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State Committee for Standardization of the Republic of Belarus.

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Presentation on theme: "State Committee for Standardization of the Republic of Belarus."— Presentation transcript:

1 State Committee for Standardization of the Republic of Belarus

2 2 Governmental surveillance for observance of technical regulations, standards

3 System of bodies for control and surveillance Committee for governmental control GOSSTANDART Ministry of Health Ministry of Emergency Situations Ministry of Agriculture and Foodstuffs State Customs Committee Ministry of Labour and Social Protection

4 Objectives of governmental surveillance Maintenance of protection for life, health and heredity of people, property and protection of environment Improvement of products (services) competitiveness Ensuring of measurements uniformity Ensuring of technical and information compatibility, interchangeability of products Resources conservation National security Elimination of technical barriers to trade

5 Tasks of governmental surveillance Prevention and suppression of violation of requirements of technical regulations, standards, contacts and documented declarations on products (services) qualityPrevention and suppression of violation of requirements of technical regulations, standards, contacts and documented declarations on products (services) quality Prevention and suppression of metrological norms violationPrevention and suppression of metrological norms violation Prevention and suppression of violation of mandatory rules for conformity approvalPrevention and suppression of violation of mandatory rules for conformity approval

6 Legal Acts Laws of the Republic of Belarus «On technical regulation and standardization» «On assessment of conformity to the requirements of technical normative legal acts in the field of technical regulation and standardization» «On assurance of measurements uniformity» «On protection of customers rights» «On quality and safety of food raw material and foodstuffs for human life and health» «On trade»

7 Legal acts Decrees of the President of the Republic of Belarus «On governmental regulation of production, turnover, advertising and consumption of tobacco raw materials and tobacco products” «On perfection of governmental regulation of production, turnover, advertising of alcoholic inedible spirit-based products and inedible ethyl alcohol» Edict No. 268 of the President of the Republic of Belarus of 20 May 1998 «On improvement of the competitiveness of domestic products (works, services) and on increasing the responsibility of producers, suppliers and sellers for the products (works, services) quality»

8 Legal Acts Regulation No. 981 of the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus of 31 July 2006. “On approval of the Status of the State Committee for Standardization of the Republic of Belarus” Regulation No. 1371 of Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus of 1 September 1998. “On governmental surveillance on implementation of requirements of standards, assurance of uniformity of measurements and control after mandatory certification of the Republic of Belarus”

9 EURO-ASIAN COUNCIL FOR STANDARDIZATION, METROLOGY AND CERTIFICATION (EASC) ПМГ 32 -2006 Rules for intergovernmental standardization Order of state surveillance bodies interaction for observance of technical regulations EURO-ASIAN COUNCIL FOR STANDARDIZATION, METROLOGY AND CERTIFICATION (EASC)

10 The rules state the order of state surveillance bodies interaction for observance of technical regulations in CIS member- states, on basis of the examinations results of conformity to the mandatory requirements of the normative legal acts within technical regulations, standardization and conformity assessment. The rules adjust the items of interaction regarding conformity to the mandatory requirements of products produced in member-states of Agreement «Оn carrying out of coordinated policy within standardization, metrology and certification», or the products supplied from the other states.

11 Governmental surveillance is planning taking into account: Priority trends for governmental surveillance specified by Gosstandart; criterion tasks of Gosstandart; plan targets of the body of governmental surveillance; unscheduled tasks, carrying out on the initiative of law machinery and controlling units on complaints of customers and on other conditions when inspection of specific subject of business activity is required

12 Collection and analysis of information of the subject of business activity and the products being produced (works, services being realized); Analysis of technical normative legal acts related to the object of inspection, including used raw materials and components; Analysis of materials, information on quality, reclamations to quality received from main customers, trade and repair organizations, from mass media Analysis of the materials of inspections carried out previously at the subject of business activity by different bodies of governmental surveillance; The following actions are realized in preparing to inspection :

13 Collection and analysis of information of the necessity of mandatory certification of the output products, of availability of conformity certificates, certifications of the state hygienic registration; аnalysis and efficency of the measures adopted by the subject of entrepreneurship activity on elimination of violations the standards requirements as per the results of the preceeding examinations; аnalysis of execution by the subject of entrepreneurship activity of the instructions and resolutions of the use of leagal measures, issued by the state surveillance organizations on basis of the preceeding examinations results. During the examination preparation the following is done:

14 Responsibility for violation of the standards’ requirements Penalty provisions Operative sanctions (bans for realization of products batches, bans for realization of all the products) Сivil rights sanctions Criminal Аdministrative Disciplinary Мaterial Responsibility of the subjects of managements Personal liability

15 During the last 8 months of 2006 there have been carried out 3488 examinations of the subjects of entrepreneurship activity. Allocation of examinations as per the main life cycles of products or rendered services (in units): 15 Summary of the state standards surveillance

16 During the last 8 months of 2006 there have been carried out 3488 examinations, including the following types of products or rendered services: 16 Summary of the state standards surveillance

17 Thanks for attention

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