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Commonwealth Local Government Forum CLGF Achievements 2009-2011 Secretary-General’s Report (based on business plan priorities)

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Presentation on theme: "Commonwealth Local Government Forum CLGF Achievements 2009-2011 Secretary-General’s Report (based on business plan priorities)"— Presentation transcript:

1 Commonwealth Local Government Forum CLGF Achievements 2009-2011 Secretary-General’s Report (based on business plan priorities)

2 1. Democratic values and good governance Success at 2009 CHOGM Trinidad: T & T Affirmation incorporates Aberdeen principles; CLGF work and Freeport Declaration welcomed; CLGF inputs foreign ministers’ meeting Impact on Commonwealth EPG review; interaction Chairperson-in-Office/ SG/DGS/senior staff: moves towards new strategic partnerships (with CBC/CPA) Impact on UN Kampala summit -highlights LG role in meeting MDGs; also UN Habitat, IDB, WHO, EU policy Commonwealth Local Government Forum

3 Pakistan: support, local democracy campaign- Colombo seminar, Canada study visit (provincial officials) Malawi: support, local election process- MPs study visits (Uganda, Zambia), national seminar (Lilongwe), expert Maldives: study visit (Bahamas), technical advice, 2011 election assessment team led by CLGF Chairperson Seychelles: technical and advice, study visit, Mauritius Zimbabwe: donors’ roundtable (Harare), LG input to constitution, led Commonwealth initiative (Jo’burg) Tonga: Voter awareness programme (+10% turnout)

4 2. Local government capacity GPS: projects in Ghana, India, Jamaica, Pakistan, Sierra Leone, South Africa; new 5 year funding for PNG project Pacific: regional programme (new funding agreed), Honiara project; Port Vila regional symposium; M&E Southern Africa: Regional strategy /study/and workshop, input SADC ministers’ Windhoek & Luanda Caribbean: CARILED preparations (with FCM); consultations Belize, Jamaica, Trinidad €5 M ACP LG capacity-building project (with VNG) Zimbabwe ACB project started (with LGA; SKL, VNG) Commonwealth Local Government Forum

5 Strategic & corporate plan, Honiara & Port Vila councils 5 year action plan, women’s participation, Cook Is Strategic plan, urban level LG association; PNG Promote SMEs, S Tshwete/eThekwini, S Africa/Leeds UK Waste management, Bo/Makeni S Leone /Warwicks UK Rural employment, Upper Denkiya Ghana/Hamps UK ICT for local services, Kingston Jamaica /Lewisham UK Waterfront management, Varodara India/Cardiff UK LED strategy, Vhembe S Africa/ Gondal, India

6 3. Exchanging good practice Highly Successful CLGC, Freeport, Bahamas 2009 CLGF Symposia/roundtables in Mauritius 2009, Gaborone, Valetta, Port Vila, Windhoek 2010 Inclusive Cities Network: Ahmedabad, Jo’burg 2010 New 6 year contract CLGF Handbook; 2011 edition Production/distribution of in-depth e-journal (UTS) Research: municipal finance, LED, women, urbanisation Preparation, CLGC 2011 & selection process, 2013 CLGC Commonwealth Local Government Forum

7 4. Serving our members 2010 Board meeting Gaborone, PRC meetings Mauritius & London; close contacts Chairperson/Board/Treasurer Improved communications strategy: updated website, new monthly e-bulletin, new format news bulletin New membership recruitment/retention strategy (Rwanda, Angola) assignment of member liaison staff Updating of membership database; better ICT use Streamlined governance: new EC, Board portfolio holder Commonwealth Local Government Forum

8 5. Strengthening CLGF’s Organisation Strategic review recommendations implemented, 2010 More transparent financial strategy and assessing risks Improved management/ organisation and staff capacity and CLGF presence/programmes planned in all regions New participatory business planning process 2010-13 Better coordination, CPA/CBC/Commonwealth organisations, UCLG (Mexico), AIMF and other partners Stronger corporate partner support: UK Publications, TATA, Microsoft-DELL Commonwealth Local Government Forum


10 6. Thank you Chair Zenaida Moya Flowers and Vice Chairs Adolf Mwesige and Amos Masondo, Treasurer Simon Baker Chair review committee, Basil Morrison and members All Board members, notably Hon Mokalake, Cllr Berman Our dear friend, the late James Burty David of Mauritius Our patrons- President Museveni, PM Golding, Ms Clark Our donors & partners: NZ, AusAID, EU, DFID, Comsec The hard-working CLGF staff in London and elsewhere You, all our members and associates - for your support Commonwealth Local Government Forum

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