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9/7/2015 1 Exceptional Student Education 2012-13 Update August 1, 2012 Principals, AP, and Other LEAs.

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Presentation on theme: "9/7/2015 1 Exceptional Student Education 2012-13 Update August 1, 2012 Principals, AP, and Other LEAs."— Presentation transcript:

1 9/7/2015 1 Exceptional Student Education 2012-13 Update August 1, 2012 Principals, AP, and Other LEAs

2 Today’s ESE Update Topics ESE Office Personnel Special Education Funding New ACTION Form Nursing Services on the IEP Transfer Procedures Changes to Self-Contained Programs Speech Referrals 9/7/2015 2

3 ESE Staff Highlights Lead Psychologists Gayle Devers (District 504 Coordinator) Mary Kennington (Procedures, Assessment Materials) Note – Assignment of Psychologists Lead Teacher - Susan Conrad Intensive Resource Requests, Instruction, EXCENT Lead Speech/Language – Kathy Hasting 9/7/2015 3

4 ESE Staff Highlights Itinerant Staff Preschool – Nancy Thomason Vision – Lori Finnerty and Donna Workman Hearing – Alexandria Roman Transition – Brenda Graham Therapists OTs, PTs, (licensed) ABA (trained) 9/7/2015 4

5 ESE Staff Highlights ESE Office Staff Mary Van Lieu – Head Administrative Assistant (referrals, Federal reports, State reports, ChildFind) Diane Evans – Bookkeeping, Medicaid Carol Lambert - Medical Homebound, ESE Homebased services (AES) Betsey Williams – IEP Compliance, referral compliance Amanda Knight – Records, Transfers, Agency Contacts 9/7/2015 5

6 What’s With The Funding? Main Funding Sources for Special Ed. Federal Funds (IDEA, Medicaid) State Funds (EFA) Stimulus Funds (IDEA) These funds are intended to pay for salaries, equipment, staff development and supplies In the news this summer…. 9/7/2015 6

7 Importance of EFA Funding Students in Special Ed. are “weighted” to provide state funds for the increase in cost of providing specialized instruction. To “maximize” our EFA funding: Improve communication between SIS clerk and special ed. staff Turn in Special Ed. paperwork on time New ACTION Form 9/7/2015 7

8 New ACTION Form 3 pages Special Ed. compliance information EFA coding – Funding, Transportation & Testing precodes Conference Notes ACTION form is the “cover” document Due in my office within 5 school days NEW! My office will send the ACTION form to the SIS CLERK 9/7/2015 8

9 Medicaid Federal funds generated through services to Medicaid eligible students with IEPs S/L, OT, and PT sessions Psych re-evaluation assessment and reports Transportation (MUST be in the IEP) NEW! Nursing services Must be a related service in the IEP (for funding) Must have a copy of the IHP/Nursing Plan in the FLEX Center student folder Only bill for services described in the plan 9/7/2015 9

10 Tough Starts - Transfers No change to Transfer Procedures Need to follow the Transfer Procedures Procedures reviewed - Psychs (7/26) and all staff (8/11) Define an “on call” order Packet must be completed and turned in to the FLEX Center within 5 school days NO ONE is sent to the FLEX Center IDEA says “comparable services provided immediately… 9/7/2015 10

11 9/7/2015 11 Changes to the Self-Contained ESE Programs Last Year LD Self-contained EMD Self-contained TMD Self-contained PMD Self-contained ED Self-contained ASD Self-contained Dev.K Self-contained New for 2011-12 MultiCat-I MultiCat-II MultiCat-III ED Self-contained ASD Self-contained Transitional Kindergarten

12 Multi-categorical Classrooms will… Provide special services to students with a variety of disabilities under the case management of a single Special Education teacher and assistant. Provide Special Education services in a structured, small-group setting, and Address a range of abilities and needs, while supporting student access to the general curriculum.

13 9/7/2015 13 Why the Change? Office of Exceptional Children (State Dept.) will now allow non-categorical self-contained classrooms SC Certification and teacher prep includes Multi- categorical rather than Generic or additional categorical (no autism, OHI, etc.) Research identifies Multi-categorical programs as less restrictive than Categorical programs

14 9/7/2015 14 Why the Change? RHSD3 Collaborative and Resource programs have become more responsive to student needs More students are successful in intensive resource programs More students are successful in co- taught/collaborative programs (middle) Elementary RTI programs are specifying and addressing student instructional needs

15 9/7/2015 15 Why the Change? Recent on-site compliance review by the State Department Emphasis back to “needs-based” planning and individualized services Best use of resources Closer geographic assignments Increase opportunity for success at high school level

16 9/7/2015 16 The Plan – MultiCategorical Change the name of the self-contained programs and USE THEM! Continue “awareness” program Last spring This summer/fall Initiate on-going training for MultiCat teachers Overview Best Practices for Multi-categorical instruction Develop a task force to review and update self-contained request procedures for IEP teams

17 9/7/2015 17 Impacts So Far Change in program names Minimal changes to class rolls 1 less elementary class Geographic home school proximity is additional consideration Grade ranges in elementary classes beginning to expand Started defining skills/knowledge/characteristics for each level (7/26) Self-contained transfers given extra consideration at home school (intensive resource) Each middle school now has a Multicat-I class

18 9/7/2015 18 Targeted Staff Expectations Direct and specific instruction of reading, writing, and math Social skill instruction Positive behavior programs (classwide & individual) Structured learning environment (daily/weekly schedules, consistent routines and rules, behavior plans, etc.) Integration of S/L, OT, PT, ABA (sensory diets, visual schedules, social stories, etc.) Ongoing and specific data collection to monitor student progress

19 9/7/2015 19 Staff Training Agenda Review of basic student characteristics related to various areas of disability Ongoing staff development in instructional best practices Structured Learning Environment Managing Instruction Data Collection Social Skill Instruction Positive Behavioral Supports Curricular Modifications Collaboration

20 9/7/2015 20 Multi-Categorical Training Schedule 8 workshops; 3 hours each (1 ½ classtime; 1 ½ hour outside time) 24 renewal credits 4:00 – 5:30 Wednesdays 9/7, 9/28, 10/12, 11/2, 11/30, 1/11, 2/1, and 2/29

21 9/7/2015 21 There’s a Continuum of Services! Consultative Collaborative Resource (including “intensive”) Self-contained Homebased/Hospital Self-contained classes are DISTRICT programs Requests for placements must follow procedures, including request for intensive service consultation, even for resource students in the host school Self-contained teachers can only carry self-contained students on their caseloads as set by the ESE office.

22 Coming: New Speech Referral Due to findings of the April, 2011 on-site compliance review by the State Dept., Speech evaluations must follow the same referral procedures as other areas of disabilities No more “speech only” referrals. No more separate speech referral procedures. Speech referrals must come through the school’s RTI process. 9/7/2015 22

23 New Speech Referral Procedures Speech referrals have been included in the School and Parent Referral Procedures Revised Referral Procedures will be reviewed tomorrow Fall 2011 staff development to review referral procedures which include referral for speech concerns Elementary principals S/L therapists Psychs RTI chairs Teachers 9/7/2015 23

24 New Eligibility Criteria Manual? SEED Manual due to replace the Red Book any day now! Identification of students with Learning Disabilities and Autism Spectrum Disorders 9/7/2015 24

25 Recap – Day 1 New ACTION Form Completed for EVERY special ed. meeting and action ESE Office will send to SIS Clerk weekly Nursing Services as a related service for ESE students with IHPs Review TRANSFER Procedures Know your school’s ESE Transfer “call list” 9/7/2015 25

26 Recap – Day 1 Some self-contained classes have new names MultiCategorical I, II, and III Transitional Kindergarten New Speech referral procedures coming soon New SC eligibility manual coming soon (SEED manual) 9/7/2015 26

27 Questions? 9/7/2015 27

28 9/7/2015 28

29 Did You Know…? Annual IEP Reviews are the only meetings required to be face to face? There is no funding for Sec. 504 accommodation plans? Special transportation has to written into the IEP as a related service? Re-evaluation meetings must include a psychologist? Special Ed. paperwork is due at the FLEX Center 5 school days after a meeting? 9/7/2015 29

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