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Retrofit Doors to Open Vertical Cases Provisional UES Proposal Presentation to the Regional Technical Forum August 30, 2011 1.

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Presentation on theme: "Retrofit Doors to Open Vertical Cases Provisional UES Proposal Presentation to the Regional Technical Forum August 30, 2011 1."— Presentation transcript:

1 Retrofit Doors to Open Vertical Cases Provisional UES Proposal Presentation to the Regional Technical Forum August 30, 2011 1

2 Measure Summary Retrofitting insulated glass doors to existing medium temperature open multi-deck cases Provisional savings estimates ~440-kWh/lin ft and 52-therms/lin ft Based on a calibrated DOE2.2r simulation Requesting Provisional UES Status 2

3 UES Analysis Summary 3

4 Appendix A: Provisional UES Checklist 4

5 5 Appendix B: UES Measure Summary

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10 Implementation and Product Standards 10 No anti-sweat heat in door glass, frames or mounting equipment Total lighting power may not be increased as a part of the retrofit

11 Estimation Procedure 11 Modeled using DOE 2.2R to capture interactive effects “Typical” store was built using GrocerSmart Audit Data Multiplex Baseline assumes Floating Head Pressure, T8 lamps, and EC motors are in place. Stand-alone system baseline assumes T8 lamps and EC motors. Infiltration, conduction, and radiation load based on manufacturer data, the ASHRAE Refrigeration Handbook, and SCE lab test reports

12 Model Calibration: Whole Building 12

13 Model Calibration: Compressor Energy Use 13

14 Model Calibration- Baseline: Case Refrigeration Load 14 Total case load based on ANSI/ASHRAE 72 testing = 1600 btu/hr-ft ASHRAE data used to disaggregate load components

15 Model Calibration – Efficient-Case: Fixture Refrigeration Load 15

16 Costs Estimated All measure variants: $566/ft Average of 4 bids from 2 vendors Includes additional costs from minor system upgrades required to compensate for reduced load (replace expansion valves, etc.) 16

17 Measure Effective Useful Life EUL: 12 years Source: CALMAC Assumes display cases have a 16 year EUL and have expended 25% of EUL 17

18 Reliable Efficient Case Data 18

19 Calibration Plan Collect Metered Data – Rack: Volts, Amps, PF – Condenser: Volts, Amps, PF – Defrost: 1-time Voltage reading, Amps – HVAC Unit: 1-time Voltage reading, Amps – Hourly Natural Gas via Utility Interval Meter – Hourly Outside Air Temperature Minimum 3 weeks baseline Minimum 3-weeks post – This is a direct load measure. We expect less seasonal interaction than system measures like floating head pressure. 19

20 Calibration Plan Develop regressions for daily or hourly refrigeration use correlated to ambient temperature Annualize using TMY data – Pre, Post and Savings (Pre minus Post) 20

21 Calibration Plan Collect DOE2.2r inputs per data collection specifications Use inputs to run DOE2.2r for Baseline & Post estimates of total refrigeration energy Compare estimates of Baseline, Post & Savings estimates of refrigeration energy to best-practice estimates Modify DOE2.2r models and iterate tests until both baseline energy use, post energy use and energy savings at all sites are reasonable and there is no significant bias. 21

22 Proposed Provisional UES Values Measure Site Savings (kWh/ft) Site Savings (therms/ft) Measure Life Capital Cost ($/ft) TRC B/C Ratio Door Retrofit- No night covers in Baseline/Multiplex Compressor- Seattle, WA457.257.412$566 2.2 Door Retrofit- Night covers in Baseline/Multiplex Compressor- Seattle, WA415.251.912$566 2.0 Door Retrofit- No night covers in Baseline/Stand-alone Compressor- Seattle, WA477.457.412$566 2.2 Door Retrofit- Night covers in Baseline/Stand-alone Compressor- Seattle, WA432.751.912$566 2.0 Door Retrofit- No night covers in Baseline/Multiplex Compressor- Spokane, WA419.151.712$566 2.0 Door Retrofit- Night covers in Baseline/Multiplex Compressor- Spokane, WA377.546.512$566 1.8 Door Retrofit- No night covers in Baseline/Stand-alone Compressor- Spokane, WA436.751.712$566 2.0 Door Retrofit- Night covers in Baseline/Stand-alone Compressor- Spokane, WA392.746.512$566 1.8 Door Retrofit- No night covers in Baseline/Multiplex Compressor- Billings, MT417.348.012$566 1.9 Door Retrofit- Night covers in Baseline/Multiplex Compressor- Billings, MT371.643.112$566 1.7 Door Retrofit- No night covers in Baseline/Stand-alone Compressor- Billings, MT433.948.012$566 2.0 Door Retrofit- Night covers in Baseline/Stand-alone Compressor- Billings, MT386.143.112$566 1.8

23 RTF Proposed Motion: “I _________ move that the RTF approve the UES for Adding Doors to Medium Temperature Open Vertical Refrigerated Display Cases under provisional status with a sunset date of August 31 st, 2013.

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