication –Coordination –Project delivery impacts Partnering Effort – Quarterly Department/UP Meetings

3 3 CT / UPRR PARTNERING Organizational Structure –Communication - HQ vs field –Philosophies Project Delivery Impacts –Early involvement – Timely review and approval of documents Billing and Payment –Dispute resolution

4 4 CT / UPRR PARTNERING FOCUS: Points of Contact –CT Divisions of Rail and Right of Way & Land Surveys –UPRR Engineering and Real Estate –Field and HQ involvement Project Review Teams –Annual and quarterly meetings –Workload planning –Troubleshoot/problem solving –Project level conflict resolution

5 5 CT / UPRR PARTNERING Successes: Billing and invoice procedure clarified Early involvement/field meetings to review projects Communication improved Commitment to timely submittals, document review and approval

6 6 CT / UPRR PARTNERING Challenges: Separate engineering and real property issues Valuation methods of real property Navigation in large organizations –multiple approval levels –staff turnover –taxpayers vs stockholders

7 7 Questions?

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