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Chapter 12 Blood Edited by Dr. Ryan Lambert-Bellacov.

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1 Chapter 12 Blood Edited by Dr. Ryan Lambert-Bellacov

2 Blood Average adult body has 8-10 pints of blood Function of the blood –Transport –Regulatory –Protection Edited by Dr. Ryan Lambert-Bellacov

3 Blood Composition Plasma Erythrocytes or red blood cells Leukocytes or white blood cells Thrombocytes or platelets Edited by Dr. Ryan Lambert-Bellacov

4 Blood Plasma Straw colored Comprises about 55% of the blood volume Water –92% of the total volume of plasma Plasma proteins –Fibrinogen –Albumin –Globulin Edited by Dr. Ryan Lambert-Bellacov

5 Blood Plasma Nutrients Electrolytes Hormones, vitamins, and enzymes Metabolic waste products Edited by Dr. Ryan Lambert-Bellacov

6 Red Blood Cells (RBCs) Hematopoiesis is the formation of all blood cells Occurs in the red bone marrow Certain lymphatic tissue produces some white blood cells Develop from stem cells

7 Erythropoiesis The manufacture of red blood cells (RBCs) RBCs live about 120 days Process of development and breakdown Normal ranges Edited by Dr. Ryan Lambert-Bellacov

8 Hemoglobin Erythrocytes contain a red pigment called hemoglobin Made of protein molecule called globin and an iron compound called heme Function of RBCs Normal ranges Hemolysis Edited by Dr. Ryan Lambert-Bellacov

9 White Blood Cells (WBCs) Called leukocytes Natural defense against injury and disease Types of leukocytes –Granulocytes –Agranulocytes Diapedesis Normal ranges

10 Types of WBCs – Granulocytes Made from cells called myeloblasts Neutrophils Eosinophils Basophils

11 Types of WBCs – Agranulocytes Lymphocytes –B-lymphocytes –T-lymphocytes Monocytes

12 Inflammation Occurs when living tissue is damaged in any way Signs and symptoms –Redness –Local heat –Swelling –Pain The inflammatory process

13 Thrombocytes (Blood Platelets) Function in the initiation of the blood-clotting process Normal ranges Blood-clotting or coagulation process is complex

14 Coagulation Injury leads to release of serotonin and thromboplastin Prothrombin converts to thrombin Fibrinogen converts to fibrin Clot Clotting time norms

15 Blood Types Types –A –B –AB –O Antigens and antibodies

16 Blood Types Agglutination Recipient and donor matching Universal donors RH factors Edited by Dr. Ryan Lambert-Bellacov

17 Blood Norms Bleeding time - is a blood test that looks at how fast small blood vessels close to stop you from bleeding Coagulation time-is a blood test which measures the time it takes for a clot to formclot in the plasma Hemoglobin count Platelet count Prothrombin time

18 Blood Norms Condition Prothrombin time Partial thromboplast in time Bleeding time Vitamin K deficiency prolonged unaffected Disseminate d intravascular coagulation prolonged Haemophiliaunaffectedprolongedunaffected Edited by Dr. Ryan Lambert-Bellacov

19 Blood Norms Sedimentation rate Red blood cell count White blood cell count Cholesterol level

20 Disorders of the Blood Anemia- low red blood cells Iron-deficiency anemia Sickle cell anemia Edited by Dr. Ryan Lambert-Bellacov

21 Disorders of the Blood Embolism Thrombosis Hematoma Edited by Dr. Ryan Lambert-Bellacov

22 Disorders of the Blood Hemophilia- increase clotting time Thombocytopenia Leukemia Multiple myeloma-cancer of the –plasma cells in bone marrow***** Edited by Dr. Ryan Lambert-Bellacov

23 Disorders of the Blood Back in the GameBack in the Game Sports Medicine is a clinic dedicated to the treatment of physical injuries to the body. Caring for an injured body involves more than making the diagnosis; it's about understanding and treating the cause to prevent future injuries. The clinic addresses variety of injuries to the body whether it be from a car accident to over-use trauma. When injuries occur, it is no longer enough for people to "take it easy for awhile" or "work through it." Sports medicine professionals like Back in the Game Edited by Dr. Ryan Lambert-Bellacov

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