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Semester 1, Day 15 Immune System Continued. Agenda  Review for Quiz  Take Quiz  Lecture on Immune System Continued  Turn in Homework Packet  Presentations.

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Presentation on theme: "Semester 1, Day 15 Immune System Continued. Agenda  Review for Quiz  Take Quiz  Lecture on Immune System Continued  Turn in Homework Packet  Presentations."— Presentation transcript:

1 Semester 1, Day 15 Immune System Continued

2 Agenda  Review for Quiz  Take Quiz  Lecture on Immune System Continued  Turn in Homework Packet  Presentations  Reading/Work Time

3 Review for Quiz  Definitions  Pathogens and Diseases they cause  Categorize pathogens as pro, eu, or neither  Types of transmission  Definition and example of vector  Three ways pathogens cause disease  Secondary infection vs. primary infection  Two types of nonspecific defenses. What is nonspecific?  Relate antibodies to vaccinations  Antibiotic vs. Antiviral

4 Take Quiz

5 Recall White Blood Cells (Leukocytes): Protect against disease White Blood Cells (Leukocytes): Protect against disease Phagocytes: Engulf harmful invaders, general Phagocytes: Engulf harmful invaders, general Lymphocytes: Immune response cells, specific Lymphocytes: Immune response cells, specific Neutrophils: Main phagocyte Neutrophils: Main phagocyte Macrophage: Large phagocyte Macrophage: Large phagocyte Helper T-Cell: Activate B-cells Helper T-Cell: Activate B-cells B-Cell: Produce antibodies B-Cell: Produce antibodies

6 Immune System  2 Systems  Innate Immune Response (Nonspecific): rapid and broad  Adaptive Immune Response (Specific): slow but more effective  Vaccinations use AIR  Dead pathogens cause AIR to “learn” so it can have a faster response for live pathogens

7 Immune System  Leukocytes: White blood cells  Leukemia is cancer in which white blood cells are not properly formed and results in poor immunity  Two Categories: phagocytes (innate) & lymphocytes (adaptive)  Phagocytes = ingesting  Neutrophils, Monocytes, Macrophages, Dendritic Cells, and Mast Cells  Lymphocytes = learning  T-Cells, B-Cells, and natural killer cells

8 Immune System  Neutrophils: Most common white blood cell, first line of defense, INNATE IMMUNE SYSTEM  Three steps: 1. Chemotaxis 2. Phagocytosis 3. Apoptosis

9 Immune System 1.Chemotaxis A.Pathogen makes chems. B.Cells respond: produce proteins called chemokines C.Chemokines recruit neutrophils

10 Check For Understanding  If a cell produces high levels of chemokines, then… 1. No neutrophils be recruited 2. Few neutrophils be recruited 3. A moderate amount of neutrophils be recruited 4. Many neutrophils be recruited

11 Immune System 2. Phagocytosis A. Neutrophil IDs pathogen B. Neu. ingests (swallows) path. C. Neu.kills path. w/ toxic chems.

12 Immune System 3. Apoptosis A. Neutrophil does “programmed cell death”: Safely disposes of dead neu. w/ dead path, prevents more damage

13 Vocabulary  Antigen: proteins on surface of paths.  Processed Antigen: prepared antigen  Antibody: a protein that fights a specific antigen  Activated B-Cell: “antibody factories”  Memory B-Cell: remember previous antigen interaction  Macrophage: a large phagocytic cell  Helper T-Cell: activates B-cells





18 Immune System  Antibody Mediated Response 

19 Immune System Antibody Mediated Response 1.Macrophage “eats” & processes antigen. 2.Gives PA to Helper T-Cell 3.HT-C gives PA to B-Cell to activate B-C 4.Activated B-Cs divide Some make antibodies for now Some stay as memory B-Cs for later

20 Immune System  Passive Immunity:  Temp. protection  Antibodies from others  Ex. breast milk, blood  Active Immunity:  Through AMR  OR through vaccination  Deliberately expose body to dead pathogens

21 Primary versus Secondary Response  Draw graph:  Vaccinations effective due to secondary immune response  More rapid response (steeper curve)  Greater response (larger hill)

22 Using this information  Edit your story / skit using what you have learned about neutrophils  Chemotaxis: “recruitment”  Phagocytosis: “the fight”  Apoptosis: “sacrifice”  We will present tomorrow  Use immunity packet; will be collected at end of period

23 Work/Reading Time  Read Section 39.2  Section 39.2 #1-5  Chapter 39 Review #8, 12, 13, 17-19

24 Homework Due  Immune System Packet

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