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Discovering the Best-Kept Thinking, Learning & Communicating Secrets of Successful Teenagers.

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Presentation on theme: "Discovering the Best-Kept Thinking, Learning & Communicating Secrets of Successful Teenagers."— Presentation transcript:

1 Discovering the Best-Kept Thinking, Learning & Communicating Secrets of Successful Teenagers

2  Success is the feeling of satisfaction that comes from doing and being your best.  Think about having the most good days as possible and accomplishing your goals.  Think TLC (thinking, learning and communication).

3  Better thinking which develops your “self- smarts.”  Better learning which develops your “self- smarts.”  Better communicating which develops your “people-smarts.”

4  In school so much of what focused on is related to IQ (Intelligence Quotient). This equals book-smarts, your natural brain power, which most people think is responsible for your success in school.  IQ is not what makes the difference between the top 20 and the bottom 80.  The biggest difference is EQ

5  EQ (Emotional Quotient)= another way of becoming self-smart, people-smart, and school-smart.  The good news is that EQ can be easily developed and improved.  Let’s get going…

6  Compare IQ and EQ to the wheels on a bicycle:  The back wheel drives the bike and the front wheel steers the bike.  Where we end up is a result of our EQ.  You steer your life in the direction you want to go IQ EQ

7 Self-SmartSchool-SmartPeople-Smart Living with a positive attitude Finding relevancyGetting along well with others Monitoring your moods and behaviors Eliminating boredomListening and talking effectively Improving self confidence Developing organizational skills Resolving conflict Bouncing back from adversity Making realizationsBecoming immune to negative influences Getting into the ZONE EQ = thinking + Learning + Communicating self-smart school-smart people-smart

8  Success = IQ X EQ  Imagine your IQ and EQ on a scale of 1-10. If you have an average IQ of 5 and a low EQ of 2, your total success score will be a 10.

9  Sally is bright (IQ=8) and has her hand up all the time. She lacks friends because she is arrogant, boastful, and irritates people. Sally doesn’t have many people skills (EQ=2). Her total success is only… 16

10  Behind Sally sits Anthony who has average brain power (IQ=5). Anthony never gets any A’s and struggles to get B’s and C’s. He is dependable, trustworthy, and brings out the best in others (EQ=8). His success total is … 40

11  Anthony’s success total is more than double that of Sally’s!  If Sally increases her EQ by developing some Top 20 skills and Star Qualities, she would improve the ride she is taking through the high school and the rest of her life.  Many students with a high IQ aren’t even using it; they are only performing as if their IQ is only 4. Think of what that does…

12  listen to the reading …  When average IQ students become aware of this possibility they see potential for positive changes in their lives. I can get better grades I can make more friends

13  An important part of life is problem-solving and most of life’s problems are EQ related.  We know when adults fail in the real world it is not usually because of lack of intelligence but because they are unable to work effectively with other people.  This is even more true in our family life and friendships.  YOU HAVE THE POWER TO RAISE YOUR EQ.

14  How would you rate yourself on the IQ and EQ scales?  In which of the EQ areas do you most want to improve: Self-Smarts? People-Smarts? School-Smarts?

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