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Freshwater Institute Institute of Ocean Sciences Institute Maurice Lamontagne Gulf Fisheries Center NW Atlantic Fisheries Center St. Andrews Biological.

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Presentation on theme: "Freshwater Institute Institute of Ocean Sciences Institute Maurice Lamontagne Gulf Fisheries Center NW Atlantic Fisheries Center St. Andrews Biological."— Presentation transcript:

1 Freshwater Institute Institute of Ocean Sciences Institute Maurice Lamontagne Gulf Fisheries Center NW Atlantic Fisheries Center St. Andrews Biological Station Bedford Institute of Oceanography Bayfield Institute Pacific Biological Station 3 Oceans Many Shelf and Inland Seas 6 DFO Regions 9+ Facilities Ocean Climate Monitoring & Research Programs in DFO Science Pacific Arctic Atlantic

2 Ocean Climate Setting for DFO Eastern Arctic and North Atlantic Programs Cold Currents Warm Currents Important region for the Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation (AMOC) and the global climate system Regional ocean climate and ecosystems in the North Atlantic’s subArctic and subpolar gyre G Holloway / P Jones I Yashayaev

3 Climate Change Setting for the Eastern Arctic and NW Atlantic Observed Global Surface Temperature Anomalies (relative to 1951-80) in recent years 2006 2007 NASA/GISS Predicted Change in Surface Air Temperatures from 1981-2000 to 2081-2100, from CGCM3 Model Note area of reduced warming in northern North Atlantic IPCC SRES B1 (550 ppm) experiment (5-member ensemble mean) EC - CCCMA

4 Major Components of DFO Ocean Climate Program for NW Atlantic and Eastern Arctic Monitoring –Atlantic Zone Monitoring Program (AZMP): Shelf/slope focus –Atlantic Zone Off-Shelf Monitoring Program (AZOMP) Lab Sea AR7W Line, Extended Halifax Line, Argo, Remote Sensing, Other?Lab Sea AR7W Line, Extended Halifax Line, Argo, Remote Sensing, Other? –Sea Level Network, Other Nearshore Research –Targeted Observations (e.g. Canadian Archipelago) –Analysis and Interpretation –Model simulations Shelf/Basin/Global Hindcasts, East Coast Ice-Ocean Forecast, Arctic Ice-Ocean –New “Climate Change Science Initiative (CCSI)” Scenarios, Impacts, Ocean Acidification, Hypoxia Data Archival and Dissemination –ISDM/MEDS, BIO and AZMP websites New Technologies –Icycler & Biocycler, Moving Vessel Profiler (MVP), SeaHorse –Remote Sensing & Coupled Models

5 Ocean Climate Monitoring in the NW Atlantic Extended Halifax Line AR7W Line Key Features on AR7W Line 4-D Observations from Argo & Off-Shelf AZOMP Lines Cross-shelf/slope AZMP Lines & Off-Shelf AZOMP Lines Core Variables in AZOMP CTD Temp, Sal, Oxygen (DO) Bottle Sal, DO, CO2, Alkalinity, Tracers (CFCs, I129) Biogenic carbon (particulate &dissolved) Plankton (bacteria, phyto & zooplankton) abundance and production Other Sampling in AZOMP XBTs & VMADCP LADCP (WHOI) Near-bottom mooring at 1000m on Lab Slope AZMP: A joint initiative of 5 DFO Labs AZOMP: Co-led by BIO OSD & ERD

6 Ocean Climate Research Themes at BIO (Ocean Sciences and Ecosystem Research Divisions) Arctic Circulation and Throughflow Water Mass and Circulation Variability in the NW Atlantic Subpolar Gyre Arctic-Atlantic Coupling in the Larger-Scale Climate System Circulation and Currents Variability along the NW Atlantic Slope Air-Sea Coupling Coastal Ocean Climate Marine Ecosystem Productivity (lower trophic levels) Circulation, Ice-Ocean and Waves Hindcasts and Forecasts New Methodologies for Marine Observations

7 Moored Current/Hydrographic Measurement Sites in the NW Atlantic since 2000 (involving BIO OSD) Issues: Arctic outflows (with UW) Labrador Current & other slope currents/hydrographic variability Currents variability for oil & gas regulatory issues Deep flows connecting to AMOC Locations since 2000 (at present): Davis Strait (w UW) Davis Strait (w UW) Labrador Shelf & Slope Labrador Shelf & Slope Orphan Basin & Knoll Orphan Basin & Knoll Flemish Pass Flemish Pass Laurentian Channel & Fan Laurentian Channel & Fan Scotian Slope (w & w/o UK POL in RAPID) Scotian Slope (w & w/o UK POL in RAPID)

8 Implementing Monitoring and Research: A Typical OSD-ERD AZOMP Expedition (May 2008) Leg 1: 9-12 days Research survey & moorings Orphan Basin/Knoll in 2008 & 2009 Leg 2: 15-18 days AZOMP surveys on: AR7W line Extended Halifax Line AZMP surveys on Hfx Line Piggy-back research when feasible

9 Ocean and Coupled (Ocean-Ice-Atmosphere) Modeling in CONCEPTS and GOAPP Ocean Model Domains Global (1 º ) N Atlantic (1/4 º ) NW Atlantic (1/4º) EAST (1/12 º ) North Pacific (1 º, 1/4 º ) NE Pacific (1/4 º, 1/12 º ) Arctic (1 º, 1/4 º ) - Using the OPA-NEMO system from Mercator (France) - DFO partnering with other Canadian agencies and Mercator in CONCEPTS for operational atmosphere-ice-ocean nowcasting & forecasting - Collaboration with Universities in GOAPP research network for predictability and prediction on weather and climate time scales - Includes ocean “re-analyses” - Applications to coupled hindcasts - Ice-ocean, phys-biogeochemical Wright, Lu, Foreman, Brickman, Davidson et al.

10 BIO in Lancaster Sound Other BIO Lead or Participation Others Moored Measurements of Volume and Freshwater Transports from the Arctic to the Atlantic Ocean Current-Meter Moorings in Lancaster Sound since 1998 What are the transport rates, and how are they changing ? ICYCLER A new moored profiler to measure Freshwater Transport below sea ice Prinsenberg, Hamilton, Petrie with Lee (UW)

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