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Regional GIS Users Group Meeting Wednesday, February 18 th 2009 10:00 AM - Noon Amphitheater, C – Level NEXT MEETING MAY 13

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Presentation on theme: "Regional GIS Users Group Meeting Wednesday, February 18 th 2009 10:00 AM - Noon Amphitheater, C – Level NEXT MEETING MAY 13"— Presentation transcript:

1 Regional GIS Users Group Meeting Wednesday, February 18 th 2009 10:00 AM - Noon Amphitheater, C – Level NEXT MEETING MAY 13

2 Cooperative Purchase Agreement Must decide if you are going to join Sanborn quote and specs in handout –Review for changes and make decision –Need verification from counties to continue Present to ARC Board as a programmatic element for Calendar year 2010 USGS contributing

3 Aerials Express Imagery Purchase Jan/Feb 2009 imagery was flown Imagery is to be delivered to Atlanta by mid to late March 1.5 foot Receive one set of the imagery in ECW and TIFF/TFW format, projected into State Plane NAD83 Georgia West Feet

4 Aerials Express Pricing Number of Participants 1 2-3 4-5 6+ Price for Participants $17,500 $15,000 $12,500 $10,000

5 Primary Data Model Items Address Facility Operation Road name Route Number Route Type/Jurisdiction Shoulder Width/ Type Speed Limit Surface Width/ Type Travel Lanes Sidewalks Regional Street Data Program

6 Rockdale County streets conflated –Assigned GDOT route numbers/ IDs to Rockdale street segments –Tagged, noting direction –Rockdale agreed to have arcs/address & ZIP fields flipped –Rockdale using conflated streets –GDOT working on route builder tool to build county map with local streets Regional Street Data Program

7 Conflated Rockdale Streets

8 Updated RC Tool

9 Parallel Street Effort Updating Atlanta Region Streets Requesting street data from Counties Can transfer via Goal to have local street data by April 1

10 GIS Training at ARC ARC has upgraded to the ArcGIS Desktop 9.3 curriculum New course outlines, lectures and exercise books Currently offering ArcGIS Desktop I and II May add Desktop III next year Registration is handled through ARC’s Community Planning Academy Next class will be ArcGIS Desktop II: Tools and Functionality on March 4-6 Email class announcements for Desktop II will be going out soon 3 day class, cost is $340, available to local government staff only (city, county, water authorities, transit agencies, etc.) Class size limited to 12 Please contact Paul DiGirolamo at 404-463-3520 or for more information Check the Community Planning Academy page of ARC’s website for upcoming classes and online registration Considering adding a Spatial Analyst class, wanted to gauge interest, please let us know if that is something that would be useful

11 ESRI Curriculum Changes ArcGIS Desktop v 9.2 ArcGIS Desktop v 9.3 Learning GIS w/ ArcGIS ArcGIS Desktop I: Getting Desktop Started with ArcGIS Introduction to ArcGIS IArcGIS Desktop II: Tools and Functionality Introduction to ArcGIS IIArcGIS Desktop III: Workflows and Analysis

12 ArcGIS Server Migrating from ArcIMS 9.2 to ArcGIS Server platform –Completed implementation of Latitude Geographics Geocortex Essentials for ArcGIS Server 9.2 –Upgraded ArcIMS 9.2 to 9.3 –Upgraded ArcGIS Server 9.2 to 9.3 and Geocortex Essentials 1.5.1 –Configuration and Internal Testing of GE application –Geocortex Essentials Training in Charlotte

13 PECAS −Production Exchange Consumption Allocation System −Developed by Drs Doug Hunt and John Abraham of University of Calgary −I-O economic model approach −Two Modules, run Sequentially and Annually Activity Allocation (HH and Jobs) Module Space Development Module −78 LUZ zones for 20-County model −Landuse forecast −Small area population and employment forecast −Generate input for Travel Demand Model PECAS Modeling Progress

14 SD Progress –Build rent equations for Fulton –Build Space Synthesizer for 15 counties –Evaluation and Calibration of Initial Results from Synthesizer Runs –Migrate SD to PostgreSQL PECAS Modeling Progress


16 AA Progress –Initial Integration with Travel Demand Model (Skims) –Unconstrained Run in June of 2008 –Beginning of 2 nd Stage Calibration (Imports and Exports; Option Sizes) –Development of Constraint Values (Jobs, Households by Income, Imports/ Exports) –Constrained AA Run October 2008 PECAS Modeling Progress

17 Data Development Progress –PUMS,IMPLAN, SF3 Data Development for Use with AA –Employment by PECAS category (industry by occupation by space type) –Development of Space Constraints Using NAICS Employment and LandPro PECAS Modeling Progress

18 In 2009 –Build Synthesizer for remaining 5 counties –Standardize zoning and density layer –Recode ARC SD model –Code rent equations into SD –Floorspace quantity adjustment –Establish Transport Cost Coefficients –Revise Design Diagram –Start calibrating prices from AA PECAS Modeling Progress

19 TAZ Disaggregator What is TAZ-D? - ArcMap Extension - Spatial Analyst - Developed By PBS&J

20 TAZ Disaggregator What will TAZ-D do? –TAZ level data for Travel Demand Model –Disaggregate future forecast to Super Districts (78) and TAZs (2024) -landuse -employment -household -population –Improve ARC Zapping procedure replace FORTRAN programs Incorporate geospatial factors vs. existing share based

21 TAZ Disaggregator Major Input data: –REMI forecast –Landpro –Street centerline –Travel impedance matrix –Transit –Parcels –Any geospatial factors

22 TAZ Disaggregator How does TAZ-D disaggregate…? –Apply factors and weighted scores –Spatial Analyst & raster conversion –Calculate and rank the likelihood of development –Calibration –Allocate the future development –Make animation

23 TAZ Disaggregator Output –At Super District and TAZ level: Future employment by 21 NAICS categories Population Household by 4x6 HHInc Size categories –Animation of future development Progress –Working on redevelopment module –Will test the full function and calibration in next two weeks

24 TAZ Disaggregator

25 Other Announcements ARC requesting current City boundaries

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