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Principles of Engineering System Design Dr T Asokan

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1 Principles of Engineering System Design Dr T Asokan

2 Principles of Engineering System Design Dr T Asokan GRAPHICAL MODELLING TECHNIQUES

3 MODELLING TCHNIQUES Data Model : Relationships between data entities. Ex: ER Diagrams, Higraph Process Model :Modelling of processes: what, when.. Ex: Data flow, N2. Behavior Model:Control, activation, termination of system functions Ex: FFBD, Behavior diagrams, Petrinets

4 DATA Modelling Entity Relationship Diagrams –Models the data structures or relationships between data entities ( An entity is a class of real, similar items like people, computer, books etc.) –Creating ERD Identify the entities Determine significant events Analyse nature of interactions Draw ERD –Complex ER Diagrams

5 Higraphs Higraphs are generalisation of complex ER diagrams. An entity is considered to be a set with multiple elements, called a blob

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