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Modelling INSPIRE based data specifications for NATURE-SDIplus Co-funded by the Community Programme eContentplus ECP-2007-GEO-317007.

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Presentation on theme: "Modelling INSPIRE based data specifications for NATURE-SDIplus Co-funded by the Community Programme eContentplus ECP-2007-GEO-317007."— Presentation transcript:

1 Modelling INSPIRE based data specifications for NATURE-SDIplus Co-funded by the Community Programme eContentplus ECP-2007-GEO-317007

2 2 OBJECTIVE To contribute to the development of the data specifications regarding the 4 themes covered by NATURE-SDIplus and development of a data model on nature conservation:  Contribute to the testing of the INSPIRE Annex 1 proposed data specs  Development candidate data specifications for the 3 Annex 3 themes Theme 17: Theme 18: Theme 19:

3 METHODOLOGY Development of candidate data specifications for the following INSPIRE Annex 3 themes  Theme 17:  Theme 18:  Theme 19: 3

4 Extending As-is analysis with reference datasets and data models User needs Consider European reporting obligations Identify new use cases from a data-oriented perspective Developing data exchange models:  Conceptual breakdown  Consolidation analysis  Fine-tuning and elimination of candidates USED SOURCES 4

5 ATTRIBUTE MATRICES As-is analysisLegal ProvisionUse case Reference datasets & data models Attribute matrices  Thematic aggregation of attributes, frequencies and usage scopes  Comparison between content of existing models, as-is and use cases 5

6 Standards (ISO / INSPIRE)  Foundation schemas of ISO TC211  Base Types and Models of INSPIRE Generic Conceptual Model (GCM) UML CLASS DIAGRAM 6

7 X X X Listing and eliminating ideas  Quick mindmapping schemes  Frequent discussions  INSPIRE philosophy  “Keep it simple”  searching for common denominator  Review by Network partners 7

8 Creating the feature catalogue  Feature types (features and geometry)  Attributes  Data types –Enumerations - Codelists Feature catalogue: a catalogue containing definitions and descriptions of the feature types, feature attributes, and feature associations UML CLASS DIAGRAM 8

9 DATA MODELS: DISTRIBUTION FORMAT Expert users  UML diagram using Enterprise architect (difficult to interpret/hierarchy) 9

10 Expert users  UML diagram 10

11 DATA MODELS: DISTRIBUTION FORMAT Novice users  Dynamic HTML report including definitions and descriptions  Mindmapping schemes  Feature catalogue Often better insight into hierarchy, associations and application scheme structure (featuretype vs datatype) 11


13 FROM UML TO GML Transform the UML model into GML application schema  The standard ISO 19118 prescribes conversion rules for the translation from an application schema in UML into a corresponding XML Schema (W3C, 2002).  OGC: another XML format for GI encoding: GML.  Conversion rules: need to respect UML, ISO and GML constructs  SHAPECHANGE: a Java-based tool that takes a ISO 19109 application schema from a UML model and translates it into a GML application schema (Interactive Instruments) 13

14 From UML to GML Transform the UML model into GML application schema 14

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