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Learning Disabilities The Largest Exceptionality.

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1 Learning Disabilities The Largest Exceptionality

2 Learning Disabilities Sam Kirk( 1960’s) invented the term. (relatively new “disorder”) 43% of exceptionalities identified in Ontario.

3 Misconceptions about L.D. Not a “social invention.” Heredity plays no role.- IT DOES! A school problem only Caused by dyspedagogia Will outgrow Highly Intelligent students Same as Acquired Brain Injury (ABI) ADHD Higher rate of delinquency No test available

4 Definitions Many definitions, slightly different yet many commonalities: L.D.A.O official definition-2001 (p. 93) Ministry of Education Definition- p.93 text National Joint Committee on LD(USA)-1988

5 Definition of L.D. More easily defined by WHAT IT’S NOT! Sensory impairment. Emotional disturbance, physical disability, cultural differences or developmental delay are not primary causes of L.D. Not a global impairment Not consistent, easily measured nor clear.

6 Learning Disabilities Common Criteria: Difficulty in dealing with (language based) information Might be: Understanding and taking in information Integrating information with what they already know Expressing information on basis of what they know or have taken in…or A combination of any 2 of the above or all 3!!!!

7 Characteristics of L.D. Difficulty processing language Variations in ability English Language Miscommunication Memory Metacogition Sequence and Order difficulties Poor time management Inconsistent and Episodic Difficulty paying attention Low Self Esteem

8 Assessment of L.D. Teamwork is essential: teacher, parent, E.A., other professionals share findings Understanding of the Exceptionality Careful Observation Time Informal aids: rating scales, checklists DRA’s Formal Testing ( I.Q and Achievement)

9 Issues in the field of L.D. Teacher preparation Lack of universally accepted definition Assessing Co-morbidity Integration (inclusion) vs. Segregation Gender representation Overidentification Quackery and Experimental Science

10 2 Simple Essentials Time Lots of it….. p.106 Weber and Bennet Drill Practice, practice, practice

11 Important Websites Learning Disabilities Association of Canada Learning Disabilities Association of Ontario LD on line National Council for Learning Disabilities

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